Apology Letter for Submitting Fake Documents

When we fail to submit original or real documents and choose to choose bogus documents, we break the trust of those who believe in us. People in professional life should care a lot about their credibility, which they might lose if they are seen doing something mischievous and unprofessional.

What is an apology letter for lodging bogus papers?

It is a letter that people write when they want to show that they are sorry for sending fake documents to their boss. The purpose of this letter is to rectify the wrongdoing.

The company considers the submission of fake documents a serious offense, and people who provide the wrong documents also lose their trust. Some companies also fire them. However, employees can still save their jobs and credibility if they manage to write an effective apology letter. This letter will prove that you are a humble person who dares to accept the mistake and be ready for the consequences, realistic and embarrassed.

Best practices for writing a professional sorry letter:

When conveying a message of regret to the boss, many people face a serious problem. They don’t know how to write a letter to make a positive impression. Some of the best practices are given below:

Explain the offense:

Don’t assume that your boss knows your mistake. Whenever you think of writing an apology letter, make sure that you explain the offense you have been charged with. The explanation should be brief and to the point.

Discuss how you have realized your wrongdoing:

Make what made you write the apology clear in the letter. The reason should be that you have realized your mistake or understood that things will not work if you submit unreal documents. When you express that you are ashamed of what you have done, the reader can feel you will not repeat the mistake. This way, he is likely to forgive you.

Keep it simple and basic:

Some people complicate the situation by writing a complex letter of regret. They try to explain how and what has happened, and doing so makes the letter very confusing. It is always recommended that you keep your letter as simple as possible. If your letter is readable and you put the right effort into ensuring that your boss can read your mind through it, it is more likely that he will forgive you and give you another chance.

Don’t exaggerate:

People often attempt to prove that they are ashamed, and in doing so, they exaggerate so much that they look glaringly artificial. This way, you will give the impression that you are creating drama and don’t deserve another chance.  

Read below the sample letter an employee wrote to the boss/manager for submitting fake documents.  

Sample letter:

I am requesting your forgiveness for submitting fake documents at the last meeting. I know that I made a big mistake, and I am sorry for showing such unprofessional behavior.

I know I have disappointed you because of this act of mine. I took the training for only one week, and submitting the certificate of training for five months is inexcusable. I could not see that it was harmful because I was already so skilled in that area, and only a document was required to earn it. Although I did not harm anyone, I betrayed the trust of people in the company.

I take full responsibility for my actions and regret submitting a bogus certificate. I am ready to earn this certificate after completing the training. Please accept my sincere apologies on this matter. Rest assured, I am never going to repeat this mistake.

I have already spoken to Mr. ABC, the department head, who has reviewed my work profile thoroughly. Your reply to this letter will be highly appreciated.


Name of the sender.

Apology Letter for Submitting Fake Documents

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