Warning for Misbehavior with Colleague and not Following Instructions

A warning for misbehavior with the colleague and not following the instructions is a letter, that is written by an employer, and is addressed to the employee, who has exhibited unprofessionalism, in terms of misbehavior and non-compliance to instructions.  In this letter, the employer warns the employee as well as informs him about the possible consequences he might have to face in case the unprofessionalism does not stop. An organization cannot ignore the bad behavior of and disregard of instructions by any of its employees because: The employee may deem the misbehavior an acceptable facet in the organization’s values. Other…

Request Letter to Attend Training Course

A request letter to attend a training course is a letter that is written by an employee who is planning to attend a training course. It is addressed to the employer of an organization. In this letter, the employee attempts to explain and convince the employer about the benefits of the training course. In addition, he may also request that the employer cover the expenses of the training as well as apply for work leave. When an employee wants to attend training, especially if it would affect his work or he needs favors from his employer, he should formally inform…

Income Verification Letter

An income verification letter, often also referred to as an employment verification letter, is a letter, that is written by an employer for his employee’s income verification. It can be addressed to a general addressee or a specific organization. Usually, the addresses could be a bank, financial institution, government authority, house owner, etc. The main purpose of this letter is to certify, that a person is an employee of the organization, and he has a constant and reliable stream of income, and hence has creditworthiness. An employee may need income verification, that he is working somewhere and earning a regular…

Response Letter to Positive Review of Product on Facebook

A response letter to a positive review of a product on Facebook is a letter, that is written in response to a positive review, that has been posted on Facebook by a satisfied customer. This letter is written by the organization and is addressed to the happy customer. In this letter, the organization shows its gratitude toward the customer for choosing the organization’s product as well as for the positive review. When a customer gets happy with a product, he may like to tell others that his purchase was worth it. One of the common ways adopted these days for…

Letter of Dissolution of Corporation

A letter of dissolution of a corporation is a letter written by a company and it can be addressed to any of the stakeholders, including shareholders, clients, suppliers, employees, government, etc. In this letter, the corporation informs the addressee about its dissolution and the date of effect. A corporation may get dissolved due to several reasons, such as: Financial issues. High debts. Conflicts among shareholders or board of directors. Vote of shareholders for dissolution. Government or court orders, etc. Irrespective of the reason, if the corporation is being dissolved, it is important to inform the concerned parties in a timely…

Notice to Client for Outstanding Payment

Notice to a client for outstanding payment is a document, that is prepared by an organization, in which it addresses the client, and notifies it about the outstanding payment. It serves the purpose of notification as well as a warning letter, as it states the consequences or the actions that the organization may take in case the client does not make his due payment. Sometimes, the client does not make timely payments, which is crucial to the organization’s operations and cash management. An organization may need to: Make payments to the suppliers for the materials bought for the client’s project.…

Change of Address Notification to Customer for Remittance

Some organizations such as banks change their address due to some very critical reasons since it is not easy to change address and then communicate it with everyone. Oftentimes, institutes prefer to change their address because they have to face some problems in their existing address such as disruption in technology, varying market conditions, and lack of improvement in the quality of their work due to the location.  Whenever organizations choose to change their address, they write letters or notices to their customers to let them know about the change in address. What is a change in address notification? If…

Letter to Tenant Regarding Change of Ownership

A letter to the tenant regarding the change of ownership is a letter written by the current owner, an agent, or an organization through which the owner has rented out his property. It is addressed to the tenant of the property. In this letter, the addresser notifies the tenant about the change of ownership of the property, and how this modification will affect him as a tenant. An owner might sell his property for any reason, but if he has rented it out to someone, he needs to formally inform the individual/family, that has tenanted his property. In addition, the…

Letter to Employee for Behaving Badly at Workplace

An employee’s unprofessional behavior sometimes leads to warning letters by the company heads. If an employee is behaving badly with his fellow workers at a workplace, a formal letter is written to inform him about his actions and the serious consequences if the actions are not mended. A verbal warning can also be made but a written letter is more influential and formal. An employee behaving badly has an adverse effect not just on the co-workers but on the work environment of the office as well. What might be considered bad behavior? There is a massive range of behavior exhibited…

Work Completion Promissory Note

When working for a client you need to have the assurance that you will get paid for your hard work. There are different ways that this can be done. If you do not have this proof you may end up not getting paid for your work and no way to demand anything for it. A promissory note can be used here. What is a work completion promissory note? A work completion promissory note is the financial instrument that has a written promise by the issuer that they will pay the other party a certain amount of cash when they have…

Partnership Confirmation Letter Template for Word

A partnership of any kind is undertaken when both parties see some benefit in this. The partnership can end up helping both parties in advancing their business. Therefore, this is something that is important and needs to be done carefully. Some certain procedures and documents need to be created during the process. One of these includes a partnership confirmation letter. What is a partnership confirmation letter? A partnership confirmation letter is written when a business agrees to a partnership request from another business. It confirms their desire to enter the agreements and work with the other party. Importance of a…

Partnership Breakup Letter

When one begins a partnership, they do not think that the time will come to end it. But this case is possible especially when one gets a loss due to it. If this happens it is better to terminate the partnership. To do this you should be professional and send a partnership to break up letter. What is a partnership break-up letter? A partnership break-up letter is a document that expresses your intention to stop doing business with the partner. The letter will explain the reasons why you have decided to stop working with the partner. It can highlight what…

Employee Performance Concern Letter

Employees are the driving force of an organization. As a matter of fact, the success of the company largely depends on the prowess and productivity of the employee. In addition, enthusiastic employees also play a major role in making an organization grow and prosper. Companies also keep rewarding those employees who work keenly and show responsible behavior towards the work they are tasked with. Just as the company rewards the employees upon showing good performance, some companies also show concern when they find out that the performance of the employee is declining day by day. What is an employee performance concern…

Building Construction Completion Report Letter

Whenever a project team completes a project, a completion report is created by the project manager. The completion report is required to be made as and when you complete the project. In some organizations, no one working on the project is asked to write the completion report. However, the professional approach is that you always write this report. What is a building construction completion report letter? In some cases, the complete report is not written. Rather, a report letter is written. If you have worked on the construction of a building and you have overseen the entire project and you…

End of Project Report Letter

What is the end of the project report letter? This report is a kind of document that is created and used by project managers when a project they have been working on ends. This report helps them in determining how the project has been completed and how each activity on it was performed. The report letter is the same as a report. However, when a report is written in the form of a letter, it is known as a report letter. What is the purpose of writing the report letter at the end of the project? Although it depends on…

Breach of Contract Letter for Short Payment

Breach of the contract is an unlawful activity and therefore, no one is obligated to tolerate it. A contract is a legally binding agreement between two or more parties. It necessitates for each involved party to not do certain things. However, sometimes we see infractions on the part of any member of the agreement.  Breaching the agreement is not so easy or it is not something that you can take with a grain of salt. Due to this, most of the contracts also mention the repercussions of the breach. Here are different ways in which breach of contract is handled.…

First Aid Training Request Letter for Staff

A first aid training request letter for the staff is written by the admin manager, HR, or any other head to the CEO of the company in which a formal request is forwarded to conduct a first aid training session for the staff. The letter has a formal tone and focuses on the importance of first aid training of the company staff. As the cost of the training is, usually, borne by the employer, the employee writes this formal letter to convince the employer of the need for such training. In addition, the employer’s acceptance is required, as the first…

Bank Statement Request Letter

A bank statement is a document that provides information regarding the transactions carried out by a particular account. Every account has its bank statement. This statement also provides information regarding withdrawals from an account, tax imposed on withdrawal, connected ATM, etc.  It also depicts the balance at the starting and ending period of time encompassed by the bank statement. It is important to note that this statement is only issued by the bank to only the account holder. Even if the account holder needs it, he will have to write the bank statement request letter. A bank finds it very…

Application for Bank Account Closure

Closing a bank account becomes one of the biggest concerns of people because usually, they don’t have much knowledge about the process they need to go through to close the account properly. When we write an application to the bank asking to close a bank account, we often don’t add relevant and important details. Sometimes, we also add wrong details not considering the seriousness of the application that causes so many problems to us in the long run. What is the application for closure of the bank account? This is a kind of application that you write when we want…

Reprimanding an Officer for being Angry for not Promotion

A letter to reprimand an office for being angry for not getting promoted is written by an employer and is addressed to an employee, who has not received his expected promotion and hence is showing anger at work. In this letter, the employer shows his disapproval and reprimands an employee for being angry. Anger is a natural feeling, but the employees need to know how to manage it. An organization expects its employees to show responsible and professional behavior. In addition, the employees need to stick to the company values and respect their colleagues as well as the working environment.…

Company Anniversary Invitation Letter

In both personal as well as professional settings, anniversaries are celebrated with zeal and zest. In personal life, people organize parties and have fun with their friends and family, Businesses also have their way to celebrate anniversaries. They also organize parties and then invite all those people who they think must be at the party to celebrate the happy moments. What is a company anniversary invitation letter? It is a kind of invitation letter that is written to invite people to the event or anniversary. Inviting people to the anniversary is the way to connect with them. The invitation letter…