You are expected to write an apology whenever you make a mistake. Remember that admitting the mistake and feeling regretful about it will never lessen your respect. Rather, it shows that you are a person who is mature enough to understand whenever something bad happens.
Why is it important to say sorry for forgery?
If you have been convicted of the forgery crime, you should know that the only way to escape the situation is to say sorry. When you write the apology, you let the reader know that you are aware of your mistake and ready to rebuild trust.
It also helps you make an impression on people who have already started to think of you as a negative person who can commit the crime of faking someone’s signature. When you write the letter to express how remorseful you are and express your willingness to accept the penalty, it shows that you are not writing the letter of regret to escape the situation but because you have realized how offensive your crime was.
How to write an apology letter for forgery?
An apology letter requires you to be mindful of your writing and how to convey your apology to the reader. Follow the tips given below and write an effective letter to express regret.
Know the policy of the institute:
In most situations, institutes are written an apology letter. If this is the case, you must know the institute’s policy. This way, you will be able to know how the institute is likely to deal with you if you promise not to forge the signatures of anyone ever again.
Try to understand the situation:
Although writing an apology letter is a best practice when you have committed a crime, it is better to analyze the situation and evaluate whether it is viable to write an apology.
Don’t give justification:
Sometimes, we feel that explaining things can save us. However, we don’t know the difference between explanation and justification. Our justification looks as if we are trying to prove that whatever we have done was right, that we are not feeling regretful, and that we are apologizing to save the relationship. Due to this, no matter how you choose to say sorry, never use words like “if” and “but.”
Explain the crime:
Let the reader know how you forged signatures and what your purpose behind it was. Also, inform him that you have realized your mistake and that whatever you have done is a serious offense. The explanation should be brief and not biased.
Proofread the letter well:
Your letter should be error-free. If you include any mistakes, the reader will understand that you are a non-serious person. Ask someone to read the letter for you and point out your mistakes.
Below is a sample letter of regret that a student has written to the school principal after learning that forgery is a wrong act and that he can be punished for it.
Sample letters
Dear Ifra, I am sorry for the incident and the consequences you have faced due to my fault. I forged Mr. Mikos’ signature on purpose.
This is one of the worst mistakes of my professional career. On [DATE], Ms. Saika presented the employee reimbursement file and other urgent matters to discuss. I had a payment to be reimbursed for my business trip to [LOCATION]. The reimbursement file also contained payments for other staff that needed to be signed urgently. I forged his signature in Mr. Miko’s absence and returned the file to Ms. Saika.
I shouldn’t have done this; instead, I must have waited for Ms. Miko.
I apologize and will make sure this action is not repeated.
Coordinate Manager.
Please accept my apologies for having forged the signature (mention the person’s name) on the result card. My result was that I did not meet my parents’ expectations, and I was afraid they might get angry about it. Due to this, I did not show them my results and forged their signatures.
I did not intend to receive you. I had no idea that I was doing something very offensive. However, now I have realized it and feel sorry for forging.
I have learned a lesson from this, and I assure you that I will never forge your or anyone else’s signatures. I am also ready to accept whatever punishment the school considers necessary.
I am looking forward to hearing from you soon. Please meet me in person if you have anything to discuss.
Name of the sender

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