Absence Excuse Letter for Passport Work

In some countries, getting a new passport is time-consuming. Many important things need to be done, and the individual needs to be physically present. There may even be long queues in which one has to wait for their turn. If it is time to get a new passport, you will need to be absent from work so that all the passport work can occur.

When one has a valid excuse for being absent from work, such as getting passport work done, they will compose an excuse letter that they must submit to their employer. This letter will inform them why they need to miss work.

If you do not want to get a bad impression from your boss that you are careless, you must tell your boss that time off work is required. In fact, according to some company policies, the staff is responsible for informing the employer beforehand when they need to be absent from work. This leads to less disturbance being caused to the workplace running due to your absence.

When composing an excuse letter, you should only include relevant information. The following tips can give you some ideas:

  1. Choose the correct application: You must type it out because this is a professional letter. This can be done in Microsoft Word. You will be able to compose a formal letter here.
  2. Points to include: An excuse letter must include some points. This includes the reason why you need to be absent. You will state what passport work needs to be done that requires your presence, such as signatures, pictures, etc. Make it short. The dates that you plan to be absent must be given.
  3. Offer to make up for your absence: The passport work will be done during the day, so you can offer to receive any work via email that you will do in the afternoon when you are free.

Find out how many days before you must inform your employer when you must be absent from work. Be precise when composing an excuse letter.

Sample Letter

Rehab Hogan
The Assistant Professor
45AK- Nitin Town Area
Zip Code 43729, Portland

17th April 20XX

Raj Nehan Singh
The Administrator
Doughman Sarte College and University
340-Delhi Heights, Portland

Re. Excuse for Being Absent from Office due to Passport Work

Dear Singh,

It is stated that I cannot attend the university as I have to appear before the manager of the passport office in Portland. I had recently applied for a foreign scholarship for my postdoctorate, but the grant was denied because of some technical faults in the proceedings. I went to the USA to attend a conference on Medical Sociology in Houston. At that time, I did not know the legal statutes related to government employees’ policies on foreign trips.

I went to attend the conference during summer vacation, so I did not feel the need to inform the institution. There was no intrusion on my part, neither at the airport customs nor on my return to Portland. I stayed there for two months and resumed my work at the university regularly.

Now, I am called to attend an International Conference on Medical and Mental Sociology in Toronto, Canada. Recently, I learned about the legal proceedings and statutes regarding government employees’ policies on foreign trips. The conference can play a vital and crucial role in my career, so I feel it is significant to visit it.

I applied for the changes in my passport according to government employees’ passports. The manager from the passport office in Portland sent me an email yesterday directing me to call the Manager of the passport office by tomorrow at 10 a.m. My prompt meeting can result in an immediate solution to my problem with the passport, so I feel I should call on Mr. Nervine, the Manager, tomorrow.

I hope you understand the problem and the crucial need for leave. I would be grateful if you could grant me one day of rest for 18th April 20XX.

I pay my regards and thanks in anticipation.



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