Excuse Letter of Absence due to Toothache

Having a toothache is painful. It may be so bad that one cannot focus on anything. The pain tends to be throbbing, making one feel sick. If you have an unbearable toothache, you will need time off work to get better. What is an absence excuse letter due to Toothache? An excuse letter for being absent from work because of a toothache is the letter an employee needs to give the employer when they cannot attend work because of a severe toothache. The letter is short and formal.  Importance of the letter Some workplaces require an excuse letter as part…

Excuse Letter of Absence due to Menstruation

Some ladies find menstruation time challenging. They may even be unable to get out of bed due to feeling sick. It is a normal thing that happens to women every month. If you work and find menstruation pain challenging at a particular time, you will probably want to miss work. This is because you may be unable to focus on doing any work. What is an excuse letter? An excuse letter for being absent from work due to Menstruation is the letter that a woman needs to send her employer when she feels too ill due to menstrual pain. It…

Excuse Letter of Absence due to Attending Funeral

A funeral is an emotional time that is tough on loved ones. Attending this is important as well. If a funeral occurs on a working day, you must tell your employer you will be absent. The Funeral may be in another city, and you will have more days off. Your employer must know of this. What is an excuse letter of absence due to attending a funeral An excuse letter for being absent from work because of a funeral is the letter that an employer receives from an employee. It states that the employee needs to be absent due to…

Excuse Letter for Being Absent at Work Due to Death

Death is inevitable and feared by many. When the death of some loved one occurs, one is naturally upset and tense. They may forget about life and that life continues. If one of your family or friends has passed away, you will need time off work to handle the loss. It is necessary to inform your employer about your absence. What is an excuse letter for being absent from work? An excuse letter for being absent from work due to death is the professional way to tell your boss that you will not be able to attend work or have…

Time Off Request Letters

When employees need to take time off from work, they must let their supervisors know and request it in writing. Employees can use the time-off request letter to apply for leaves or holidays formally. In many offices, employees use a time-off request form to request holidays. Usually, this is paid time off. For example, an employee wishing to relax or spend time with family after a hectic schedule can request paid time off. Similarly, employees may also take time off for medical reasons, traveling, or any other purpose. A time off request letter mentions the employee, the number of holidays…

Excuse Letter for Missing Parents Meeting in School

This letter is written by the child’s parents to the School or College management when they have not been able to attend the PTM owing to unavoidable circumstances. In normal circumstances, parents are eager to know about their child’s school performance, but sometimes, they do not find it possible to attend parent meetings at school or college. Importance of this letter Missing PTM points directly towards parents’ negligence, regardless of how vigilant they have been about their child’s performance. Writing an excuse letter can overcome the damage to parents’ repute and prove them responsible in the eyes of management. Which…

Excuse Letter for Missing an Interview

After missing an interview for any reason, a candidate usually writes this letter to the concerned organization to explain why they are absent and request them to reschedule the interview if the management is kind enough. Although it is pretty tricky for an organization to listen from your side and to reschedule the interview still, there is a chance of your success if: Sample -1 22-05-20XX Craig McMillanHyde Park, Michigan. Dear Sir, I am writing this letter to submit my excuse for missing my interview for the assistant manager post on 15-05-20XX without informing you. I know that my attitude…

Excuse Letter for not Attending the Seminar

This letter is written by an employee to his employer to submit an excuse or express his feelings of sorry for not attending a seminar. Seminars are very important for a reputed organization in terms of learning new techniques and skills. Missing such an opportunity means that employees are depriving themselves of progress, which may prove disastrous for their careers. At times, it becomes impossible for an employee to attend a seminar owing to an emergency that may arise at any time, regardless of the event. To cope with the stress caused by his absence and to make a settlement…

Reprimand Letter for Poor Performance as Career Advisor

A letter of reprimand is an official document written to an employee by a supervisor or human resource manager as a necessary disciplinary action to highlight the employee’s failing performance. The letter also stipulates the consequences which would result if the employee fails to improve his/her performance.  The employer issues the letter after, providing the employee, required counseling, and periodic reviews. The letter of reprimand is one of the steps of the disciplinary process. The documentation of disciplinary actions taken into account to address employee’s poor performance is important to keep a record in the files of the management and…

Bonus Cancellation Letter to Employees

Sample -1 Good morning, everyone. We wish you a very productive day. The company (name of the company) has a very important announcement for all our employees. The company is aware that the Christmas holidays will start next week, and according to company policy, we give each employee a Christmas bonus during these days. The purpose of the bonus is to spread joy and assist our employees in celebrating the occasion. However, as you would be fully aware, the company had to face a loss this year from (month) to (month) due to some unavoidable circumstances. The company (name) was…

Strong Letter for Outstanding Payment

A strong letter for outstanding payment is written by a lender to a creditor to warn him that if he does not pay the outstanding amount, legal action can be taken against him. Most companies run their business with a lot of amounts that remain outstanding. They usually have no issues with some of the late payments. But when this amount crosses the threshold level, it will create problems and act as a hurdle to the growth of the company. At that time, it becomes essential to write this letter and remind the customers regarding outstanding payments. What is the…

Less Salary Credited Email to HR

This email is sent by an employee to the HR department or directly to the employer after receiving a salary lower than the negotiated one at the time of signing the contract. Receiving a lower salary sometimes creates many problems for employees because they have limited and fixed monthly expenses. Therefore, a low wage can disturb the whole financial circle of the employee. This particular email format has been designed for the same purpose to fix the problem by concerned authorities. How is it beneficial? Instead of forwarding an oral request, writing an email to the concerned department is always…

Request Letter to Reduce Shop Rent

It is that kind of request letter written by a tenant to a landlord to reduce the shop’s rent after he has faced an unexpected financial crisis. With the recent spread of the pandemic, particularly the coronavirus outbreak, most tenants were observed as helpless owing to the economic crunch that resulted from it. So, this letter has been designed to convince the shop owner to reduce the rent. Apart from the pandemic, several other reasons can stimulate writing this kind of letter. For example: In all the cases mentioned above, a partial decrease in rent can facilitate the tenant, and…

Letter of Dismissal of Bar Manager for Poor Performance

Many employees or workers often don’t give their best, and their poor performance affects the company’s reputation and becomes a burden on the company. Sometimes, a company cannot afford those extra employees who are doing no good for the company. Therefore, some employees need to be terminated to maintain the quality of the work and the company’s prestige. When you want to dismiss a worker, the more decent and professional way is to write them a dismissal letter. The letter should be written professionally, and you should mention the reason for their dismissal with proof documents attached. A dismissal letter…

Suspension Letter Pending Investigation

A suspension letter is an official letter issued to an employee by the employer due to disciplinary allegation(s) or misconduct. The employee could be suspended due to corruption, a risk to colleagues/property, or breaching a non-disclosure agreement. The letter serves to notify the employee about the temporary abandonment of official responsibilities till the completion of investigations about the allegations in consideration. It notifies the employee whether the official activities will be halted with or without salary and what obligations they would have to work under. The letter is a good way to protect the employees’ credibility by not making them…

Experience Letter Template for an Accountant

Experience letter for accountantRef. No. 126-MK-202022-04-2020To whom it may concern It is certified that Mr. Neil Johnson was appointed as an Accountant at our company. He worked in the same position with us from 01 July 20XX to 31 May 20XX. As an accountant, he tackled all types of related work. He has a strong command of accounting techniques, and we have never found any mistakes in his work. He prepared and managed clients’ accounts and bookkeeping and liaised between the company and potential customers. Moreover, he had an excellent command of language; therefore, he always effectively communicated with clients…

Experience Letter Template for Internship

Experience letter for internshipRef. No. 110-RK-20XX22-04-2020To whom it may concern On behalf of the Agricultural Extension Department, State of Michigan, I certify that Mr. Mark Taylor from the University of Minnesota successfully completed his summer internship in this department from 1st May 20XX to 30th September 20XX. He was allocated a project titled “Enhancement of wheat crop production using modern cultural practices”. In this project, he worked with our extension officer, Mr. John. This project aimed to introduce certain innovative cultural practices to increase crop production significantly. As a part of this project, Mr. Taylor designed various informative posters and…

Excuse Letter for not Attending a Conference

An excuse or an apology letter is a professional letter to let your organization or company know about something that you cannot do or cannot do because of some emergency or extreme situation. Writing a letter to inform you about your absence is a professional way of telling your employer about your side of the situation. It is better than speaking on the phone since it will enable your employer to comprehend your excuse professionally. Following are the key points that should be kept under consideration while writing a formal excuse or apology letter: Following is a format for writing…

Experience Letter Template for a Teacher

22-04-20XXTo whom it may concern It is to certify that Mr. Franklin has been working as a teacher in my school from 01-03-20XX to date. As a teacher, he was teaching the intermediate and secondary classes. He also performed other miscellaneous duties assigned to him at different times. He remained exceptionally good throughout the time he spent in my school. He made himself valuable by performing all the tasks before the deadline and using his knowledge at its best. Using all his God-gifted abilities, he proved himself as unparalleled and a great gift for my school. He can be differentiated…

Administrative Assistant Cover Letter with Salary Requirement

A cover letter is a formal letter written by a job seeker to a potential recruiter, at the time of the job application process. The letter explains the competencies, expertise, and achievements, corresponding to the job position an individual applies for. Besides highlighting the relevant skills, the letter also mentions why the individual considers him/her a suitable candidate for the position. The letter serves as an introduction for a job seeker to the recruiter. Several employers require the applicant to share a cover letter to motivate applying for a particular job. Thus, a well-crafted cover letter helps create a memorable…

Experience Letter for Driver

Ref. No. 76-MP-20XX22-04-20XXTo whom it may concern This experience certificate is being written to certify that Mr Evelyn has been working as a Nestle (USA) driver for the last five years, from 1st July 20XX to 30th June 20XX. We have found him proficient in his work. He has been gifted with all the abilities to be called a professional driver. He is well-versed in driving techniques and an efficient driver of LTV and HTV, including light commuters and heavy loaders. He drives safely and follows all road safety rules. I never observed him breaching the traffic law while driving.…