Not all visits to your favorite restaurants will end in delight and contentment with the quality of food and services. On many occasions, you will be dissatisfied and regret your decision because of several reasons, namely poor food hygiene, uncleanliness, or lack of professional services. You will become distasteful as your time and money are wasted. Any irresponsible attitude regarding unhygienic scenarios within the premises of any restaurant or other food place should not go unnoticed. Henceforth, one should not let such terrible incidents go ignored, as other consumers will face the same unpleasantness, which has the potential to make…
Meeting Reschedule Letter to Participants
Meetings are conducted for special purposes and there is a specific time allocated for meetings. Everyone must attend the meeting at the provided time. Furthermore, those who convene the meeting are also required to set up everyone at the scheduled time. Some particular uncertain situations necessitate for a company to reschedule the meeting. When a meeting is rescheduled, those who are supposed to attend it should know about it. For this purpose, many companies write meeting rescheduled letters to potential attendees of the meeting. When to write the meeting reschedule letter? If you are the one who has to preside…
Advance Salary Request Letter for Medical Treatment
Everyone wants to save up some money for medical treatments as sometimes; we have to undergo medical treatments while being completely unprepared for them. Being unprepared means one has insufficient money to undergo good medical treatment at a hospital with better resources. Many people resort to their employers asking for an advance salary in this situation. What is the request letter of advance salary? This is a formal letter that an employee must write to his boss when he wants to request an advance salary. Fortunately, many companies have policies for giving advanced salaries to their employees when they ask…
Advance Salary Request Letter for House Maintenance
Employees usually get paid at the end of the month when they finish providing services for a whole month. Employees usually know the date on which their salary will be transferred to their account. However, sometimes, they face a situation in which they feel a dire need for money. For this purpose, they write an advance salary request letter to their employer. Although the maintenance of the house can be put off for a considerable amount of time, sometimes it becomes imperative to start the maintenance work. Maintenance requires you to cough up extra money, which sometimes costs a lot.…
Layoff Letter due to Lack of Work
A layoff letter is a letter of termination in which the termination is not based on employee functionality or performance but completely on the company’s performance intrusion. A layoff letter due to lack of work is written to the employees when there is not enough work compared to the number of employees working. For certain reasons, during a period of time, the number of contracts, clients, customers, or market share can go down, which can lead to a company or an organization facing a lack of work. Lack of work might be due to many reasons, and it impacts the…
Reprimand Letter for Fake Sick Leave
Yesterday, I found the need for this document to be issued against you when I was informed by your supervisor about the fake sick leave you availed from 15-06-20XX to 20-06-20XX, thereby breaching the rules and regulations of the company. The severity of the matter enraged me, and I was compelled to write you this letter of reprimand. It was observed that you provided the company with a fake prescription and medical certificate to avail of sick leave. The doctor confirmed this, and our HR department called him to cross-check the medical certificate. He refused to issue any such certificate…
Letter Informing Customers about an Employee’s Termination
While doing contracts or dealing with customers a company owing to a certain business has certain contractual obligations to be performed. One has to keep business obligations and professional ethics in mind. While performing such business ethics, it is of quintessential importance to inform your customer or client about an employee’s termination. While all-set work, there are times when we have to make some gruesome decisions prioritizing our work and business. One of those serious and grim experiences includes the termination of an employee. Termination is made on various grounds like; There can also be some other reasons for firing…
Return to School Excuse Note from Doctor
Return to school excuse note from a doctor is an excuse letter written to inform and excuse the child’s presence to the school authorities. The excuse note is written to the school authorities only when the reason behind absence is an illness or any kind of ailment. The doctor can write as a certified person informing the school about the child’s absence on the grounds of any disease due to which the child is unable to attend school. Such kind of letter is considered more valid as written by the doctor but it is written only when the absence of the…
Proposal Letter to Hospital for Manpower
A proposal letter is written to offer your idea or services to a company, organization, institution, health clinic, or any tech company in which one highlights the need and feasibility of the product/services to perform a certain job/task. While writing such kind of letter one needs to address the authoritative person and communicate his/her idea, service, or other business concern in a professional manner. A proposal letter to the hospital for manpower is written to the hospital admin, MS, or any other most senior faculty member to highlight the need to recruit persons to perform various jobs at the hospital.…
Project Completion Letter
A project completion letter is written to the contractor or investor informing or reporting the completion of the given project. When a project has been completed, it is important and considered business ethics to send a letter stating the completion of the task and mentioning the time frame. If the project was completed before the given time, then you can appreciate your own team and their hard work in the letter; if the project was completed with a time lag, then you should mention the reasons for this lag, rationalizing the late completion of the project. Project completion letters can have…
Letter Informing the Client about an Employee’s Resignation
Despite all the enthusiasm and industrious endeavours to keep pace within the business team, there are certain points at which we have to let go of an employee. An employee is not only an employee, as employees are strongly glued to the name of the company or organizations they are working for, but they are also company representatives, and as representatives, they are themselves the company dealing with many people at one time. They can be contractors, investors, creditors, or simply clients. When an employee has to resign or even be terminated, the clients must be genuinely informed about the…
Excuse Letter for not Attending the Swimming Class
An excuse letter for not attending the class was written by the student in the swimming class who found himself unable to attend the class. An excuse letter is the best way to communicate the absence and its reason. While writing such a letter, address your teacher politely and mention the specific date and slot of the class. Mark the reason for the absence and ensure your presence in the future. There can be various reasons behind absence, which include: Two letters are given below as a sample and can be used accordingly. Sample Letter 1- Re. Excuse for absence…
Return to School Excuse Letter from Parents
A return-to-school excuse letter from parents is a letter in which parents rationalize their child’s absence on his behalf and inform the reason for his not coming to school. There are various reasons why their return to school is not possible. The excuse letter written by parents makes it more genuine and official, thus increasing the chances of acceptance. In such letters, parents write to the school principal, administration, management branch, or any other authoritative person about why their child cannot return to school. While writing such an excuse letter, first of all, introduce yourself with a reference to your…
Letter Informing the Customers Temporary Closure of Business
A letter informing the customers about a temporary closure of the business is also a notification telling them of the temporary suspension. Sometimes, there can a specific date and indicated time period during which the business would remain closed but sometimes a specific date or time period of business closure is not communicated depending on the situation and reason(s) of the closure. At some point, a business owner feels the need to close the business for a short or even long period for certain reasons. The temporary closure is more appropriate than a full closure. While suspending business for a…
Hair Salon Price Increase Notice
A hair salon is a place visited by the masses every day. Due to the trend of culture and self-awareness, the number of people visiting hair salons to get their hair trimmed and well-groomed has considerably risen. With the rise in this culture, hair salons also offer a variety of services, which is part of the business. According to a survey, an American typically spends $360 on haircuts. Similarly, there is an upsurge in the competition among different hair salons. With a variety of services, there is a variety of prices charged for the services differently in different salons. A…
Application for Working as an Email Marketer
An application for working as an email marketer from home is written to the hiring agency of any advertising company, Media Company, digital marketing company, or other companies that need to deal with marketing as a whole or as a unit. An email marketer needs to be proficient in writing captivating emails and targeting as much audience as possible. Through the use of profound English language and enchanting phrases, the marketer has to convince audiences of the quality and best facets of the product. The following job skills and responsibilities are needed to work for an email marketer from home: The…
Apology letter by Customer for Order Cancellation
An apology letter is written by a customer to express regret for canceling an event, order, subscription, service, or contract. The customer can have various reasons to cancel an order, but they should be cordial enough to apologize to the company from which they ordered since it can turn into a financial loss for that company. Thus, the customer is issued a formal letter to apologize for the cancellation, along with the reason for the cancellation and details of the order. Purpose of writing an apology letter An apology letter is a multi-purpose, highly effective letter, enabling the customer to…
Warning Letter for Fake Sick Leave
When an employee forwards a fake sick leave, and his supervisor checks for its validity and confirmation, management must generate a warning letter if the leave and medical certificates are fake. This act violates the company’s rules, so the employee’s manager is left with no option but to send an official warning letter. Such misconduct is considered unethical and questions one’s position and repute in the company. If these acts are repetitive, a warning letter can become a high penalty, such as suspension or termination. Sample Letter: Subject: Warning Letter for Fake Sick Leave Dear [Receiver’s Name], This letter intends…
Apology Letter by Supplier for Order Cancelation
An apology letter for the order cancelation is written by the company or supplier to the customer to apologize for the cancelation of the order they placed with the company. This type of letter requires proper reasoning by the company to explain to the customer their situation, and it also helps in maintaining good relationships with customers, as no company wants to lose their customers for one cancelation only. Thus, an apology letter should be the company’s foremost priority in case of order cancelation. Reasons for order cancelation by the company Every company or supplier’s chase for customers and orders…
Request to Work from Home Messages
#1 Son is not feeling well Hey sir, I hope you are doing well. Sir I am writing you this email to get permission to work remotely. It is because my son is not feeling well. I am concerned about his health due to the [X] spread throughout the country. I am not feeling confident to leave him alone with my maid. I want to take care of myself. For that reason, I want to start working from home. I know it is somewhat difficult to manage work from home with a child, but I try my best to cooperate…
Response Letter for Unfair Dismissal
Many times, employers terminate their workers for seemingly unfair motives. This unreasonable action not only upsets the employees’ professional rhythm but, indeed, is a bit thick regardless of the multifold grave consequences it leaves on them. Henceforth, you can always respond to your termination letter if it seems uncalled for to you. This reaction should always be in a formal letter, as you and the employer can both keep a record of it. Foremostly, you have to check if your company has any kind of rules or an employee handbook on filing a response letter to unfair dismissal, also known…