Letter of Recommendation from Employer for Higher Studies

The recommendation letter is a special type of business letter that is usually issued by people in authority. It is a type of endorsement letter in which the writing of this letter endorses the subject of the letter. There is a variety of purposes to write a reference letter. Most commonly, employees need this letter issued from their employer to get a new job or for higher studies.  We all know that there is extensive paperwork that people striving to go for higher education are required to do. They are required to provide a lot of documents to prove their…

Letter to Employee for Why not Coming to Work

Employees sign an employment contract with their bosses following which they are required to come to the workplace daily and if they need to take one or more days off, they will be required to take a leave from the office. There are some unusual circumstances when the employee does not inform the employer about his absence and does not show up. When this happens, the employer writes a letter to the employee and asks to provide the reason for not coming to the office.   What is a letter to the employee who is not coming to work? This letter…

Proposal Letter for Residential Interior Design

What is a residential interior design proposal? This proposal is a business offer in which you sell your interior designing services to people looking for some interior designers for the house. Who writes the residential interior design proposal? If you are a designer who is specialized in interior designing work or you are someone who is running a firm providing designing services to clients, you should write this proposal whenever you want to get a new project to work on. What information should this proposal cover? A basic and professional looking proposal includes the following sections: The complete profile of…

Letter Announcing Relocation of a College/institute

1. Re. Relocating [name] College from [location-I] to [location-II] Dear Students, this letter has been written to inform all of you that the college is relocating into its new building on [date]. All of you are required to come to the college at [location] from [date]. Your teachers will communicate necessary information and share all the details with you during your classes before [date]. Form [date], all the classes shall conduct in the new location [location]. The relocation has been caused by certain policy imperatives of the local government. Therefore, the college administration must execute the relocation within a given…

Letter to Express Concern about Team Member

If you notice that one of your team members is having performance issues, you should not wait until it turns into something serious. If you handle problems regarding anyone’s performance in time, you will prevent many offenses, dismissals, and other penalties. Therefore, writing a letter of concern will help you deal with such situations. What is a letter to express concern for a team member? When you find out that one of your team members needs to improve their performance, you can write them a letter of concern. By writing this letter, you let the team member know that you…

Loss of Pay Letter to HR

Salaries of the employees are handled by the human resource department that is run by human beings. Humans are entitled to mistakes and therefore, there is a possibility of a mistake in the salary calculation of any employee. Employees are allowed to come forward and report the error so that corrections can be made. Due to this, a loss of pay letter is written. What is a loss of pay letter? The loss of pay letter is generally considered as a complaint letter by the employee written to the employer or HR to let him know that the employee has…

Letter to Confirm Acceptance of the Tender Award

What is a confirmation letter of acceptance of a tender award? When a candidate or a business is ready to accept the tender offer, it has to write a confirmation letter of acceptance of the tender award. Generally, this letter is written in response to the tender offer letter in which the company asks the candidate to make a bid and prepare a proposal for the project they want the recipient to work on. It is important to note that the person who has been sent the notification or request to accept the tender award or offer is under no…

Clerk Experience Certificate Letter

What is an experience certificate letter? It is an official document that certifies that the person who has earned this certificate has completed his employment with the company. This certificate tells that the employee of the company is an experienced person who has experience of working on the post of clerk. Companies with a professional approach often issue their candidates the experience certificate without having been asked. This is one of the most important documents for a clerk in his career that adds so much value to his resume and helps him get a job. Why it is important to…

Letter Inviting Employee Back to Office after Work from Home

After half of the world has been administered vaccine for covid-19, HR leaders across the world are trying to bring people back to the workplace. Due to the pandemic, it was important for everyone to maintain social distance and to curtail the spread of the virus, people started to work from home. “Work from home” became the new normal and the entire world shifted to a virtual workplace. Although it also worked well, there is no substitute for working in the office physically. Therefore, as soon as the world managed to get a hold of the pandemic, the employers started…

Contract Renewal Letter Format for Nurse

What is a contract renewal letter for a nurse? The letter written by the administration of the hospital to the nurse letting him/her know about the renewal of the contract is generally regarded as a contract renewal letter. Most of the time, hospitals sign such contracts with their nurses which can be renewed under certain conditions. The hospital decided to renew the contract with the nurse when the nurse’s performance has been up to the mark and the management of the hospital is happy with the diligence and honesty with which the person appointed on the post of nurse demonstrates. …

Contract Renewal Letter Samples for Nurse

1- Re. Contract Renewal Letter w.r.t Contract no. [X] Dated [DATE] Dear Sir, I am [NAME] and I have been working as a nurse in your NHS Trust Center since 20XX on a contract basis. The contract was signed on [date] according to which I had to perform various nursing duties described in the terms of reference of the job. The contract was said to be valid for [x] years. I am sad to inform you that the duration of the contract is about to be expired. I want you to extend my contract duration by renewing the contract before…

Conference Attendance Verification Letters and Format

Conferences are generally organized to make different leaders and experts from the industry meet at a hub and share their experiences and knowledge that ensures learning and introduction to many new concepts. In the business world, the purpose of the conference is to allow all the key stakeholders of the company to come together and discuss some common goals to achieve. These conferences have so much importance and therefore, whenever a person is sent an invitation to attend the seminar, he is required to confirm that he will attend it. What is an attendance confirmation letter? When someone receives an…

Conference Attendance Verification Letter Samples

1. Re. Confirming the Attendance at [name] Conference Dated [date] Dear [name the organizer], I am much pleased to receive your invitation to the [name] conference. Your firm never let go of any event without filling it with pleasure and delight for the participants and attendants. I am overtly happy to confirm that I shall be attending the [name] conference at [venue] on [date]. The timing for which I have been invited is [time [ whereas I want to let you know that my attendance can differentiate a little bit from the time to which I have been invited. The…

Christmas Closing Letter for Customers

1- I am writing to notify you regarding the Christmas holidays. It’s already December and you must be waiting by now for the most exciting time of the year. It is to inform you that company X will cease business dealings from 20th December 20xx till 1st January 20xx. All the services will resume from 2nd January 20xx. Online orders placed on or before 15th December 20xx will be delivered after 2nd January 20xx. You are valuable to us; the online portal will be accepting your orders but they will be processed after the holidays. All the offices will be…

Maternity Leave Expenses Disbursement Letter

In many companies, female employees are given many benefits including maternity leave. The duration of the maternity leave completely depends on the policy of the company and the health information of the female employee. Usually, the maternity leave lasts for 9 weeks or more. In this leave duration, the employee is asked to stay at home and take a rest while she is paid every month the regular salary. The maternity expenses of the mother are also incurred by the company in some cases. The mother is asked to inform the company about the expenses and then all these expenses…

Tender Proposal Format and Template

You must be fishing for an opportunity to write a tender proposal and you might be thinking writing a bid is a piece of cake. However, when you practically start writing a proposal for a targeted tender procedure, you realize that it is hard to write a proposal that stands out. No matter how challenging it is to write a proposal, you can never get a new contract unless you put down a professional-looking tender proposal. How to write a description in the proposal? Everyone knows details are required to be mentioned in the proposal. However, still, they don’t do…

Revised Price Quotation Letter Sample

A revised price quotation letter is a letter that is written and sent by an organization that has quoted a price for an order and is now revising it. It is addressed to the client organization interested in purchasing the product or service. In this letter, the organization informs the client about the revised price and provides proper reasoning behind the change. In addition, the share of the burden, especially in the case of an increased cost, should be clearly stated as well. Possible scenarios to write the letter? This letter can be written in various scenarios, such as: When…

Letter to Boss for Non-renewal of Contract

When we start working in a company as an employee, we sign a contract with that company. Companies ask you to sign the contract because they want to protect their rights. This contract has a limited duration. After which, it expires. Companies do provide an option of renewal of the contract to their employees and they also love to renew the agreement with those employees who have performed satisfactorily. Just as a contract is signed following some formalities and proper channels, the termination is also done in the same way. If you want to not get your contract with the…

Contract Non-renewal Letters Written to Employer

Letter -1 Re. Contract Non-Renewal for [X] Dear Sir, I am [NAME] and I have been working in this company since 20XX on a contract basis concerning contract no. [#] w.r.t ad. No. [#]. According to this contract, I was recruited as an [POST] on a contract of fifteen months which was likely to renew itself without notice if not terminated by notice. I have worked for fifteen months, and this contract comes to expiry on [DATE]. The contract is likely to be renewed without notice, therefore, I notify my termination from the contract before the new session starts. Sir,…

Proposal to Purchase Land for Boss’s Office

Letter -1 Re. Proposal to Purchase Land for Office Relocation Dear [NAME], I am [NAME], the [POSITION] from [COMPANY NAME]. Please note that the letter serves as a proposal letter purporting the purchase of the land for the office of my boss. Mr. [NAME YOUR BOSS] who is the CEO of the company wants to relocate his office. For this, I have been given the task to seek suitable commercial areas where the office can be relocated. Therefore, I am writing to you to assist me in this matter and negotiate the idea of purchasing land from your real estate…

Leave Messages to Boss for Exam

1. This message is to inform you that my last semester examinations are commencing from 12th December and I must appear. It will be your favor if you grant me leave permission from 8th December 20XX to 24h December 20XX. In this way, I will have enough time for preparation, and I can give my exams easily. Therefore, I request you to sanction me leave for three days. I hope that my plea will be accepted. I will forever be obliged to you. 2. With due respect, it is humbly stated that I am working on a contract basis as…