Monthly Staff Attendance Report Letter

Every organization has a primary role to perform which is based on tracking staff attendance. The tracking of attendance enables an organization to ensure that everyone working in the company is fulfilling their obligations and showing compliance with the regulations of the company. A company put various measures in place to ensure that they are well-aware of the attendance of their staff. One of those measures is to task someone with the responsibility of writing the monthly staff attendance report letter. What is a monthly staff attendance report letter? It is a formal letter in which you have to write…

Letter Introducing Your Business to Client

Your clients are the most powerful people as they have the power to make your business successful or a fiasco. Therefore, you cannot imagine becoming successful if you don’t communicate with your clients. When you are expanding your business, you feel the dire need to interact with your clients to let them know about your business and the services. Clients can be customers, other business partners, or vendors who need to interact with different companies. What is a letter introducing your business to the client?  This letter serves as a great opportunity for business owners to communicate with business partners,…

Letter for Third Reminder for Delayed Settlement

Late or overdue payment creates lots of problems for small businesses. They find it very hard to manage the inflow and outflow of the cash when they are not sure when the payment is going to arrive.  In order to have a collection of payment collection process which is smooth, there is a need to have solid communication. This is why business owners write letters to people who have to make the payment. What is a letter for the third reminder for delayed settlement? A reminder letter is always necessary whenever the other party does not pay the overdue money.…

New Credit Application Letter to Customers

People who regularly buy products from a brand eventually develop trust and a strong relationship. Owing to this, they get the entitlement to apply for buying products on credit. When products are purchased on credit, the customer saves himself from having to pay individually for every purchase. There may be many issues such as lack of money or unavailability of cash that may hinder the customer to complete the process of buying a product. Therefore, they choose to write the credit application letter in order to request for getting permission to buy things first and pay later. What is a…

Request Letter to Work from Home due to Chronic Disease

It is a basic right of human beings to apply for a certain type of workplace accommodations whenever they feel it is required. For instance, when an employee is suffering from a chronic disease, he can request a privilege. It is a formal letter that a person writes to his/her boss whenever he or she has a chronic disease of any type. We often suffer from certain diseases that don’t allow us to go to work. However, some people cannot stop working because they cannot survive without working. Writing the request letter: For some people, it is a daunting task…

Email for Poor Performance in Sales

People working in any department of the company are required to show compliance with the company’s policy. Since they are paid for the work they do, there are a certain number of expectations they have to meet. Their performance is continuously monitored, and when they are not performing up to the mark, they can be taken to task. An email is an electronic correspondence between an employer and an employee that informs the employee that his sales performance does not meet the company’s standards and that he needs to improve. This email is sometimes used to reprimand the employee for…

Letter of Resignation due to Unfair Conditions

Suitable working conditions form the foundation for a healthy and friendly relationship between the employee and the employer. The broad horizon of unfair conditions covers many aspects, including more than required working hours, reduced resting periods, no paid leave, mental pressure, and more. Companies that don’t monitor workplace circumstances often fail to maintain employee productivity at a certain level. As a result, workers become lethargic and slow. Some also choose to resign from their jobs when they learn that they cannot work under such conditions. What is a letter of resignation due to unfair conditions? This is a formal letter…

Warning to Employees being on Their Cell Phones

Mobile phones are a serious distraction for everyone, no matter what walk of life they belong to. They affect productivity. Therefore, companies these days are devising strict policies against cell phone use in the workplace. The policy is not just to prohibit people from using mobile phones at the workplace but also to reprimand those who constantly violate the laws and obligations of the company they work for. What is a warning letter for using a cell phone? Organizations often issue warning letters to employees who don’t stop using cell phones in their offices. This letter tells the workers that…

Goods Unsatisfactory Quality Complaint Letter

It is common for a company to receive products from suppliers. Every organization has its procedure for dealing with suppliers, and the quality of the product they demand also varies from company to company. Sometimes, the company receives products that are not up to its expectations. This can lead to many problems, so the company immediately informs the vendor about the lousy quality. Some companies write complaint letters to vendors about poor quality. What is an unsatisfactory quality complaint letter? If you have received substandard products and want to object to this quality, you can write a letter stating a…

Email for Pending Salary after Layoff

Companies often lay off their workers when they see that employees are not working according to the organization’s requirements. The employees are laid off according to the employment contract so that no one can object to the company’s decision. Usually, people are not paid as soon as their job is terminated. The employee can write a request letter to their former employer and ask for the pending salary. What is an email for pending pay? This is an electronic mail written by an employee to his former boss to request an unsettled salary. The purpose of this email is to…

Monthly Invoice Request Letter

An invoice is a simple list of all the goods and services a purchaser has purchased and the prices of all those added items. In simple language, an invoice is also known as a bill. Some sellers or suppliers immediately issue the invoice after the purchase. However, in some cases, the supplier does not send an invoice for a long time. This is where the request letter for the invoice’s issuance makes sense. What is the monthly invoice request letter? If you have not received an invoice for a month from the supplier, you can write a letter in which…

Warning Letter for Untidy Garden

It is a formal letter used to reprimand the employee who had been responsible for taking care of the garden, but he was found not to be performing his duties well. Like any other letter used to rebuke the worker, this letter is also intended to let the employee know that he needs to work with more interest and attention. The garden owner does not want to see the garden untidy anymore; therefore, he wants the workers to be aware of it. Usually, the garden owner has the authority to reprimand the worker. However, if he has designated the duty…

Employment Verification Letter

An employment verification letter, also known as a proof of income letter, is a very important formal document. It is useful when it is necessary to verify that the person was previously employed. Who needs the job confirmation letter? People currently working in a company often request their employers to issue them a confirmation letter that easily confirms their job in the company. They also request that the letter mention salary so that the income a person claims to receive every month can also be confirmed. The person who needs to give proof to a third party that he can…

Petty Cash Claim Letter

Petty cash is a specific amount of money that a company allocates to carry out various transactions. Many employers rely on their employees to make payments in various places. The company either pays the employee in advance or reimburses the payment later. What is a petty cash claim letter? It is a special type of letter that an employee writes to his boss whenever he wants to claim money that he has paid somewhere on behalf of the company. It can also be written when the employee is about to pay but lacks funds from the company. When should you…

and Sign-out Policy Letter

In every organization, employers must keep track of their employees’ working hours. Employers generally record every detail to avoid lawsuits, calculate payroll, and take many other actions. Managers take many actions to ensure that everyone knows the company’s policies. What is a clock-in and clock-out policy letter? It is a formal information letter in which the employees introduce the company’s new policies regarding entering and leaving the company. Like any other policy, this must also be addressed before people start working. What is the purpose of writing this letter? The main objectives are: For preparing for an emergency: Through this…

Letter Informing Vendor to Keep Continue Supply

Vendor management is a difficult task especially when your business is extended to different cities. Almost every organization has to manage its suppliers and this process is known as vendor management. There are lots of activities associated with this process that has to be undertaken. This process is important because it allows a business to never let the supplier go who supplies good products. In addition, negotiating with them at different levels, keeping them updated and lots of other things are also done to ensure that the relationship between a business and its suppliers is strong and professional. One of…

Daily Sales Report Letter to Manager

What is a daily sales report letter? If you are a salesperson or sales manager who is responsible for monitoring sales on a daily basis, you will definitely be asked to compose a letter to your manager. This letter includes a comprehensive yet concise report of sales conducted in a single day. The manager is interested in reading this letter, and therefore, he asks his subordinates to draft it. What to consider while writing this letter? A daily sales report letter is essential as it enables a business to measure how well a company is doing. This way, lots of…

Sick Leave Letter for Fever

It is possible to get a fever at any time. When this happens, it is important to rest to get better. A fever can also spread fast, so it is important to take some leave off work or school so that one can get better. A sick leave letter for fever is helpful here. What is a sick leave letter for a fever? A sick leave letter for a fever is written when one needs a leave due to a fever. The letter is a formal way to inform your work or institution that you require this leave. Importance of…

Warning Letter for Safety Rule Violation

Letter 1: Re. Warning for Safety Rules Violation Dear [NAME], according to the OSH Act, employers are held liable for the violations of the safety rules and any hazards experienced by the employees. This letter seeks into the violation observed by the National Security Council (NSC) inspection team who visited your company on [DATE]. Employees’ health and safety should be a top priority for the employers and must demonstrate this explicitly in the policies of the safety regulations designed by the company. Violation of safety rules comes under the infringement of Employees Safety Rules at Workplace Laws (2017) specifically. Therefore,…

Eid Greeting Email to Staff

What is an Eid greeting email? At the outset of the Eid holidays, Muslims across the world start their celebrations. People who work in different organizations receive greetings from their co-workers and bosses. They also send warm wishes on this occasion to others. It is a tradition to wish each other happiness. People would use Eid cards and letters to send prayers and wishes to each other. Now, with the advent of technology, sending an email has become a new normal. This email is an indication that the company or the manager has not forgotten their employees on the day…

Recruitment Tie-up Proposal Letter

Companies that want to expand their services encourage their customers to send applications for a tie-up with them. Usually, companies that are at their start-up phase need the collaboration of other individuals or companies. It has become very common to have recruitment consultancy when organizations have to hire employees in different areas. So, whenever you want to collaborate with a company to provide your services pertaining to hiring, you will need to write a proposal. What is a recruitment tie-up proposal? Many companies rely on external bodies or individuals to provide their services to help them hire competent and skilled…