Query Letter for Insubordination

People who work under your supervision are required to show subordination since this is what they are paid for. Those who don’t follow your instructions are answerable to you as they choose to work for you with the help of your guidelines. So, you can ask them why they showed insubordination The query letter is written to the person who has shown non-compliance with the policies of the company and does not follow the instructions. The purpose of this letter is to ask him what made him do this. This letter is an indication for an employee that his behavior…

Request Letter to Avoid Night Shift

Many companies require their employees to work varying day and night shifts. However, some people cannot work the night shift because of many reasons. In this situation, they can write a request letter to their boss and ask him to not schedule their work on the night shift. Why is it important to write? People who are responsible for making schedules for employees have to work hard to adjust the working hours of every person working in the company. Therefore, you should write them a letter and ask them to not put your name on the night shift employees list.  …

Warning Letter for Insubordination and Poor Performance

It is a formal letter written by the employer to the person who does not show compliance with the performance standards and often refuses to obey the orders of the higher authorities. Some people have insubordination in their nature and they don’t want to abide by the rules of the company. Whereas, some employees fail to show good performance or obey authorities unknowingly. In either situation, the warning letter will fix everything. Why is it important to issue warnings? A warning letter is a clear indication to a worker that his boss is not happy with this performance. It is…

Justification Letter for Salary Increase of Employee

It is very common for employees to request their employers for a raise in their monthly payments. With the increase in inflation, employees face a hard time, and therefore, they want to get an increment in their salary. Considering the needs of the employees, employers promise an increment every year. However, there are certain situations when the employee deserves an increment apart from the annual increment. When you have requested the increment and the employer has asked you to come up with the reason why your salary should be increased, you can write a justification letter to justify the increment.…

Email for Accommodation Request

People working in different organizations often need to write a letter or email to their employers whenever they need a slight change in work. This request is generally made due to some medical or personal reasons. It is the right of the employee to ask for accommodation if his problem makes sense. It is an electronic mail that people write to their bosses whenever they need a little adjustment in their work. In this email, the employee lets the employer know that he needs some flexibility from the company because he has some genuine problems. When to write? An employee…

Construction Bid Proposal Letter Template

You can make a bid for a construction project if you want to work as a contractor or a subcontractor. The person you are writing this proposal receives many proposals from different people. Therefore, you need to write a type of proposal that stands out. When you write a proposal considering a specific construction project, you will have to write a construction bid proposal. In this proposal, you let the reader know that you are interested in that project. Furthermore, it is your responsibility to mention that you want to complete the construction project and the amount that you charge…

Reply Email for Quotation Request

It is very common for different businesses to write emails to their clients and customers. Communication between people and companies is crucial for effective marketing and sales. If you are running a business and your job is to provide products or services to different clients and customers, you might get an email from someone interested in buying your services or products. However, people don’t make a quick decision without giving any consideration to the price. Therefore, they write you a letter or email and ask you to give the quotation. It is an electronic mail that you write when you…

Justification Letter for Hiring a Candidate

If you feel that the current number of people working in your company is not enough and your company does not make any progress due to a lack of staffing, you will have to hire a candidate for a specific position. In some cases, employers first create a position and recruit someone for that position. What is the justification for hiring a candidate? This is a type of proposal letter in which you propose an idea to a company to hire an individual for some reason. The company wants to know you are proposing such a thing which is totally…

Letter Requesting Land for Farming

If you are a farmer by profession or you are associated with the agriculture sector, you will need land for farming. Unfortunately, not everyone has possession of farming land. If you are also one of them, you will have to write a letter of request to ask for the allocation of land that you can use for farming purposes. It is important to make sure that you cannot use the acquired land for any other purpose. How do you write a letter to request land for farming? The application for farming land is written to the concerned authorities. When you…

Request Letter for Hotel Room Quotation

We write a request letter for quotation to suppliers or service providers when we want to know at what rates they are willing to provide their services. When we want to rent a hotel room for temporary accommodation and we have a limited budget, we can ask the hotel management to provide us with a room quotation. This way, we will be able to know which hotel has the cheapest rate to offer a room. It is a formal letter in which we write a request by telling the management of the hotel that we want to book a room…

Authorization Letter to Claim Back Pay

Authorization letters, also known as letters of authority, are written to those people who we want to take some actions on our behalf. In other words, we give our authority to someone else so that he can take action as well as make decisions on our behalf. What is an authorization letter to claim money? In this letter, we allow a person to act on our behalf and make a claim for money. We usually do it when we want to get money back from an institution. Who writes this letter? There is no hard and fast rule about who…

Period Excuse Letter for School

Students often write excuse letters when they are unable to attend school due to any reason. The excuse can be real or a complete lie. However, since students are required to attach relevant documents as proof also, it might be difficult for them to fabricate a lie. It is an excuse letter that a school student writes to the principal or the teacher of the school to let them know that she cannot attend school because of periods. The teacher in a school can also write this letter. To write a letter that lets the reader understand your situation, follow…

Tender Proposal Letter

A tender proposal letter is a professional piece of writing in which a person writes the tender for a specific purpose. This letter includes the following elements: A brief introduction: A company writing the tender proposal gives its introduction and also shows gratitude to the organization for allowing it to send the proposal. State why you think you are the right fit: In this proposal letter, you should be able to convince the reader why you think that you are the right candidate for the job or purpose you are writing your proposal for. Recommend the solution: People generally ask…

Salary Increment Proposal to Management

A salary increment proposal to management is written when you want to suggest the management increase the salary of the employees. The purpose of this letter is to convince the management that the employee’s salary should be increased. This letter can be written for one person or the whole staff. Basic guidelines for writing a salary increment suggestion: If you want to write a letter that holds weight and also convinces the reader, read the tips given below: Give your introduction before you write the suggestion because the management does not allow everyone to write this proposal. Discuss the reason…

Appreciation Message for Hardwork and Dedication

#1 Hey there, hope you are chilling on the weekend. I am sending this text message to tell you how dedicated and hard-working you have proved yourself to be in the previous days. Your dedication to the project [NAME THE PROJECT] has been tremendous. I am greatly thankful to you for your sheer honesty in the work. I appreciate your work as [add text] and highly rely on your thoughtfulness and dedicated approach to many decisions related to this project. Thank you for being part of us. #2 Hello John, this is Mike from work. I hope you are not…

Proof of Business Partnership Letter

Business partnerships are important and can help a business out. The partnership can be valuable when both sides take it seriously. All procedures must be handled carefully for this to turn out successfully. Proof of business partnership letter is important and should be drafted for any business partnership. Proof of business partnership letter confirms a partnership between the various parties. The letter provides details that are a part of the partnership. A business verification letter is important because it highlights the partner’s rights as well as responsibilities. The letter is a document that provides proof of the partnership and its…

Transport Company Introduction Letter

When a new business establishes itself, it will want to get customers. The business needs to market itself and get known. It needs to introduce itself. If you are in the transport business, you will also have to do this. A transport company introduction letter can help out here. A transport company introduction letter is a letter that a transport company’s representative will write, letting others know about the company. It can allow people to know about the services that the company will provide. Company Introduction A company introduction letter is important as it lets a startup inform people about…

Christmas Wish Cards in Editable Format

This fast-pacing world has made everyone busy and alone because of its mechanical and monotonous routine. Although it takes a severe toll on the physical and mental health of every individual, this routine has become a reality to make both ends meet. Following western culture, the whole world has become a victim of this routine and forgotten their own culture and traditions of keeping relations alive through meetings and greetings. Now, people gather to celebrate some common festivals with their family and friends. They collect precious memories and hold them precious till the next festivals when they will be able…

Client Registration Form Template

A company or a brand needs to increase its engagements with the customers and clients as the interactions enable a brand to ensure that the customer is not switching to another brand providing the same type of products and services. Considering the importance of having more and more engagements with the customers and clients, brands these days have started to use various tools that increase the engagements with the customers. One of the most used tools is the client registration form which is another way to keep the clients and buyers engaged with the brand. A client registration form is…

Unsuccessful Tender Letter for Construction

If you are in the construction industry, you will probably be in contact with tenders who provide you with different items. You will be requesting bids or quotations from different construction tenders or companies. You will accept the tenders who submit proposals that benefit your business and reject those that do not. It is important to let the tender know that their bid was unsuccessful and tell the reasons for this. You will probably want to work with the tender later therefore reject them politely. Writing a letter is a polite way that you can do this. The bidder will…

Letter to Receive Pending Salary

Salary is an important part of any job. A company needs to pay its employees in full when the time comes. Different issues can arise when it comes to salary such as needing to receive a pending salary. When this happens, the employee needs to behave in a professional way when asking for a pending salary. They can do this with the help of a letter to receive a pending salary. The employee will write the letter when they have not gotten their salary on time. This letter is a formal document that lets the employer know of the pending…