A partnership proposal letter is a formal document written by an individual or an organizational representative to a potential partner or investor highlighting the purpose, scope, and benefits of the partnership under consideration. A partnership could be established between the two parties for resource-sharing or seeking financial support in exchange for services. Thus, the partnering parties not only share the profit and loss but are also liable for sharing risks, challenges, skills, and expertise. The letter provides a channel of correspondence between the party seeking to build the partnership and the potential partner. The proposal letter introduces the partnership proponent…
Travel Agency Quotation Letter
A quotation letter is a formal document written to specify the price of particular goods, products, or services. The letter can be written either by the buyer/client inquiring about the price tag or by the seller/service provider for submitting the quote as a response to the inquiry. A buyer or the prospective client can inquire for the price tag of any of the seller’s product or the service being offered by the service provider. The structured format of the letter serves as a convenient way to initiate a discussion between a seller and a buyer. It also helps the buyer…
Email to Head to Excuse from Training
An email to the head/boss to excuse from training is a document written by an employee to let his head/boss know that he cannot attend a certain training due to personal reasons. In this email, an employee writes his/her excuse for not attending the training and convinces his/her boss that he is doing this for a solid reason. Writing an excuse letter is a professional way to let your boss know about your status of not attending an official activity organized by the office. Email -1 Subject: Email to head to excuse from training Dear Sir, I hope you will…
Email to Teacher to Excuse from Class
An email to the teacher to excuse from class is a write-up drafted by a student for his teacher. In this write-up, a student apologizes and explains the situation due to which s/he couldn’t make up for a class. Writing an excuse letter shows that the student is responsible and values the timing of his teacher. An excuse letter is written in two situations Writing an excuse letter in advance is a good option that lets your teacher know that you have a genuine reason for not attending class. In some situations, the teacher may postpone the class to a…
Job Completion Proof Letter
A job completion proof letter is a document written by the head of a company to another company to whom a task was assigned to complete. When two companies sign a contract to complete work, usually an agreement or terms are decided, which must be followed until the task is complete. Upon completion of the task, it is mandatory to issue a job completion certificate to the company for completing the project under the agreed terms. A job completion letter can also be written within an organization. When a project manager awards a project to an employee and finds it…
Warning Letter to Employee to Behave Politely
A warning letter to employees to behave politely is a letter written by a boss, CEO, manager, or HR of the company. In this letter, the employee is addressed to correct his behavior and show professionalism towards other employees/colleagues. The tone of this letter is strict, as it is intended to mend the employee’s change in behavior. The letter must highlight which action(s) compelled the draft of this document and what consequences the employee may face if workplace decorum is not maintained in the future. Sample Letter -1 To,John Keith,Assistant, Stars Marketing Company,City Tower, 3rd floorMichigan, USA 17-04-20XX Subject: Warning…
Request Letter for Provisional Certificate
A request letter for a provisional certificate is an academic letter written by a student to the principal, head of the department, or any other authorized person. In this letter, the student requests that the authorities issue him a provisional certificate so that he can proceed with further studies at another institute until the original degree is awarded. The provisional certificate certifies that the holder has completed the said degree and has been graduated. A general provisional certificate shows two things; The provisional certificate is to be utilized until the issuance of the original degree, which is, in most institutions,…
Letter of Concern for Poor Management Decisions
A letter of concern for poor management decisions is a letter written by an employee to the senior management of the company in which he addresses his grave concerns about the poor decisions taken by the management. The letter highlights the major decisions that have gone against the company in terms of its loss of reputation, financial decline, or employee layoff. A letter of concern can be written to the employer, a team supervisor, CEO, director of the company, or any other authorized person. The letter can be written by: The following sample letter is written by an IT Project…
Car Insurance Certificate Request Letter
A car insurance certificate request letter is a document written or drafted by a car owner that addresses the insurance company and requests that the company provide him with an insurance certificate for his car. The certificate is proof that the car owner is carrying valid auto insurance, which is sometimes mandatory. If a person has been asked to provide proof of car insurance by a registered company, he needs to write a letter to his insurance company requesting an insurance certificate. The current letter serves the same purpose. Having a little know-how to write this type of request letter…
Excuse Letter for Being Late to School
An excuse letter for being late to school is a document written by a schoolchild or child’s parent in which he addresses the school authority to grant an excuse for the absence incurred. Usually, the letter is accompanied by other documents such as medical certificates, travel tickets, or visiting a place as proof to validate the excuse. One of the foremost responsibilities expected from a student, other than paying attention to academic records, is being punctual. In general, schools’ rules and regulations are created and imposed strictly to maintain discipline. Without this decorum regulated, the academic environment can quickly fall…
Request Letter for Certificate of Salary
The request letter for the certificate of salary is written by the employee to the employer or any other authoritative person, such as the finance manager, senior general manager, or senior accounts manager. This letter aims to request the issuance of a certificate of salary, which is proof of employment and salary. A salary certificate is a certificate that has all the information showing the association of the employee with the company. In the certificate, the employee’s details, along with his designation in the company, duties, and duration of the association with the company, are mentioned. It also covers other…
Request Letter for Certificate of Compliance
A request letter for the certificate of compliance is a request for the assurance or affirmation that certain product(s) are in compliance or accordance with the given standards. The relevant departments of the state make these standards, and a product or entity must comply with those accepted standards. The request is made by any company or firm or any other group that wants to get its certificate of compliance after going through the process of verification or inspection. When a company prepares its products, it invites the state authorities to check or inspect the entity, ascertaining its level of meeting…
Request Letter for Account Certificate
A request letter for the account certificate is written to the branch manager or any other authorized person of the bank or other institution, depending on who is authorized to issue or approve the certificate’s issuance. The account certificate, also called an account maintenance certificate, aims to keep records related to the specific account. The purpose behind asking for the account certificate can be to keep it as a record or for other official or personal needs. Official needs include, for example, asking the employer to show the bank account details along with the certificate. Some companies may ask for…
Absence Excuse Letters
An absence excuse letter is written to notify about the reason for absence from a place an individual is liable to show presence. The letter is mainly written by an employee, student, or juror to the relevant authority. The reasons for writing the letter can be sickness, the death of an immediate family member, personal commitments, an important occasion, or an emergency. The letter is a good way to document the absence either before taking a planned leave or after returning from an unplanned day off and highlighting a way to make up for the work that has been or…
Request Letter for Certificate of Insurance
Insurance means providing a guarantee of compensation for the loss, illness, or death in return for a specified amount of any other premium. A certificate of insurance is a certificate that can be asked for as proof of insurance. It helps make business deals, take new contractors into businesses, or any other kind of work, vendors, or other entities. A client you may be working with may ask you to provide a certificate of insurance. A request letter for a certificate of insurance is written to the insurance agent to provide proof of insurance in the form of a certificate…
Request Letter for Certificate of Residence
A certificate of residence, which can also be called proof of residence, is a certificate that is bestowed by the municipal government of the country making sure of a person’s residency. In the certificate of residence, a person’s address, location, or residency is made sure. It is used for the registration or documentation of someone’s residency in that specific address. A request letter for a certificate of residence is written to any authorized officer of the municipal or local government of the city or county or to the tax agents or to the landlords depending upon nature, to grant the…
Request Letter for Project Completion Certificate
This letter aims to request that a certificate be granted after a project is completed. When a project is completed, the project manager can write formally to the employer individually or the organization. The letter primarily focuses on the project completion and then on the employee’s right to a promised certificate. An employee requests by informing the employer or organization that the project has been completed successfully with all the prerequisites and conditions. The writer can also propose further queries regarding project completion for satisfaction. The writer can also make his request by telling the employer about the significance of…
Resignation Letter due to Manager’s Cruel Behavior
The resignation letter is written by an employee to his company as a result of the hostile nature and cruel behavior of the manager. This kind of letter is a hard one to write because it is filled with bitter realities, emotions, charge sheets on management, anger, and hate, etc. against the manager or concerned immediate boss. None of the employees wants to resign from his job but when clashes between him and the management go beyond a certain limit, there comes a time when he is forced to write this kind of hard letter. If the people in top…
Email to Customer to Excuse for Delay in Delivery
Email to a customer for an excuse for the delay is a document written by an individual or a company to a customer in which the sender apologizes for the late delivery of the product that the customer had ordered. Sometimes an apology is made with an incentive so that the customer remains loyal to the company in the future. There can be many situations when a customer receives late the product ordered by a company, such as Writing an excuse letter needs care and good use of words so that your customer feels acknowledged and can forget the bad…
Product Marketing Proposal Letter
A product marketing proposal letter is a document written by an individual or by a service provider highlighting the key marketing strategies for the customer’s product. Marketing strategies adopted by the service provider could be print media layouts, electronic media ads, social media shoutouts, or email campaigns. The document is a good way of communicating between the service provider and the customer. A proposal letter is a document that introduces a marketing services provider to the customer while providing key insights into the customer’s needs. A service provider can highlight the traits that make his company stand out among others…
Email to Boss to Excuse from Meeting
Attending office meetings is part of a job. There may be situations when you were occupied due to some personal work and could not attend the meeting. The reasons are unlimited, for example, attending your kid’s school for a parent-teacher meeting, attending a funeral, having a doctor’s appointment, or bad weather. The situations are uncertain and sometimes unavoidable, halting your workplace activities. When you are occupied and cannot attend the office meeting, writing an excuse letter to your boss is good. An excuse letter formally informs your boss that you have experienced an uncertain situation that has made you absent…