Apology Letter for not Following Procedure

What is an apology letter for not following procedures?

An apology letter is a formal letter that expresses the sender’s regret for not following procedures. People make mistakes knowingly or unknowingly. The nature of the mistake and the person’s history can be considered when writing an apology letter.

In this letter, the person shows he is sorry for his disobedience. If the apology letter is written effectively, the boss will likely forgive the person.

Importance of writing the sorry letter for showing noncompliance with the instructions:

No matter where you work, you are bound to follow the procedures stated by your manager. If you don’t, you commit an offensive mistake and will be held responsible for any consequences. Employers tend to dismiss or suspend their workers as a reaction to disobedience. Those who don’t want to face such consequences must apologize for their actions.

Tips to follow:

If you are someone who wants to convince his boss to let you off, you should follow the tips given below:

Explain how you did not follow the company’s procedures:

It is important to give an overview of what you have done and what you are feeling sorry for. The explanation of the mistake matters a lot. Sometimes, this explanation is so clear that the reader quickly understands your intention and tone.

Describe how you did not follow the company’s procedures since you can show indiscipline in many ways.


Since you are writing this apology letter to clarify your position, you must explain it appropriately. Explaining doesn’t mean that you have to prove that you are not wrong. Rather, gracefully accept the mistake and let the reader know you are regretful.

Mention that you are ready to compensate:

After reading the letter, the reader should not think you are trying to escape the situation. It is better to let the reader know you will compensate by doing whatever you should.

For instance, if you have caused harm to the company’s property, mention that you are ready to pay to compensate for the loss. This way, you can prove that you feel sorry for your actions.

Sample #1

Hello, Ms. Jasmin. I hope you are doing fine and will accept my apology for my unprofessional behavior on the day of the meeting on [DATE].

On the occasion of the quarterly performance analysis meeting, I was supposed to present the report after Mr. David’s introductory speech, but I didn’t. Instead, I told Mr. Ifra to come and explain the sales performance, which was scheduled to be presented at the end of the meeting. Meanwhile, I ignored the protocol and procedure of the event and made many mistakes. I sincerely apologize for all this.

I assure you that I will be vigilant in my duties and never let this happen again.

Accept my apologies.

Marketing Manager

Sample #2

Apology letter for showing disobedience

Subject: Apology for not showing compliance with the company’s procedures

Dear Mr. ABC,

Please accept my sincere apologies for not adhering to the rules regarding workplace ethics. I know that my actions have upset you. It has been stated so often that all employees must follow work ethics. I know I did not follow those ethics and have violated the company’s policy terribly.

People in the workplace are expected to behave sensibly. I was not expecting that I would ever misbehave with any of my co-workers. I know the complaint you received from Mrs. Lara about me making inappropriate comments about her dress has disappointed you a lot.

I know that the office environment has been badly damaged because of me. I want to tell you that I was not meant to hurt anyone with my words. However, I should have been much more careful in my words. In addition, I should have considered the consequences of not paying much attention to what I was saying to my female colleague.

I sincerely regret not following workplace procedures while delivering work to the company. I assure you that this will not happen again. I am sorry for all the inconvenience I have caused you and the people around me. I have already personally apologized to Mrs. Lara for my behavior. I am ready to do everything it takes to correct my actions. Thank you so much for considering this matter.


Name of the employee


Apology Letter for not Following Procedure

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