Compliance Letter for Tender Submission

A tender is a process in which a company calls for proposals. Proposals mean tenders that are required to be submitted by those who are interested in a particular project. In a tender process, a company asks for the bid submission, the selection process of bidders, and then the formation of the agreement. Bidders who want to take part in the tender submission have to show compliance with the entire tender process to be accepted.  It is a formal letter that is written by a company asking for bidders to make a bid. It also asks them to show compliance…

Generic Project Introduction Letter

A project is a collaborative work of one or multiple people that turns into something useful. A project can be small or too big. You might work on a project for yourself or someone else. Whenever you are associated with a project, you will write an introduction letter.   An introduction letter of a project briefly introduces the project. If you want to sell your project or if you have an idea of a project and you want the other person to know about it, you cannot give him the entire project file to read and understand. Therefore, writing an introduction…

Audit Notification Notice to Employee

Employers often have to write notification emails to their employees when they want to share something really important and want it to reach them quickly. Emails are the fastest mode of communication and employees receive this notification in the blink of an eye. This notification email makes them learn that the employer is going to conduct the audit. Since the employees of the company are being notified, it means that the nature of the audit will be internal.  What is the purpose of the audit notification email? Notifications of any sort are usually sent to people to inform them to…

Daily Sales Report Worksheet

The purpose of designing a sales report is to get a deeper insight into the sales-related activities of your company, and this helps people figure out what they can do in a different way to see different and more desirable results. Whether you are running a restaurant, a grocery store, or any store where you conduct sales, you will always need to generate daily sales reports. A business cannot succeed if it does not pay attention to its sales. The number of sales determines the total revenue a business generates. So, keeping an eye on daily, weekly, and monthly sales…

Letter Requesting Petty Cash Reimbursement

Petty cash is the amount that a company pays to its employees after anticipating the future needs of making payments on behalf of the company. If an employee runs out of this cash and he immediately needs money, he spends money from his pocket and then asks the company to reimburse the petty cash. How to write the petty cash refund letter? It is not difficult to write a letter to apply for a refund of petty cash. This letter is written in the same manner as any other reimbursement request letter. However, you should know how much cash you…

Loan Authorization Letter

Just like any other permission letter, the loan authorization letter is written to anyone you want to grant permission to take certain actions on your behalf. Since this letter is about loans, you write it when you want to authorize someone to take out a loan on your behalf. The purpose of the loan authorization letter is to inform the reader that you want someone to act on your behalf. In addition, this letter brings all the important details in writing which enable the institutes to claim later that they have been informed about the permission. In what situation, the…

Acceptance Letter of Credit

An acceptance letter of credit is a formal document that a bank or any such institute writes to the person who has applied for the credit amount. In this letter, the sender tells the reader that the institute has decided to accept the credit because of certain terms and conditions that have been agreed upon. Several details are shared in this letter. In general, this letter includes the information: Writing the acceptance letter of credit: Follow the tips given below so that you do not miss out on anything important: Gather all the details: Some people do not bother collecting…

Work from Home Accommodation Letter

There are seven situations in our life when we need to request our boss to provide us with some accommodations. We also need to work from home because we cannot make it to the office due to some serious problems and also cannot leave our job because all work is our priority. In this situation, we can fall back on our employer to provide us with the necessary accommodation. It is a request letter in which you ask your boss to allow you to have some flexibility in telework because of your disability or any other reason. The employee can…

Letter to Employee for Shift Change

Oftentimes, employers have to change the work schedule to ensure that everything works smoothly. The schedule change can be due to many reasons such as a change in working hours, employing more workers, etc. When a company decides to change the shift or the work schedule of an employee, it writes a letter of notification to him in order to let him know about it. In some cases, this change in shift decision is taken in response to the request of the employee. Even if this is the case, a letter will be written to inform him about it. If…

Salary Increases Proposal for Staff

If you are in the position to recommend something to an employer, you can write a salary increase proposal letter. When you think that the staff of an organization deserves to get an increment in their salary, you will recommend a salary increase. It is a type of suggestion letter that is usually written after an event that shows the employer that the staff has worked hard. You can write this letter after the successful completion of a project. Following are some useful tips that you can follow and write a convincing proposal letter: Never write a proposal for a…

Credit Authorization Letter

Authorization letters are always written to permit someone to take a certain type of defined action. With these letters, a person giving the permission has to shoulder a huge responsibility. Those who don’t feel the responsibility and write the letter without giving any consideration to the circumstances and the person, eventually find themselves in the hot water. It is a specific type of letter in which you permit a person to use your credit card. A credit card is a very personal thing, and it belongs to a single person who keeps his money in the account associated with it.…

Property Authorization Letter

When you write an authorization letter, you let the reader know that you are permitting someone to act on your behalf. In the case of a property authorization letter, you allow someone to take action regarding the property which is under your ownership. Why is a property permission letter written? When you are the owner of a property, you are allowed to take every action regarding it such as buying, selling, renting it out, etc. Therefore, if someone tries to decide on your behalf, their action will be considered invalid. However, if you are not in the position to take…

Request Letter for an Item’s Quotation

People commonly write request letters to various vendors and suppliers when they want to buy a specific product from them but do not know the price. In this letter, they request the vendor or the supplier to provide them with the quotation of the item they are interested in. If you have a tight budget and you don’t know whether you can afford to buy an item from a particular supplier or not, you can write a request letter in order to know the price instead of sitting back and keep guessing the price. Who writes it? Any person who…

Letter for Advertisement Proposal

The letter for the advertisement proposal is for all those people and companies who are about to start an advertising project. When you write this proposal, you let the reader know that you have given very careful consideration to the proposal and due to this, you are a right fit for the completion of this project. If you are someone who works in the marketing department of an organization and you know that you have the talent to provide advertising services to your client, you must write the advertisement proposal. The following are the key points to be included in…

Reimbursement Letter for Expenses

We all have to write a letter to different people when we want to claim a refund. If you are working in a company and you ask your employer to pay you the amount that you have paid from your money for a company’s work, it means you are asking for reimbursement. It is a type of request letter in which you request a refund from the employer. In this letter, you should mention the exact amount you want to be reimbursed. If you efficiently write the letter, the reader should be able to understand your request more easily and…

Shift Change Request Letter to Manager

Some companies facilitate their workers by allowing them to work different shifts. This usually happens in big organizations. If an employee has some personal problems due to which he finds it difficult to adjust to the existing work hours, he can write a request letter to the manager and ask for a change in shift. Remember that many people fail to get their request approved because they do not write the request letter in the right way. Make sure that you have a sensible reason to ask for the shift change. This will increase the chances for you to get…

Credit Reference Letter

Just like any other reference letter, the credit reference letter is also used to help you in different matters of life where responsibly handling your finances is involved. It generally provides a brief description of the payment history of the person. Through this history, it can be easily judged whether a person has been responsible in terms of bill payment or not. What information does a credit reference letter provide? The person who writes this letter has to make sure that he provides the following details in the credit reference letter: Description of your relationship with the subject: In this…

Notice of Schedule Change at Work

Change is inevitable in everyone’s personal and professional life. In professional life, we often see changes in the work schedule. This is mainly due to internal changes in the company and sometimes due to an employee’s request to change the schedule. If you are a manager and you have to let everyone know that you have brought changes to the work schedule, you will issue a notice. In general, a notice is for the entire staff, and writing one notice informs every staff member about the change. Things to remember: When you write a notice, you need to keep the…

Office Order to Employee for Additional Responsibility

There are many situations when a company is bound to task its existing employees with more responsibilities. In this situation, the company issues an order to the employee. Every organization issuing this memorandum should responsibly provide the details. Delegating additional responsibilities might not be good news for many employees. Therefore, informing the employees about it should be done with a very careful choice of words. Make sure that the order issued by the office is not too long. Simply outline some important details and then close the letter by communicating your expectations to the reader. This is a letter or…

Credit and Collection Letter

Credit and collection letters are written when you want to remind your customers of the due payment and you want to collect money from them. The purpose of this letter is to collect money from the customer by letting them know that the due date of the payment has passed and they have not made the payment yet. You should follow the tips given below to write a professional credit and collection letter: Use a courteous tone Sometimes people get angry when they don’t get the payment by the due date. It might be the case with you as well.…

Duties and Responsibilities Job Description Letter

Whenever a company hires an individual in any position, it describes the job duties and responsibilities to that person through the duties and responsibilities the job description letter. This outlines what a person is supposed to do after he has been appointed to a particular job role. This letter clarifies both parties and brings them on the same page and this way, no conflicts remain among them regarding the fulfillment of job responsibilities. Every employer should know how he can draft a letter that communicates with the newly hired candidate. The tips given below will surely be helpful: Provide details…