Sick Leave Emails

A sick leave email is sent to the manager when the employee feels unwell. Even though sending the email to get leave is better than writing it on paper, it is always needed by the employee to word the email properly. An email not written correctly can leave a bad impression on the reader.

Tips for writing sick leave email

You should know what should be included in the email before you hit the ‘’send’’ button. Here are a few tips that can help you write an effective sick leave.

  1. Many organizations want to know if you will be available by email. You should tell the reader how often you are going to check the emails to respond. Tell your manager what to do if any question arises in your absence. Sometimes, you may want to work from home since you are contagious to drive to work. You can ask the manager to contact you on the phone.
  2. It should also be told in the email if you need a paid leave or unpaid.
  3. It is not recommended to share too many details about your illness since the manager is not interested in knowing this. Infact, nobody wants to get into details of your illness.
  4. The tone in the email should be courteous. Be polite while telling your manager that you are not feeling well.
  5. The best time to send the email is the night before going to work. The manager should receive the email early in the morning so that he can adjust accordingly.

To save the company from inconvenience, you can contact your team members and ask them to adjust well in your absence. Add your phone number in the email which you can contact when needed. Every company likes responsible employees.

It puts a very good impression on the mind of the employer when you write the email ahead of time with great responsibility and also tell the employer that you will be able to respond to their emails and phone calls.

Sample Emails for Various Situations

Sick leaves are taken on days when you are not feeling well. It could be a flu, pain, or an infection. A day’s sick leave is usually taken randomly and suddenly, as you never know when you could fall sick. However, it is still important to inform at work that you will not be able to go to work on a particular day. A quick email to the boss would be enough.

Are you confused about how to write a sick leave email to your boss? Have a look at our samples for sick leave email for one day.


Subject: Sick leave for a day

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to inform you that I will not be able to come to work today. I have caught the flu viral and have a headache. I have taken medicine and would like to rest today. I hope to feel better and come to work tomorrow.



Subject: Leave for a medical reason

Dear Sir/Madam,

I was unable to come to work today as I fell down the stairs and sprained my ankle severely. Thankfully, my sister was there to help me to bring me to my room. I have treated my ankle with warm water and taken a painkiller for the pain. I hope to feel better soon. I will come to work tomorrow. Miss Samantha has kindly agreed to look over my job responsibilities for today.



Subject: Request for one-day sick leave


Dear Sir/Madam,

Today I was unable to come to work on account of being ill. I caught a severe stomach infection at lunchtime yesterday and was in a lot of pain. I had a high fever and was unable to concentrate on any task. Therefore, I request you to kindly mark my leave as sick leave. I hope to feel better by tomorrow and come to work.



Sick leave emails