Thank You Mother Mary for Interceding

1- Tomorrow is a great day in my son’s life as he is going to complete his graduation. Both my family and I are really excited about this. We are proud parents and all this happened only due to your intercession Mother Mary. I had been gone through a very tough phase of my life over the past few years and during this phase my only hope was you. I had firm faith in you and you really helped and guided us in every matter through your intercession. I cannot describe my feelings in words to pay my regards to…

Employee Workplace ID Card Rules and Regulations Letter

The employee workplace ID card rules and regulations letter is a document issued by an employer and addressed to the organization’s employees. In this letter, the employer informs the employees about the rules and regulations concerning the employee ID card that they need to observe. The employer also notifies if there have been any changes in the rules or if new regulations have been introduced. In addition, the reason behind seeking strict observance and the consequences in the case of non-adherence are also stated in this letter. The maintenance of security is essential to the overall well-being of the employees.…

Labor Day Closing Messages Samples

1- ABC Corporation will not be opened on Xth September 20XX in accreditation of upcoming Labor Day and your endeavors. The corporation will resume regular office hours from Xth September 20XX. You are requested to collect your bonus boxes from the accounts office. This will be a little gift from our side to appreciate and encourage you all. Enjoy this day at your best. Happy Labor Day. 2- This message is to inform you all about the upcoming holiday that will be on Xth September on account of Labor Day. There will be no internal and external trading, and the…

Response Letter to Angry Customer Over Customer Care

A response letter to an angry customer over customer care is a formally written letter by an organization. It is addressed to the dissatisfied customer who has complained of experiencing lousy customer service. Through this letter, the organization responds to that complaint and tries to provide an acceptable explanation and compensation to the angry customer. This letter is written on the company’s letterhead and is duly signed by the authoritative person. When a customer does not feel valued during or after a shopping experience or deems the organization does not care enough for the customer, he would complain to the…

Response Letter to Complaint of Parents about Study

A response letter to the parent’s complaint about the study is a formal letter written by the principal or head of the institution. In it, the principal addresses the concerned parent and responds to the parent’s complaint regarding the dissatisfactory level of study. This letter is printed on the institution’s letterhead and signed by the authorized person. Sometimes, if the parents are not satisfied with their children’s learning, they may complain to the institution and seek an explanation, as they are the ones who are paying the institution. Some of the complaints about the study could be: In such cases,…

Response to Complaint of Delay of Delivery

A response to a delivery delay complaint is a formal letter on company letterhead written by the organization with which the customer has lodged a complaint. It is addressed to that customer, and the organization provides an explanation and an apology to make the angry customer happy. As this is a response letter, it should clearly and properly handle the particular complaint and issue of the delay in the delivery of products that the customer has faced. A delay in the delivery of goods from the organization’s side may occur due to many reasons, such as: These reasons may be…

Letter Responding to Customer Experience Complaints

A letter responding to a complaint of dissatisfaction with the overall customer experience is written by an organization in response to a complaint lodged by a customer who had a bad experience. In this letter, the organization tries to provide an explanation while apologizing and satisfying the customer. It is a formal letter issued on the company’s letterhead. All organizations always target happy customers, as they are the ones through whom the organization’s income is generated. Therefore, if a customer is unhappy, the organization tries to handle his complaint in the best manner possible to retain him and avoid any…

Dismissal Letter for Company Manager due to Poor Performance

Company managers’ key responsibility is to look after and guide the workers in the direction to fulfill the company’s goals. The major responsibilities of the company manager include the management of the worker’s daily work tasks and schedules, hiring new workers, coordinating working teams, promoting coordination between supervisors and workers, budgeting, and meeting goals. Another significant responsibility of the manager is to report to the senior manager or owners about the deliverables periodically. Errors committed by company manager leading to poor performance There are three types of errors that are considered as poor performance by the company manager. Failure to…

Chocolate Festival Ticket Editable Templates

Chocolate is the most consumable dessert in the world. There are various forms and tastes of chocolate loved by people. The first sign of it appeared when civilization in Mexico started using cocoa beans as they were growing wild in Central America. These people used to make a drink by roasting and grinding beans followed by the addition of vanilla and other spices. Later, different civilizations attributed various myths to their existence and started using them differently. It traveled from America to Spain, London, and other countries where it was considered royalty and was used by the elite class only.…

Valentine Party Ticket Editable Templates

Valentine’s day is celebrated on the 14th of February of every year. The concept of this day originated in China and is based on the folk stories of Saint Valentine. It is basically celebrated to show love and friendship. Starting from China, it has become a cultural, religious tradition of different people around the world. It is celebrated by billions of people everywhere. There is no specific way to celebrate it, as it can be a matter between two individuals or can also be spent by throwing a party and enjoying a night away with friends reminiscing the old times.…

Proposal Letter on Library ID Card

What is a proposal letter on ID card? A proposal letter on a library card is a letter written to emphasize the importance of having and wearing ID cards by the librarians. It can be written by the students, teachers, library management, or the librarian himself. This letter is addressed to the principal of an institution or the top management of an organization. Usually, the issuance of library ID cards is a common practice in organizations. At the same time, it is not necessary that all the organizations would implement that policy of issuing ID cards. Like all other ID…

Letter to Teacher to Report Social Media Bullying

What is a report letter of bullying? A letter to the teacher to report social media bullying is a complaint letter written by a student or a representative of a student body and is addressed to the teacher, who has the authority to handle the bullying that is being carried out. In this letter, the student informs the teacher about social media bullying and the students, who are involved in it, and requests the teacher to take the required measures to stop it. This letter holds significance, as it may lead to serious consequences for the bullies. Bullying is a…

Letter to Request Urgent Items Out of Stock

A letter to request urgent items that are out of stock is a letter written by a manufacturer, wholesaler, retailer, or organization, and is addressed to the supplier of the items, that are needed on an urgent basis. In this letter, the organization makes a request to the supplier to provide the products on short notice. Usually, the supply manager in an organization attempts to match the supply with the demand of the products, so to minimize the availability and customer dissatisfaction issues. However, sometimes, the problem of a demand and supply gap may arise. There could be many reasons…

Church Dissolution Letter Template

What is a church dissolution letter? A church dissolution letter is a letter, that is written by the authority or non-profit organization, which is running and managing the church. The addressees of this letter can vary and may include the Attorney General, the public in the church vicinity, or other organizations. Although a church is a non-profit organization, yet, its dissolution is conducted legally and properly, in a step-by-step process. Any party, which may get affected by the dissolution of the church, needs to be notified about the news formally. Usually, this is done by sending the church dissolution letter.…

Notice of Dissolution of Partnership Firm

What is a notice of dissolution of partnership? A notice of dissolution of a partnership firm is a notice, that is written and issued by a partner, and is addressed to the other partner/s of the firm. In this notice, the partner informs his other partners, that he is no longer willing to work with them under the name of the partnership firm, and that the assets need to be sold to settle the liabilities, and the remaining assets need to be distributed accordingly. However, this notice can also be addressed to other stakeholders, such as suppliers, customers, government organizations,…

Excuse Letter for School due to COVID

What is an excuse letter? This is a kind of formal letter that you write to your employer or any person in authority to let him know that you have a reason for not being able to attend the workshop. In schools, the excuse letter from teachers or students is presented before the principal of the school. It has become a very common practice to write an excuse letter due to the onset of pandemics across the world. Social distancing has become mandatory for all people whether they have contracted the virus or not. When someone has contracted the disease,…

Partnership Request Letter

Entering into a partnership with anyone is no joke. It is something serious and has to be done carefully. When you have decided to enter into a partnership you must follow all the procedures in place so that everything works out. You will need to create a partnership request letter. What is a partnership request letter? A partnership request letter is written when someone wishes to get into some joint venture with another person or business. These are entered when the business or individual sees some benefit occurring from the partnership. Partnerships aid businesses in expanding to fresh territories, limiting…

Apology Letter to Class Teacher

An apology letter is a way to express regret. It is written in different situations to different people. There can be lots of problems when someone is a fault and causes inconvenience to the other person. Due to this, things often take a turn for the worse. Things can be handled very easily if people learn to say and write sorry. What is an apology letter to the class teacher? When a student makes a mistake whether intentionally or unintentionally and regrets later, he can write an apology letter to the teacher. What is the purpose of writing an apology…

Apologizing Company Management for Misunderstanding

In our day-to-day life, we often hurt others or annoy them. This is completely normal in our personal life. However, when this happens in the professional world, we often have to pay the price for it. Therefore, the use of an apology letter is the best way to handle things in professional life. People often ignore the situation in which it was necessary for them to say sorry. However, in professional life, it is quite difficult especially if it is your boss on the other side. So, whenever there is any kind of inconvenience from your side, you should always…

Response Letter to Negative Review of Product on Facebook

A response letter to a negative review of a product on Facebook is a letter, that is written by a brand name or a Facebook page, and is addressed to the individual, who has posted a negative review of the company’s product on Facebook. It is called a response letter, as it is written and sent as a response to the negative review. In this letter, the organization either defends itself or apologizes for the customer’s bad experience. Depending on the scenario, through this letter, it may try to compensate the customer as well. As social media has gained huge…

Staff Hiring Proposal Template

Many organizations are unable to fulfill their hiring needs because sometimes the skill, they are looking for is rare. Sometimes, it is difficult for a company to meet its hiring needs because no applicant qualifies for the post in the company. In this situation, a request for a proposal is submitted. In this request, those companies who can help the organization fulfill its recruitment needs are asked to come forward and offer their services through the recruitment proposal. What is the hiring proposal? Just as any other proposal, this proposal is also used to offer your services to someone who…