A diverse range of professional organizations and business companies like to arrange grand events on various occasions throughout their functional year. With the intention of multi-purposes, such events are arranged with full zest and fervour, with a lot of hard work and time going towards their planning and preparation. Even when most companies do not like to release an official statement making the presence of every staff member mandatory at the event, it is implicitly understood that everyone needs to attend the event under the work ethics that apply to all. Many people, however, tend to take such events lightly…
Sick Leave Emails for Various Reason
Sick Leave Email to Boss for Typhoid Sir, I am Sherman Alexander, the Project Manager at SDN Group of Textiles. It is stated that I am unable to make my presence sure in tomorrow’s meeting with the new contractors as I am on leave tomorrow and the two days next. I am suffering from typhoid and the doctor has suggested a few more examination tests and proper rest. Due to the crucial times of the company, I know that my prolonged absence can destabilize many ongoing tasks that is why I am taking only three days’ leave from work despite…
Warning Letter to Employee for Disciplinary Action
Disciplinary action is taken against a worker who causes problems that are serious and intolerable for an organization. An organization lays down some set of standards to be followed, and when an employee fails to follow them, disciplinary actions are taken into account. The purpose of conducting this action is never to infringe unlawful procedures upon the worker. Rather, it helps him identify his problem for his sake. So, there’s always a chance of improvement for him to work and polish the lacking qualities, hereby depicting the use of this action: “Improving employee’s performance.” Moreover, disciplinary action can rather serve…
Letter Asking for Salary Arrears
A letter asking for salary arrears is written to the finance manager, CEO, Managing Director, or any other authoritative person by the employee whose salary arrears are still unliquidated. Salary arrears are the portion of salary that is pending at the end of the company. For example, if the company’s council committee decides on some sort of allowance or salary increase that is to be implemented on a specific date but not practically followed up on for certain reasons, that specific accumulated amount is salary arrear payable to the employee by the company. Request letters for salary arrears should be…
Suspension Letter for Misrepresenting One’s Qualifications
A suspension letter is a letter that prohibits an employee from the continuation of his/her job due to unprofessional conduct that has been highlighted in a disciplinary investigation. The suspension letter aims to highlight the specific misconduct by the employee, the action being taken by the employers, and the rights and obligations of the employee according to the company’s policy. A suspension letter has various types depending upon the type of misconduct and the type of action such as warning, suspension with or without pay, or suspension for the investigation period only. The scenario when one misrepresents one’s qualification It…
Meeting Minutes Templates
Meeting minutes are a record of a meeting noted during the meeting and reported after the meeting to the concerned people. It is a formal document including the basic agenda of the meeting, mentioning the participants of the meeting along with the summary of the actions and decisions taken and assigned during a meeting. A meeting minute template includes sections divided according to the requirements of the meeting minutes being noted. The templates are of various types depending upon the type of the meeting, but most include the basic meeting sections comprising of agenda of the meeting, the respective speakers,…
Letter Requesting Outstanding Bill
Letter requesting an outstanding bill is a document written by a business owner to its customer requesting to pay the amount due as a result of the purchase of a product or the services hired. A business can also write this letter if a partner has lent some money and is not returning as per agreement. In certain situations, when the amount lent by the lender is past due by a certain date at which both parties were agreed upon, he will request the creditor to pay the outstanding amount in a polite way. Living in society, we sometimes lend…
Salary Certificate Format and Templates
A salary certificate is issued by an employer to an employee upon request for validation of the employee’s income, and the duration of his/her employment. The certificate is often required by an employee at the time of processing for bank’s operations (transactions or requesting for loan and credit card), traveling abroad, or upon transition to another organization. It serves as proof of the employee’s financial status and association with the employer and could be utilized to provide an account of the employee’s steady income. A salary certificate unlike a salary slip (also referred to as a payslip or paystub) mentions…
Employee Expense Report Template
Currently, almost all offices, whether big or small organizations, utilize a detailed employee expenses report, which is needed monthly or quarterly. This report highlights a complete and comprehensive review of the employee expenses, either monthly or quarterly. All employees who have been involved in the small organization’s workplace must submit the expense report in case they have been paying out of pocket for their business expenses. This employee expense report will completely itemize all of the reimbursable expenses. This will enable the owner to have a complete review of the expenses through the use of expense reports in favor of…
Allergy Log Template
Many people in the world experience allergies or intolerance to various types of foods and fragrances. Such people are required to abstain from all those things that trigger allergic reactions in their bodies. What is an allergy log? An allergy log is a document in which an individual can keep track of everything he eats or drinks. This log can keep a record of more than 30 days. However, if the user wants to use the log for more days, he can easily add more pages. Why is an allergy log used? Certain things trigger allergic reactions in the bodies…
Warning Letter for Unprofessional Behavior as a Lawyer
A warning letter is an official document that is written to give a warning to an employee for his misconduct or ill behavior at work. If an employee is not performing well, behaves unprofessionally, violates the company’s policy, or is accused of misconduct, then he is given a warning letter to improve his actions. Warning Letter for Unprofessional Behavior Sometimes some employees behave unprofessionally by putting aside the company’s guidelines. To maintain the company’s value or to avoid any loss of the company, such employees who act against the company’s policy are given warnings to improve their behavior and are…
Absence Excuse Letter for Passport Work
In some countries, getting a new passport is time-consuming. Many important things need to be done, and the individual needs to be physically present. There may even be long queues in which one has to wait for their turn. If it is time to get a new passport, you will need to be absent from work so that all the passport work can occur. When one has a valid excuse for being absent from work, such as getting passport work done, they will compose an excuse letter that they must submit to their employer. This letter will inform them why…
Letter Requesting Bill of Sale for Car
As a part of a valuable and well-developed organization, sometimes its employees must purchase a vehicle to fulfill the travel demands. While making claims for such a purchase, the organization demands the vehicle’s original bill of sale. At that time, this letter is used by the employee as a customer, and it is sent as a request to the showroom manager to issue the original bill of sale. In some cases where the bill of sale was issued but lost by an employee owing to some reasons, a duplicate bill may be requested. Whatever the situation may be, presenting the…
Miscarriage Letter to Employer
In case of a miscarriage, the employee writes this letter to her employer to inform the management. In some cases, employers may demand a witness from a registered medical practitioner. In this particular case, doctors issue a letter as a witness to the employer that such an event has occurred, unfortunately. In both cases, it is very hard to write this kind of letter. When a baby is born before the 20th week of pregnancy, it will be counted as a miscarriage. Unfortunately, an employee, in this case, will not be entitled to maternity leave. In the case of miscarriage,…
Employee Absence Excuse Letter for Illness
We all need to work to eat and survive. Sometimes we need to miss work due to an illness for instance. Employers may ask the employees to submit a formal excuse letter that explains why they were absent from work. What is an absence excuse letter for illness? This is a letter that gives the reasons why one could not attend work because they were sick. This letter may need to be given before the absence or may need to be written after it. This depends on the company policy. Inform them timely It is a formal way to inform…
Absence Excuse Letter due to Childcare
If you have kids, you know that any incident can occur anytime. If all guardians work, then one must get some holidays from work if a child needs to be cared for. This is if you do not have any other option. To do this you will need to give an excuse letter for being absent from work due to childcare. What is an excuse letter to be absent to take care of a child? There are many instances when one is forced to be absent from work. One of these is if your child needs some care due to…
Absence Excuse Letter of Work due to an Accident
We all hope not to be involved in an accident. But if this happens, everything can be confusing and hectic. You will need to make sure you and whoever was with you are fine. It is also necessary to inform the place where you work that you have been involved in an accident. What is an absence excuse letter of work due to an accident? This is the letter that needs to be submitted when you are involved in an accident that prevents you from going to work. Importance of the letter No doubt you will be stressed when you…
Letter Requesting Duplicate Bill
Sometimes you may misplace an important bill or invoice. Many important agreements are based on certain bills or invoices, and losing an important bill may cause trouble for people and organizations. So, if you lost an important bill you should write a letter to ask for a duplicate bill. Writing a letter is a professional way of asking for a duplicate bill and when the company will tend to act on your request without any delay. Every letter has a different purpose, and therefore, it is written accordingly. While writing a letter requesting a duplicate bill, keep the following points…
Letter Requesting Bill Adjustment
Sometimes, it may happen that you receive an invoice or bill, and it contains errors. These errors may be because of some mechanical failure or some misinformation. In order to correct the errors and adjust the bills, you have to write a letter. When you write a letter, you ask the company to remove the errors and adjust the bill professionally. It is more likely that the organization will hear you out rapidly and professionally. Moreover, it will also become a token of your proof that you have addressed the issue. Follow the given guidelines if you have errors in…
Excuse Letter of Absence due to House Shifting
Shifting houses is no simple task. If you rent a place, then you may need to shift often. There are many things to consider so that the transition can be smooth. You will need to have time to do this so no mistake happens. Therefore, you will have to be absent from work. What is an excuse letter for house shifting? An excuse letter is a formal letter informing a boss that an employee will not be able to attend work from a certain date to a certain date. Reasons are given for this, such as in this case, the…
Dismissal Letter for Poor Performance
A dismissal letter, also referred to as a termination letter, is written by an employer to an employee to communicate the reason for termination and notify the employee of their contract termination at the workplace. The letter could be issued due to the employee’s misconduct, poor performance, or disciplinary issues. The letter is issued when no noticeable improvement is observed in the employee’s work ethic despite being given substantial time and necessary training, assistance, and a suspension period (if applicable) to the employee to make up for the issues highlighted in earlier warnings. The letter serves as official documentation for…