Appeal letters are request letters that are written to the relevant persons or authorities to take a review of the said decisions or matters. An appeal letter is a formal and decent way to convince the reader to solve your problem. Since it is a formal letter, it should be written in a business letter format.
Here are a few other prerequisites that should be kept while writing an appeal letter;
- An appeal letter should begin with a proper introduction. Unless the opening of the letter is appealing enough, the reader will most probably not read the letter any further.
- In the second part of the letter, the writer should explain the matter of concern with proper arguments. Here, one has to remain polite because unethical language, and an aggressive tone only result in the rejection of the request.
- In the third part, the writer should write about his desired outcome, take the reader’s attention to those matters that might have gone unnoticed, and mention the documents that he is attaching as further proof.
- In the last part of an appeal letter, the writer is expected to close the content in a respectful manner, asking the reader to take action by the mentioned date.
Since appeal letters are professional letters, they are taken on serious grounds only when they are professionally written. If you have been writing an appeal letter the same way you write to your grandma, this was the reason that they were never answered. Appeal letter readers are not as kind-hearted as grandma so they pick every single mistake.
Now that you know the cause of rejection, here’s a solution to help your next appeal letter get approval. The professionally-written appeal letters can help you improve your appeal letter formats as well as your letter-writing strategy.

Appeal letter for annual pay raise
Dear [Name of Supervisor],
Please address this letter as a formal appeal that my current salary be reviewed. During the [Number] years I have worked at [Name of Company] as the [Job Title], I have always been appointed with my heavy responsibilities.
According to my work records, that I was able to receive from the Human Resources Department, I have always been on time, and very rarely do I allow myself to take time off of work. Furthermore, during my work evaluation, I have provided very pleasing results.
Hence, I would like to appeal to you for an annual raise in my pay.
I would be grateful for you to consider my request and accommodate me accordingly. Thank you for taking out the time to read this letter. I hope to receive a positive reply.
Appeal letter for promotion
Dear [Name of Boss],
I would like to formally appeal for promotion from my current position. I have been working as the [Job Title], for over [Number] years. When I first joined this organization, I worked as [Job Title]. From that position and onwards, I have been provided with great opportunities through which I have gained a good amount of experience. I have also been able to obtain skills that have allowed me to provide great quality work and achieve previous promotions.
Now, I have been working as the [Job Title], for the past [Number] years. I believe I have worked very hard in my current position and proved myself capable of more responsibilities. You will find copies of my previous performance evaluations, which I attained from my supervisor, attached to this letter.
The accomplishments I achieved over the course of the last [Number] years include:
[List of accomplishments]
Thus I would like to request you consider promoting me from my current job position. Thank you for reading my appeal. Looking forward to a positive reply.
Appeal letter for job rejection
Dear [Name of Employer],
I would like to formally appeal to you to reconsider me for the [Job position]. According to the requirements of the job position listed, I am able to successfully meet all of them. I have been working in this field for over [Number] years and am capable of carrying a good amount of responsibilities. The accomplishments I was able to achieve during my time at [Previous Company Name], as a [Previous Job Title] include:
[List of accomplishments].
In addition, I am able to multitask and provide the work completed thoroughly within the given time limit. My skills and experience allow me to achieve the required standard of work quality set by the organization. You will find my resume attached to this letter.
I sincerely hope you will reconsider this job position. It will be an honor to work at [Organization Name].
Appeal letter for termination of employment
Dear [Name of Supervisor],
I would like to formally appeal that you reconsider my termination of employment. Due to some personal issues I have been unable to attend work on time and have had to take several days off, other than the number of leaves provided.
This working attitude has been a result of [Explanation of Issues]. As per my circumstances, I have been unable to show my full work potential for the last couple of months. I would like to sincerely request you to please understand my situation and reconsider my contract termination.
Appeal letter for financial aid
Dear [Name of Financial Aid Provider],
I am a student at [Name of Educational Institute] in the [Year] year of my studies. I was able to get accepted due to my high grades and a well-kept student resume. However, I do not have the complete financial ability to attend the university.
My household consists of [Information about parents and siblings], out of them [Explanation of family members job]. I will not be able to provide the complete tuition fee for my education. Therefore, I would like to appeal a request for financial aid.
I hope you will consider my case and grant me my request.
Appeal letter for rejection of insurance
Dear [Name of Insurance Provider],
Please address this letter as an appeal for reconsideration of the insurance rejection.
I am an employee of [Name of Organization], and I have been working as the [Job Title] for [Number] years. I recently filed a request to obtain insurance, however, my request was denied due to [Issues such as incomplete documents].
I have been able to resolve the issue and would like to refile the appeal for insurance. Please reconsider my case and accept my insurance request.
Appeal letter for academic dismissal
Dear [Name of Dean],
I would like to formally appeal to you to reconsider my academic dismissal. Due to my previous circumstances, I was unable to keep up with my studies. This resulted in my grade deterioration.
However, I am now in better condition. With the issues resolved, I will once again be able to concentrate on my studies. I hope you will understand my situation and accommodate me accordingly. Looking forward to a positive reply.
Appeal letter for health insurance coverage
Dear [Name of Service Provider],
I formally write to appeal for the issuance of health insurance at our organization. I have been working in the [Field Name] field for over [Number] of years. During these years, I have had the opportunity to work at different designations.
One thing that was common among the organizations was the issuance of health insurance. Our job positions can be very stressful and adding health problems to such busy lives can lead to high turnover rates. In addition, there are a large number of employees that are working to provide for their families. Medical bills can be difficult to pay, especially after paying for other aspects of our lives such as rent, utility bills, schooling fees for children, etc.
Therefore, I would like to request you to provide us employees with health insurance. I hope you will consider my request and be understanding of our situation.
Appeal letter for disciplinary action taken by an organization
Dear [Name of Service Provider],
Please address this letter as a formal appeal for the removal of the warning letter issued to me by the organization.
I would like to request you remove the warning letter for misconduct that was wrongfully issued to me by my previous supervisor. Due to his discriminatory and ignorant behavior, I was involved in a disagreement with him. Their lack of communication and refusal to convey the correct duties caused the quality of my work to deteriorate. As a result, I was blamed wrongfully for not completing the work assigned to me.
After making multiple complaints about the behavior of my previous supervisor, a committee was set up to resolve the issue. Several meetings later, my supervisor was removed from their post. Before the committee came to a decision, my supervisor, at that time, issued me with a warning letter of misconduct. I believe that this letter was issued to me as I was the one that made frequent complaints about them.
Therefore, I formally ask you to remove the warning letter. I hope you will understand the situation and comply with my request. Thank you for taking the time to read this letter.
- Ramadan Schedule Notification for Staff
- One Day Absent Note to Boss
- Request Letter to Staff for Voluntary Deduction from Salary
- Holiday Closing Messages
- Letter Requesting Transfer to another Department
- Letter Requesting Promotion Consideration
- Umrah Leave Request Letter to Boss
- Ramadan Office Schedule Announcement Letters/Emails
- Letter to Friend Expressing Support
- Letter to Employer Requesting Mental Health Accommodation
- Letter Requesting Reference Check Information
- Letter Requesting Salary Certificate
- Letter Requesting Recommendation from Previous Employer
- One Hour Off Permission Letter to HR
- Payroll Apology Letter to Employee