Medical Leave Message to Boss

A medical leave message to the boss is a brief message that is written and sent by an employee, in which he addresses his boss and informs him about his medical leave. This message is like a short medical leave application, that mainly explains the duration and reason behind the medical leave. As a teacher or instructor is a sort of boss to the student or trainee, the medical leave message can also be sent by a student to his teacher as well. Leave forms Usually, the companies have medical leave application forms, that need to be filled in by an…

Short Sick Leave Message to Boss

1- I am writing this message to inform you that I am suffering from flu and fever for the last five days and now it is getting worse. It is becoming difficult for me to pay full attention to work and doctors have suggested rest for seven days and recommended tests. So, for this reason, I cannot come to the office. I will resume my work once I get better. I want to leave from 15-07-20XX to 21-07-20XX. In case I don’t get better and want further leaves, I will inform you. For your convenience, I have attached my doctor’s…

Apology Letter to Boss for Misunderstanding

Mistakes can be made by anyone either intentionally or unintentionally, but the good thing is that you not only take responsibility for what you have done by readily accepting your mistake but also go for an apology. Making an apology not only makes you good in the eyes of others but it also makes them feel that you value them as an important part of your life. In our daily life, we come across many people some of which you know very well and some you barely know about. In both cases, if you somehow become a reason for hurting…

Warning Letter to an Employee for Rejecting a Project

A warning letter to an employee for rejecting a project is a letter written by an employer and addressed to the guilty employee. The document is prepared when an employee rejects a project without proper and reasonable excuse, and the company has to bear the consequences in terms of reputation, clientage, money, etc. When companies are offered projects, they analyze their resources before deciding on acceptance or rejection. If a project is deemed feasible, it is accepted, otherwise, it gets rejected. In both cases, if something wrong happens, the employee, who was the key decision-maker, is held accountable. An employee…

Affidavit of Sustained Absence

When a person stays absent from his residence and also it also not known where he has moved to, the affidavit of sustained absence is used in this situation. It should be kept in mind that this type of affidavit is deemed appropriate to be used by the person when he writes the affidavit of sustained absence. This affidavit is written by someone belonging to the absent person. Why is the affidavit of sustained absence used? When anyone belonging to the person with sustained absence wants to appoint the administrator or any trustee, he will have to write and sign…

Affidavit of Marital Status of Married Person

An affidavit is a serious document. This is a sworn statement that is in writing. It is made mainly under oath or it can be an affirmation before the authorized magistrate or officer. This is required in different instances in different countries. It may be needed to confirm the marital status of someone. What is an Affidavit of Marital Status of Married Person? An affidavit of the marital status of a married person is an affidavit that declares a person got legally married to their spouse on a certain date. It acts like a sworn statement by the person, that…

Authorization Letters

Many people feel the need to get authorization when they want to perform a particular action that needs permission. Authorization letters are written when you have to authorize someone to do something. For example, the doctor needs an authorization letter from the patient in order to get the authority to disclose the information of the patient to a third party. What is the purpose of an authorization letter? In general, the authorization letter is given permission to the person to act on behalf of someone in a particular matter mentioned in the authorization letter. When a person is not able…

SMS to Boss Requesting Him to Work from Home

1- I would like to request you to grant me the ability to work from home after the widespread Coronavirus. As the cases are increasing day by day the better thing is to go remote and this thing will help the community. You are also well aware of experts’ recommendations that social distancing is the best thing to stop the shaking out of disease. Due to this companies like Twitter, and Google have granted their workers permission to work from home. Our team can also remain in touch while working from home as we all have communication tools. I would…

Affidavit regarding Loss of Ownership Certificate to Vehicle

The affidavit regarding the loss of ownership certificate includes a sworn statement used to declare the loss of the ownership certificate of the vehicle due to theft, fire, or any other mishap. This affidavit addresses all the details regarding the loss such as the person’s name, details of the ownership security, etc. The date on which the certificate of ownership was issued should also be mentioned in the affidavit.   Why is the affidavit created? Anyone who faces the loss of ownership certificate of a vehicle is required to take several actions including writing the affidavit. There are many purposes…

Affidavit of Loss of Bill of Lading with Agreement to Hold Harmless

Just like any other affidavit of loss, this affidavit is also used for writing a statement about the physical loss of the bill of lading. The loss may be due to theft or destruction caused due to fire or any other accident. Importance of bill of lading The bill of lading is a professionally used document that is issued by the carrier to the shipper. Whenever the cargo needs to accept the transportation of the product to be shipped, it needs the bill of lading to deliver the product from the source to the destination. The bill of lading requires…

Optical Store Letterheads

The most important thing for any business is how it is perceived in the open market. The success of a business depends entirely on how many clients it has, while the business’ perception decides the repute it enjoys with them. Just like a wise-attired receptionist is the first image when you enter any organization’s office, similarly, the first distant image in building up a positive repute for any business is its letterhead. Holding a professional likable letterhead in your hand is a telltale sign of a proficient business team behind it. With the advent and progress of technology and digitization,…

Warning on Failure to Follow Job Description

A warning letter for failure to follow the job description is a letter that an employer writes. In this letter, the employer addresses the employee and issues a warning to the employee for not fulfilling the duties and responsibilities properly.  When an employee shows unprofessionalism and is not performing, the employer will issue this letter. This letter is intended to warn the employee as well as provide a chance for him to improve, before taking any drastic step. The employee may fail to follow his job description in different ways, for instance: To improve their evaluation, the employees often try…

Excuse Letter of Absence Due to Birthday

An excuse letter for absence due to a birthday is a letter that is written by an employee, in which he addresses his/her employer, explains the reason for his/her absence, and puts forward his/her excuse and apology. This letter can be referred to as an apology letter as well, as the employee is trying to seek an apology for his unprofessional behavior. Employees often take a day off to celebrate the birthday of: Based on whose birthday it is, the details and apology included in the excuse letter for absence due to a birthday vary. In addition, the particulars included,…

Bill of Sale of Dog Template

A bill of sale or a sale form/receipt for a dog is a document prepared for a transaction between a seller and a dog buyer. This bill is evidence that the deal has been made between the two parties and can be referred to in the case of any future dispute.  When a person wants to sell a dog, he states the price and characteristics of the dog, and if the buyer is satisfied, the latter agrees to purchase it. Once the transaction is finalized, the seller provides a bill of dog sale, which records all the details of the…

Importance of Wearing ID Cards in Offices

In this modern age of connectivity and computerization, the most important task any organization has to face is the protection of its assets. Since every other asset is linked with servers and cloud computing it is mostly the safety of its information and data usage that is highly concerned. With a perpetual in and out of employees/visitors in any organization, a comprehensive plan needs to be in place for its security. The first and foremost step in ensuring this security is the issuance of identification (ID) cards to every worker/employee of the company. This saves all the trouble of hiring…

Warning Letter to Employee for Forged Signatures

A warning letter to an employee for forged signatures is a letter written by the employer, HR, or the legal department. This letter is issued to the employee who has been accused of using forged signatures, and a warning is sent to him/her to eliminate the possibility of such crime in the future. Employees get involved in such vicious acts for various reasons, such as: Sometimes, the employees can escape from getting caught for their act of using the forged signatures. However, as it is a crime, if they do get exposed, the organization can take severe measures. Some organizations…

Termination Letter Due to Company Code of Conduct

Terminating an employee because he was not being able to follow the code of conduct of the company is not an easy decision. Employers usually conduct research and do a lot of investigation before reaching a final decision of termination. Once the decision of termination is made, the termination letter is sent to the employee. When it comes to following the code of conduct of the company, every company has different criteria and standards to judge everyone. The code of conduct is usually explained in the employment contract which is signed by the employee at the time of joining. Some…

Request Letter to Delay Tuition Fee

It is a type of request letter that is written by the student or parents of that student to the institute to request the institute to delay the tuition fee. Importance of requesting the delay in fee: The institutes usually send the challan form to the student on the initial dates of every month if the fee is to be paid monthly. There is the last date of submission of the fee. The students are required to pay the fee before that date. The schools add a fine to the fee if the students don’t pay it before the last…

Request Letter to Improve Shipment Services

Bad shipment services can cause inconvenience to customers to a great extent. Many courier companies are working these days in every corner of the world. For every courier company, one of the biggest concerns is reducing the transit time. Many other things need to be taken into consideration when it comes to providing good services to people. That courier company is considered to be the best that tends to provide improved and good services to customers. However, sometimes the courier company does not provide good services unawares. In that situation, customers can write a letter or email to the courier…

Reprimand Letter to an Employee for Leaving Early

What is a reprimand letter? A reprimand letter is a document that is sent by an employer to his employees when they don’t perform well. It is a type of warning letter that is used to make the employee correct his behavior. It is important to note that the reprimand letter is written only when the employee does not perform as well as he is expected to perform. This upsets the employer to a great extent, and he decides to reprimand the employee by writing him a reprimand letter. Why reprimand letter for leaving early is written? There is a…

Reply Letter to Client Who does not Honour the Meeting Commitment

The foundation of a business mostly lies in trust. When a relationship of trust is developed between the business and its clients, the business grows rapidly. Trust usually develops when both parties are upright and know the importance of committing and then fulfilling those commitments. When to write the reply letter to those who don’t fulfill commitments? There comes a situation when it becomes extremely important for a service provider to meet his clients. There are lots of things that are required to be discussed in the meeting. For this purpose, you might have asked your client to meet you…