Absence Excuse Letter due to Kids’ School Activity

There are different activities that kids are involved in at school. For some of these, the participation of parents is necessary. If the parent works and the school activity is during work timings, they will need to excuse themselves from work. They can do this with an absence excuse letter due to kids’ school activities.

What is an absence excuse letter due to kids’ school activity?

An absence excuse letter due to a kid’s school activity is a letter that a parent will write to their boss to inform them that they will be absent from work because they have to participate in their kid’s school activity. The parent will request the workplace to agree to this and allow them to be absent.

Importance of an absence excuse letter due to kids’ school activity:

An absence excuse letter due to kids’ school activity is important because it lets a parent professionally inform their workplace that they need to be absent on a certain day. The letter will give the reason for this, i.e. the parent needs to attend a school activity for their kid. In the letter, the parent can tell why it is important to attend the activity. The details of when the absence will occur will be given.

The workplace will be informed promptly and can behave accordingly. If the employee does not let their boss know that they will be absent, they can face complications later on and a negative image will be given of them.

When to write:

The letter should be written a few days before the school activity. In this way, the boss can arrange what to do so that no negative impact occurs due to your absence. They may provide you with more work to do before the absence for instance.

Benefits of writing the letter:

An absence excuse letter due to kids’ school activity is beneficial due to the following reasons:

It lets an employee inform their boss that they need to be absent:

Whenever an employee wants to be absent from work, they will have to inform the workplace about this in advance. A professional and formal way to do this is by sending a letter. In the letter, the employee can give the reasons why they need to be absent. The date or dates they need to be absent will be given as well.

Proof that the employee was absent:

The letter can be kept in the file of the employee as proof that they were absent on a certain day. If the letter needs to be consulted, later on, it will be known why the employee was absent as well.

It allows the workplace to arrange what to do:

When you have informed your boss beforehand that you need to be excused from work on a certain day, they will know that you will be absent. You will be showing your employer that you care about your duties and behave professionally. The workplace can arrange how to handle the work you would need to do on that day.

They may do this by providing you with some work to do at home after the school activity for instance. It looks more professional when you inform your workplace before being absent from work rather than being absent and not letting them know why.

Sample absence excuse due to kids’ school activity:


Name of Employer


Name of Company


Dear Mr./Mrs./Miss. (Name of Employer),

I am (state your name) and work in the post of (tell your post). I am writing this letter to let you know that I will need to be absent from work on (give a date when you want to be excused from work). This is because I need to attend my kids’ school activities.

I must be there because (tell me why you need to attend the school activity). If I do not do so (tell me what will happen if you do not attend the activity).

I will need to be absent from work because the activity will be from (tell timings of activity). These are my work timings.

I hope you excuse me from work on this day. I will make up for the absence.


Yours sincerely,

(Your Name)


Absence Excuse Letter due to Kids’ School Activity

Sample Letter File 91 KB