Apology Letter to Girlfriend

Apology Letter to Girlfriend for Lying

Dear Jane,

I am so sorry! I am so embarrassed right now, not only because you found out about my lie but also because I lied to you in the first place. You mean the world to me, and you know that very well. I know there is no justification for lying, but I just want to clarify that my intentions were not wrong. I just wanted to avoid hurting you, so I lied about going to the office while I was going to the football game with my friends.

Believe it or not, I did not enjoy the game because it was the first time I lied to you, and this fact still pinches me. I should not have listened to my friends. I am so sorry. Please forgive me this time, and I will never lie to you again. Please!



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Apology Letter to Girlfriend for Ignoring Her

Dear Emily,

I want to apologize for my behavior at my cousin’s wedding. I was glad that you decided to come along upon my insistence. I was meeting my family after a long time, so I wanted them all to meet my future fiancé.

However, I got so busy with everyone that I unintentionally ignored you. I should have realized that you did not know anyone else there but me, so I should have been in your company. After the function and our argument, I thought about it, and now, I am thankful to you for bringing it to my attention.

It was my mistake, and I’m sorry. I’m also ensuring you that it will not happen again. Please forgive me. I’m sorry!

Your Love.


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ALovegy Letter to Girlfriend for Being Mean

Dear Love,

Love, I am very sorry for being so mean and selfish with you. Even after I knew how hard you had been working and that you needed a relaxing weekend away, I refused to go to your desired place because of my stupid football tournament.

After your call and our fight, I realized my behavior was hurtful and selfish. I have been playing football every weekend, and I could have escaped this one and gone with you.

I am so sorry! To make it up to you, I have booked a resort for both of us at [X] Island this coming weekend. I hope you will be happy with this news and forgive me.

Yours only.


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Apology Letter to Girlfriend After Fight

Dear Jill,

I am so sorry! I am! I should not have shouted at you over such a petty thing. It was not your mistake. Still, I yelled at you for not bringing my clothes back from the laundry shop, although you asked me to do so.

I know you did not initiate the fight; I did. Instead, you tried to remain calm and explain things, but I lost it. I still did not know why I screamed at you.

I am so sorry! I will control my anger next time. I do not want to lose you over such a petty fight. You mean the world to me, and I cannot even think of living without you.

Please forgive me and pick up my call.



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Apology Letter to Girlfriend for Cheating

Dear life,

I do not know where to start my letter or how to apologize for such a big mistake. I am having trouble finding the right words to express my guilt.

I was drunk, and that girl just came to me. I do not remember how I went to the hotel or who that girl was. I feel so sorry, even all of it was unintentional still, I do not think I will ever forgive myself. I cannot even think of cheating you, and yet, this is what I have done! I am so sorry!

I know what I have done is unforgivable, but I also know how kind and loving you are. Please forgive me and give me only one more chance. I will never let you down, ever again.

You are my life, and I cannot even breathe without you. I am so sorry!

Your love


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ApoLove Letter to Girlfriend for Being a Jerk

Dear Samantha,

I am a jerk! I know I have been a jerk to you in many instances before. You have been so understanding and friendly that you always ignored such behavior. Rather than correcting myself, I took it for granted.

I am sorry! I know your friends would ask you to leave me and not waste more time with me. You asked me so lovingly to have dinner with your group of friends, and I just embarrassed you in front of them and showed that I was not worthy of your love. I was two hours late, and then I talked to you so rudely that even the servers noticed it.

I know there is no justification for such an attitude. Still, I would tell you what was bothering me at that time. I fought with my boss in the office because he demoted me, and I just showed all my anger to you and your friends.

Again, I’m sorry, and please forgive me. Let’s meet your friends again for Friday dinner, and I’ll also apologize to them.



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Apology Letter to Girlfriend for hurt feelings

Dear Sofia,

I am so sorry for hurting your feelings and making you sad. I love you, but I never express it appropriately. Instead, whenever you try to express your love, love does not know why my feelings are so suppressed. I feel something but cannot express it.

I know how hard it is when the person you love hurts your feelings. I realized when you said you did not want to continue this relationship.

Sofia, I cannot live without you! Even the thought makes me want to kill myself. I have tried calling you many times, but you never pick up, so I am writing this letter and will slip it under your door. I hope you will read it and forgive me this time.

I am so sorry!



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Apology Letter to Girlfriend’s Family

Dear family,

I feel so embarrassed while writing this letter. You invited me over for dinner and rescheduled it twice for my convenience, yet I could not come to attend.

My boss called a meeting, and I thought I would be free until dinner, but the meeting continued until 11 p.m., so I could not even call to inform you.

I seek your apology from the depth of my heart. I am not apologizing only because Emma fought with me over this; I genuinely feel bad, as my elders were waiting for me at the feast.

Please forgive me this time and let me know when I can visit you again. To make up for it, I will bring all the ready-made dishes, and we can just sit, have dinner, and have quality family time.

I am sorry again.



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