Salary Slip Templates and Formats

A salary slip, also known as a payslip or paystub, is an official document issued by an employer, finance, or payroll officials, to an employee for providing details of a salary breakdown. It contains complete information on the employee’s earnings and deductions for a particular month. The employer is obliged to issue a payslip to all of the employees, either in a printed or online form. Verification of employment… A salary slip not only verifies the employee’s employment but also documents the earnings of the employee, thus helping in record-keeping for the employee’s personal file. A salary slip could be…

Email to Customer to Excuse for Delay

Customers are one of the most important parts of any business. Without these, a business cannot gain profit and run. It is therefore necessary to make them happy. If any customer receives a delay, they may put it on your social media platforms. This presents a bad image for the brand. What is an email to a customer to excuse the delay? The email to a customer to excuse some delay is the email that a company sends to a customer if the product they ordered is not able to reach in time. A brand must take out time to…

Application for Working as a Transcriptionist from Home

An application for working as a transcriptionist from home is written to the hiring agency of any company, hospital, medical clinic, research center, studio, and many other places where there is a need to transcribe the voice. A transcriptionist converts an audio message, interview, or recording into text format. There is no specific qualification required for the job, instead, technical or community colleges diplomas or short courses in the specialization of transcription are appreciated. The hiring counsel focuses more on working experience and skills than qualifications or any other requisite. Keep this in view, the applicant, after mentioning his/her requisites…

Application to Work as a Translator from Home

An application to work as a translator from home is an application written to the hiring agency of any company, organization, school, college, university, research center, or publishing house, in the fields of arts, medicine, or the law. A translator should be a person known with more than one language. He should be well acquainted with at least two languages. A translator should possess the following qualities and skills: A well-equipped knowledge of multiple languages Sound knowledge of the grammar of those languages Maintaining a dictionary and specific terminologies of the writing subject Communicating clearly through translation Capable of working…

Application for Working as a Data Entry Operator from Home

Application for data entry operator from home is written to any company hiring for this job. It may be any company, bank, organization, institution, department, school, college, or university. Some big stores, supermarkets, hotels, restaurants, and shopping malls also recruit Data Entry Operators. While applying for the designation of a data entry operator one should be capable of managing, organizing, and entering proper data. A data entry operator prepares and compiles documents for the company. He performs verification of the receipts and orders. He should be able to use data scanners, optical scanners, and other basic computer skills. He should…

Back to School Excuse Note for School

What is an Excuse Note? An excuse note or an excuse letter is a formal letter that serves the purpose of informing the management of the institution about the reason for the absence of a student and its exact duration. The absence must be communicated in such a way as to make the management aware that the absence was due to a valid reason for which usually proofs are also added. The letter is usually written by the parents/guardians of the student, or by the student himself under their supervision. Common Excuses Some of the common reasons for the absence…

Memo to Staff for Timekeeping

A memorandum for timekeeping is written by the owner/manager of an organization to regulate the staff in their office timings and identify the importance of punctuality to them. The letter may ensure some necessary steps to be taken by each employee and what possible actions can be maintained if a staff fails to follow the regulations set up by the organization. Sample Memo To: All Staff membersFrom: [Mention Your name], [Designation]Date: [Mention date] Subject: Timekeeping adherence to Staff Dear all, The punctual behavior of an employee narrates his ethical values and job expectations for which he/she was hired. Yet failing…

Termination Letter for Theft

The letter of termination for theft, also known as ‘pink slip’, shall be sent in a notification to the employee that he/she has been fired from the company and his services are no longer needed hereafter. This letter provides further details of salary and benefits and what legal actions are to be taken against the employee, thus serving as a final notice without permitting the employee to collect his belongings or cause any disruption. The employee may be allowed to file a dispute in court or in the organization itself. Sample Letter [Sender’s name][Designation][Name of Organization][Date] [Receiver’s name][Designation][Name of Organization]…

Excuse Letter for Being Absent Due to Insomnia

Excuse letters are pieces of apology written to the company, organization, managers, or any authoritative agency by informing the cause of absence. An apology can be made by writing a text message. Still, the appropriate and professional way of coping with the situation is to write a letter in the name of the administration, the head of the department, or any person in charge. Insomnia is a state of dizziness due to sleep deprivation, restlessness, and the anxiety thus generated. An insomniac is a person who has been suffering from a problem like that. It is a sleep disorder that keeps…

Excuse Letter for not Joining the Company

Sometimes, there are such circumstances created that intervene in regularization. If a person gets an appointment letter from the hiring company and ends up being unable to join the company. There can be various reasons for not joining the company. If the person has already got another appointment before his appointment in the mentioned company, he can opt for dismissing the option of working in said company or organization. Other problems like immigration and change of town can also present as the reason for not joining the company. A delay in getting an appointment letter can also be one of…

Warning Letter to Employee for Poor Dressing and Conduct

A supervisor writes this kind of warning letter when an employee is not following the proper dress code and his behavior is reflecting bad conduct. The supervisor may experience some major disciplinary conduct when his employee will not be following the specified terms and policies of the organization. Remember that misconduct is an intentional act and any violation which includes behavioral problems are included in it. Similarly, if an employee continues to violate the rules, then disciplinary action can be taken. This may lead to inquiry sessions, salary deduction, demotion, or in the worst case, termination of one’s job. Sample…

Application for Working as Call Center Representative from Home

An application for working as a call center representative from home is written to any call center company where you are willing to work. While writing an application for the call center representative, you should mention your relevant qualifications and work experience. Along with this, you need to persuade the company that your qualifications and skills match the desired qualifications at best. Also show your avid willingness to work as a call center representative and assure the company of your dedicated, indefatigable, and tireless services. You need to show the hiring person that your skills and working style perfectly meet…

Application for Working as a Sales Representative

An application for a sales representative is written to the hiring agency of any marketing company, organization, utility or grocery store, shopping center, or other business dealing with product services. In this application, the candidate highlights his/her skills/abilities and convinces the reader to hire him/her for the post. A sales representative is a person working between the business organizations and customers. Sometimes these customers may be the contractors of the company where the company is selling its products specifically to another agent or company. Moreover, sales representatives, being customer care, deal with the customers regarding the products or services provided.…

Application for Working as a Customer Care Representative from Home

An application for the job of customer care representative advisor or associate is written to the customer contact office or other workplaces that interact with customers like banks, service organizations, or customer care centers selling products. A customer care representative is a person who represents an organization. He/she interacts with the customers on behalf of the organization. A customer care representative is an associate or advisor to the customer by the company who tries to help customers solve their problems related to the products or services given by the organization. While writing an application for such a job, you need…

Warning Letter for Negligence of Responsibility

What is a Warning Letter? A warning letter is a formal letter initiated by the company authorities or usually managers more specifically the HR manager, as a cautionary letter, to inform the employee about their negligence of responsibility or any work-related task or misconduct. The letter also includes the details of the event or misconduct as well as the action (if) being taken against the employee as a result. The purpose of the warning letter is to aware of the employee of negligence, therefore, it should be kept in mind while forming the letter, that the employee’s respect or sentiments…

Application for Working as a Computer Programmer from Home

An application for the job of a computer programmer from home is written to hiring agents of Tech companies, telecommunication companies, software houses, or networking agencies. In this letter, the applicant requests the management to hire him/her and to allow him/her to work from home following certain conditions and procedures. A computer programmer develops various complex codes for the operating systems of the computer. He helps in developing and helping in system updates and keeps them error-free and counterbalanced. A programmer makes adjustments and amendments after reviewing the system programs. He creates ideas for drawing web diagrams and operating flow…

Sorry Email to Boss for Rude Behavior

An email for rude behavior is a document written by an employee in which he/she accepts his mistake of being rude to another individual at the workplace and promises not to repeat the same action. It may be highlighted in the letter that if the same action is repeated, strict disciplinary action can be taken against the employee. This email is a formal apology in regard to a past unethical action that a worker or any other employee performed. Bad behavior in a professional environment always triggers complications. It risks a person’s job. This may lead to an unsorted and…

Vehicle Maintenance Logbook Template

A vehicle maintenance logbook is maintained or kept by vehicle, fleet owners, or transport owners and operators for the purpose of keeping a record of the vehicle’s maintenance and repairs. The logbook not only mentions periodic maintenance but also provides information about expenses incurred on maintenance. Keeping a logbook is a good way to record the vehicle’s condition and keep a track of the vehicle’s inspection matrix. The owner or user of the vehicle can refer to the logbook to perform the required operation if trouble occurs and a vehicle needs to be repaired. Vehicle maintenance is the practice of…

Email to Hotel Management for Cancellation of Event

A cancellation letter/email can be written to any organization informing the termination of an upcoming event, a product that was delayed, a service that wasn’t up to the mark, or any cancellation of an appointment. Here is an example of an event cancellation email, written to communicate the termination of an upcoming event by simply writing to the hotel management. A person can fall in any appointment, or he may undergo an accident, leading him to cancel certain important events in his life. In that case, communication can resolve all your conduct, and writing a formal email will not only…

Warning Letter for being Absent on Mondays

Despite the excessive annoyance associated with the first working day of the week, one cannot deny its significance both in students’ and professional lives. Even when Monday seems to be an invocation to the grimmer days, the amount and essence of the work organizations get done on Mondays is far more than on the other weekdays. Since everyone returns to their work routine after a well-deserved break, they are likely to have higher energy levels, and this justifies the extra work that got done that day. Bosses and teachers usually plan extra important tasks for Monday and, therefore, it is…

Warning Letter for Using Social Media at Work

With the rapid advancement in technology life on the planet has taken several turns and the trend seems to be stopping nowhere in the coming years. Among all other things that have impacted our lives for good or for bad, one thing that probably has had the maximum influence on the course of our lives is social media. Irrespective of the type and purpose of its platforms, social media has affected humans’ everyday activities to an unmeasurable extent. People can be caught occupied by social media no matter where they are and, as much as it is a source of…