Meetings are conducted in every organization between the staff members. Sometimes, the employer also conducts the meeting when he has something important to discuss with the employees. As a matter of fact, the purpose of the meeting is always to discuss something very important.
The employees are told the date and time of the meeting ahead of time so that they can make themselves available for it. However, sometimes the employee is not able to show up for the meeting. Life is uncertain and everyone’s life is subjected to uncertainties regardless of the field of work.
This is a type of letter which is written by the employee when he feels apologetic for not being able to attend the meeting that he had to attend. In this letter, the employee apologizes for not attending the meeting and also specifies the reason.
This letter is required to be written when the employees are asked to attend the meeting but they don’t attend due to any problem. The letter should be written as soon as the employee misses the meeting.
As a matter of fact, nobody wants to make the employer angry. However, this may happen when the applicant fails to attend the meeting. In some organizations, the employer also makes a deduction from the salary of the employee when he does not attend the meeting. Even if the employer does not deduct, the employee should apology the employer.
The employee should write this apology letter by specifying the reasons for not being able to attend the meeting. If you have a genuine reason to miss the meeting, your apology letter is likely to help you apologize in the letter. Keep the tone of the letter formal and make the reader believe that you are not happy to miss the meeting. Also, ensure the employer that you will take the meeting minutes from your co-workers who attended the meeting.
Sample Letter -1
I am writing this letter to you with a heavy heart as I never expected it to happen ever in my life that I had to miss the most-awaited and most important meeting. I beg you to trust every word I am going to state as I do not intend to give you lame excuses since I am already much embarrassed for not being able to be present in the meeting I was supposed to lead.
Yesterday I started my day earlier than the routine to reach the office as soon as possible to make preps for the meeting I had left the night before. But my bad luck is that the traffic was badly stuck due to some unforeseen reason that you might have seen in the news as well.
I tried my best to make it possible to be there on time but unfortunately, I couldn’t. I hope that you will give me a fair chance by rescheduling this meeting so that I could prove myself the way I had prepared for it.
Thank you for your patience!

Sample Letter -2
This letter speaks of the sheer negligence that I want to confess for not being able to have control of my nerves out of the utter pressure that I had in my head since this meeting was scheduled. I wanted to keep everything just perfect regarding it. Maybe this was the reason that I met a severe accident and got badly injured on the morning this meeting was timed.
I was taken to the hospital by the emergency squad. On examination, the doctors told me that I had broken my leg in this mishap. All this happened in such a short time that I couldn’t sense anything.
I have attached my MC with this letter so that you can see the dates I was admitted and discharged from the hospital. I am positive that you would consider my apology and will give me a chance to work in an even better way with all my senses.
Thank you!

Sample Letter -3
By writing this letter I want to express my deepest apology for I couldn’t make it happen to be present at the meeting held on Monday. I didn’t skip this meeting intentionally as I knew how important it was for our company. I was on my way to the office after having dropped my son at his school when I got a call informing me that he had slipped from the staircase and received multiple injuries.
On hearing this bad news I couldn’t remember anything else but my son and the pain he was suffering from. I rushed to the school and we took him to the hospital where I was informed that he had broken the bones in his right arm. That was the most painful time for me to think of anything else.
I have also provided you with the documents proving all my statements true. I request you to give me a chance as I have always been a responsible employee of this company and didn’t do this intentionally or over a trifle.
Thank you for your understanding!

- Ramadan Schedule Notification for Staff
- One Day Absent Note to Boss
- Request Letter to Staff for Voluntary Deduction from Salary
- Holiday Closing Messages
- Letter Requesting Transfer to another Department
- Letter Requesting Promotion Consideration
- Umrah Leave Request Letter to Boss
- Ramadan Office Schedule Announcement Letters/Emails
- Letter to Friend Expressing Support
- Letter to Employer Requesting Mental Health Accommodation
- Letter Requesting Reference Check Information
- Letter Requesting Salary Certificate
- Letter Requesting Recommendation from Previous Employer
- One Hour Off Permission Letter to HR
- Payroll Apology Letter to Employee