What is a payment advice letter? It is a kind of business letter that one party writes to another to request to clear the payment mentioned in the overdue invoice. People are compelled to write these letters because sometimes, those who have to clear the overdue invoice don’t seem to pay any heed to it. A payment advice letter is written when the seller has sold his products to the buyer and has issued the invoice but the seller is not clearing that invoice. In simple words, the seller simply and formally asks the buyer to make the payment without…
Letter Informing HR about Salary Mistake
There are lots of such situations when we find out that there is an error in the salary. An organization needs to have a smooth payroll system. When a company manages to have a smooth payroll system that prevents mistakes, the employees in that company remain satisfied and happy. Additionally, the company prevents many legal ramifications if it has an organized payroll system. What is a letter informing of a salary mistake? Unfortunately, no matter how well a company manages the payrolls of its employees, sometimes mistakes are unavoidable. When an employee finds out that there is a mistake in…
Internship Experience Request Letter Template
An internship is a good opportunity for students who want to gain practical experience in the area they have got knowledge about. When someone gains experience of working on any post through an internship program, their efforts should be validated by issuing them the experience certificate or experience letter. This letter serves as proof that the internet has got the experience and therefore, he is ready to become a part of the industry. What is an internship experience request letter? When a student has completed an internship in a particular company and wants to get an experience letter from that…
Funding Request Letter for Small Business
A funding request letter for a small business is a letter that is written by someone who is planning to initiate a small business but lacks the capital for it. It can be addressed to the financial institutions like banks, government authorities, that lend a supporting hand to the people or to any sort of investors, individuals, or organizations. In this letter, the individual requests the addresser for the funds, that can be invested in to start his business. He needs to justify his request as well as convince the fund provider about the chances of success of the business.…
Bakery Business Introduction Letter Template
A bakery business introduction letter is a letter, that is written by a business organization, which is new in the market, and wants to introduce itself to the people residing nearby, the probable clients and customers. It is addressed to such a targeted audience, who are potential customers to the new business. In addition to the introduction, this letter can also help in promoting a bakery business. It highlights the main items or products, that are the specialties of the bakery. This letter is very useful because: A bakery business may be small, and people may not even know about…
Service Dog Letter From Doctor
A service dog letter from the doctor is a letter, that is written by a doctor, who is treating a patient, and the patient needs his support for attaining or using a service dog. It can be addressed to the authorities, that provide a service dog, or anyone, from whom the patient needs permission to use it. A service dog, guide dog, or assistance dog are interchangeable terms for a dog, that is specially trained to facilitate individuals with disabilities, to aid them in the performance of various tasks. For instance, a service dog may be helpful in leading a…
Mobile Bill Reimbursement Letter Sample
What is mobile bill reimbursement letter? A mobile bill reimbursement letter is a letter that is written by an employee and is addressed to the employer of an organization. In this letter, the employee makes a request to the employer to reimburse his mobile bill. In addition, he needs to show his eligibility for this reimbursement, and if he falls in the bracket. The mobile reimbursement letter is also written in another scenario when the employee does not fall in the bracket of mobile bill reimbursement, but his job requires or required him to make several official phone calls, which…
Letter Rejoin after Resignation due to Refusal of a Raise
A letter to ask the employee to rejoin after his resignation due to refusal of a raise is a letter, that is written by the employer of the company. It is addressed to the ex-employee of the organization, who had resigned before because he did not get his request for a salary increase granted by the organization. In this letter, the employer asks the ex-employee to join the company back, even if it is only for a project. He tries to convince the employee by giving him few enticing offers. The employees often ask the employers for raising their salaries.…
Explanation and Apology Letters to Boss for Misunderstanding
Letter#1 Subject: Explanation for misunderstanding in [X] Dear Sir, I am writing you to explain the circumstances which led to the misunderstanding between us. I sincerely apologize for causing inconvenience for you which was not my intention at all. In last weekend’s meeting, you were instructing me about the exact sequence of the projects to be completed. However, I took it in another way and misunderstood the concept. As per your directions, we had to move forward with the California project, putting the Platinum project on the waiting list which was of secondary importance. Unfortunately, I misunderstood the directions and…
Cold and Cough Leave Letter to Office
The cold and cough leave letter to the office is a letter written by an employee to inform his employer about his current health condition. In this letter, the employee not only talks about his cold and cough but convinces the employer and requests him to grant him sick leaves. To make the case strong, the employee may attach a doctor’s note or prescription with this letter and send it to his employer. The symptoms of cold and cough are very common, but they make a person weak and lethargic, and so the doctors often prescribe rest to the patients…
Letter to Boss to Clear Misunderstanding
Whether we are in our professional life or personal life, sometimes what we say or do is misconstrued. In professional life, misunderstanding between people causes so much damage. When there is a misunderstanding, the life at workplace gets impacted to a great extent. Therefore, we should always try to clear misunderstandings at the workplace through communication. What is a letter to the boss to clear misunderstanding? In a professional world, we often write a letter to our employer to overcome misunderstandings. This letter can be written in any form however, the purpose remains the same. Why it is important to…
Letter of Discrepancy in Salary
The discrepancy in the salary means there is a difference between the calculated amount the employee should be receiving as a salary and the amount he has received. Any miscalculation on the part of the employee is not considered a discrepancy. Why write a discrepancy in the payroll letter? When an employee finds out that he has not received the salary amount that he has was supposed to be receiving, he writes a letter to his employer or anyone handling the finances of the company to let them know about it. This letter is written to point out the mistake…
Letter to Father Seeking Permission to Join Karate Class
A letter to a father seeking permission to join the karate class is a letter written by a daughter or a son, and it is addressed to one’s father. In this letter, the kid asks for permission from the father for admittance into the karate class. The kid is expected to provide all the relevant details regarding the class so that it would be easy for the father to decide if he wants to give permission or not. In addition, the kid needs to convince his/her father, that the karate class will not impact his/her studies. It is important to…
Letter to Father Requesting to take up a Job During Summer Holidays
A letter to a father saying you want to take up a job during the summer holidays is a letter, that is written by a child to his/her father. This letter serves the purpose of informing the parent about the job as well as seeking permission to opt for it. In addition, it is also used as a platform to convince one’s father about the associated benefits of the job. It is an informal letter, with a candid and frank tone, as it is addressed to a parent by the child. If the child is living away from home, and…
Warning Letter for Poor Performance with Sample
Warning letters are official documents issued by the administration of a company or an institute to their employees in order to warn them about their doings and their shortcomings. These letters have a serious tone and should be taken seriously by the concerned receiver as they can be changed to termination letters if ignored. Most warning letter draws the attention of the receiver toward the issue of which either the receiver is aware or unaware. The administration takes the bold step and hands out these letters as they have a limited tolerance policy against the shortcomings of their employees. Within…
Letter to Father Seeking Permission to Join Hockey Coaching Institute
What is the letter about? A letter to a father seeking permission to join the hockey coaching institute is a letter that is written by a son or a daughter. It is addressed and sent to the father of that individual. In this letter, the child asks for his father’s permission to allow him to get admission to a hockey coaching institute. He also provides all the relevant details of the institute and the reason behind wanting to join that institute. Permission from the father may be needed because of various motives, such as: The principal of the child’s school…
Letter to Father Asking Permission to Go for an Excursion
A letter to the father asking permission to go on an excursion is a letter, that is written by a child to his/her parent. It is an informal letter and hence the tone is also casual. In this letter, the child seeks his/her parent’s permission to go on a trip, usually, with his/her educational institution. The academic institutions often plan for excursions or educational trips, as recreation is part of the overall learning process. However, they need to ensure, that the parents are willing to send their child on an excursion, under the responsibility of the institution. For that purpose,…
Letter to Father Asking Permission to Trip to Nagzira Sanctuary
A letter to the father asking permission to go on the trip to Nagzira sanctuary is a letter written by a son or a daughter. It is addressed to the father of the child, who is writing the letter. In this letter, the child informs the father about the trip to the specified place and seeks his permission to go. In addition, he also mentions the associated risks, if any. Usually, such trips are organized by the academic institutes, that would not take the child along unless they have the consent of their parents. It is illegal for an institute…
New Branch Opening Announcement Letter
Letter#1 Re. Opening of a new franchise in Halley tower, Orlando Dear Customers & Clients, we are glad to announce that we are going to open another branch of our store in the Halley Tower that is situated in Spenser Avenue. The opening shall be held with an event followed by a concert and other celebrating tools. The branch shall be made on the patterns of already present outlets of Solar Beauty Cosmetics and with the same articles available. The opening shall be held on [EMAIL] at 6 PM to which all of our customers and clients are invited. We…
Resignation Letter for New Job Opportunity
Letter#1 Re. Resignation from the designation of DQA manager on account of a new job opportunity with promotion. Dear Sir, I am Ben Anderson, working as a Drug Quality Assurance Manager since 2015. I am taking this moment to notify you formally that I shall not be able to continue my job here because of another job with better career opportunities and promoted designation. Using my right to resign from the position at any time, I hereby announce my resignation through this letter with prior notice of two weeks (according to the company’s rules and regulations on resignation). I have…
Resignation Letter for Career Growth
Letter#1 Re. Resigning from the designation of assistant manager with one month notice Dear Sir, I am writing this letter to inform you that I am going to resign from the job of Assistant Manager with one month’s notice i.e., effective from [DTAE]. I am resigning for the sake of career growth as I am on the venture of seeking other career opportunities. My time here in this firm has been of great significance and filled with great learning and experiences. The reason behind my resignation is solely seeking better career opportunities and getting to the horizons of great expertise…