Warning Letter for Operational Mistake

An operational mistake is a kind of negligence of duty. Although a mistake cannot be attributed to negligence always, the employer does not tolerate the mistake of the employee if he repeats it. When the employer notices that the employee is not correcting himself and he has been seen many times making an operational mistake, the employer can warn him by writing a warning letter. When to write the warning letter to someone due to operational mistakes? The operational mistakes of the employee can be seriously harmful to the company. Therefore, the company has some tactics to deal with employees…

Warning Letter for Repetitive Safety Non-Compliance

In almost every organization, some safety measures are important to be taken by everyone working in that organization. Some organizations form an immutable law regarding safety procedures and then everyone is expected to abide by the law. If someone happens to violate the law, the company can write a warning letter for non-compliance with safety. The warning letter is always written when someone repeatedly does something offensive. The warning letter tells them that they have been offending the employer and the entire company with this non-serious behavior which is not acceptable for anyone. How to write the safety non-compliance warning…

Warning Letter to Employee for Lack of Responsibility

A human resource manager or supervisor issues a warning letter when an employee fails to meet the expected outcomes outlined in his/her job description. The letter highlights the urgency and seriousness of the situation. Before writing the formal letter, the manager or the supervisor ensures that the employee has been consulted and given prior verbal warnings. They also ensure that the employee is well aware of his/her performance matrix, evaluation criteria, and the negative or positive impacts of his/her performance on the overall organization’s goals. There might arise cases at a workplace which make it a need of the hour…

Request Letter for Experience Certificate

A request letter is written by an employee to either the human resource manager or direct supervisor when he/she wants to ask for a favor, permission, or a piece of information regarding a matter stated in the letter.  It can serve different purposes such as providing recommendations, granting travel permission, issuing an experience certificate, or any other subject in question. While writing a request letter an employee must ensure that the matter is being clearly specified for which the request is being made. This would ensure the accomplishment of the required objective without leaving any ambiguity on part of the…

Absence Excuse Letter for Meeting

An excuse letter is written by an employee to the employer either to inform the employer about the reason for absence during a certain time or to notify them about the absence likely to occur shortly. These letters are written for different reasons, such as emergencies, personal commitments, sickness, or any important occasion. Excuse letters are important for recording an employee’s reason for absence. By writing an excuse letter, the employee portrays professional conduct, which builds trust and helps find an alternate solution to get the work done that could have been missed or piled up due to the employee’s…

Work Completion Email to Boss

An employee sends a work completion email to his employer to inform him that the project has been completed within the specified time. In many agencies, these kinds of emails are sent to clients to be kept on record and to inform them that the assigned work has been completed within the time frame. Completing work on time, making it error-free, and meeting deadlines are characteristics of an active and committed person. This is also an indication of their sincerity and reflection of their commitment. Such employees usually remain in the good book of their employers. Employers want to communicate…

Notice to Employees of Bonus Cancellation

It is a formal official notice written by an employer to his employees. This notice informs employees that their bonus for a specified period will be cancelled. It’s never easy to break this news to employees, but it has to be done when a business faces a hard time. At that time, bonus cancellation becomes indispensable instead of downsizing and rendering the employees jobless. However, before sending this kind of notice, employees must be confident enough to make early arrangements based on the situation. Whatever the case, it is always disheartening for an employer to send a bonus cancellation notice…

Excuse Letter for not Attending an Event

For an important event that was not attended for some reason, it is a nice idea to write a formal letter to excuse for being unable to attend. This is called an excuse letter written by a person to friends, family members, near and dear ones, and all those who share common interests with him. In other words, it is known as an apology letter. Our life is full of events. These may either be related to happiness or even sorrow. Every event is organized and celebrated in a certain way, keeping in view the norms and customs of a…

Request Letter for Work Completion Certificate

This letter is written by an employee when he wants to get favor and permission from his existing company or an organization to join a new one. Issuance of work completion letter is an integral part of the job, mandatory for every organization, and a basic right of every employee. When the contract period of an employee reaches the point of completion, a company issues a completion certificate. Such certificates are usually issued at the employee’s request. A completion certificate is mostly requested for work in civil, electrical, construction, digital marketing, etc. Purpose of the letter The basic purpose of…

Warning Letter to Employee for Poor Performance

A warning letter is issued by either a human resource manager or supervisor to an employee as a consequence of poor performance or misconduct. It serves to emphasize the seriousness of an issue and to address it before taking any formal disciplinary action against the employee. Poor performance differs from misconduct. The former deals with the quality of effort and desired outcomes, while the latter addresses unethical behavior which may include violation of contract or the company’s policy. When an employee fails to meet his/her job description or the defined goals as per the contract, the employee’s performance is reviewed.…

Excuse Letter of Absence due to Backache

Having a backache is tough. Sometimes one cannot even stand and walk due to this. If you have a severe backache, then it is important to rest. You will need to get some holidays from work so that you can get better. An excuse letter for being absent will need to be submitted. What is an excuse letter for absence due to backache? The letter formally informs your employer that you have a backache and cannot go to work. You need to give this letter so your boss knows you will not be present. Importance of the letter You are…

Invoice Cancellation Letter

A customer writes an invoice cancellation letter to any service provider, institution, company, or business owner. Whenever he finds that the invoice against which he has paid is not correct, he may request the business owner to cancel the invoice for rectification purposes. The customer must be able to produce the wrong invoice as evidence.  Whenever a customer writes an invoice cancellation letter, he wants to run the process formally. This, in return, will benefit both parties. First, the wrong invoice will be cancelled for the customer. Second, a correct record will be available for the Internal Revenue System while…

Two Days Leave Application to Boss

Every employee needs to write a leave application to the boss whenever they need to be absent from work due to a personal reason. The basic purpose of this letter is to ask the boss to approve the request. What is the purpose of writing the leave application to the boss? The purpose of any leave application is to convince the boss to accept your leave application. It is the responsibility of the employee to fulfil all his duties when he works in the company. That company pays the employee and expects him to be available at the workplace to…

Circular to Employees on the Use of ID Cards

Everyone in the company needs an ID card because it serves the purpose of instant identification. Companies also use ID cards to restrict the entry of people who are not allowed to enter. It should be kept in mind that the ID cards are not used just for identification or the protection of the staff members. Instead, they are used to ensure that the company’s sensitive information remains protected. Some companies have also started using the cards for attendance purposes. What is circular about the use of ID cards? The policy of using ID cards is implemented in almost every…

School Transfer Request Letter by Parents

The parents of a child can write this request letter when they are shifting to another city or district and don’t want it to have any effect on the child’s education. The parents of the child can write the request letter to the management of the school. What is the purpose of writing the school transfer request letter? Parents usually write this letter when they want to get approval from the management of the school for the transfer of the child. There might be another branch of the school in the city where parents are going to be shifted. This…

Request Letter to Boss to Reduce Working Hours

Sometimes, working more than capability becomes exhausting for an employee. This not only frustrates him but also affects his health. However, sometimes, an employee requests a reduction in working hours from his routine work. There can be many reasons for asking for a reduction in working hours. For example, some people have additional responsibilities at home that make it difficult for them to devote proper time to their jobs. In such a scenario, a person can consider writing a request letter to his boss for a reduction in working hours. Things to remember while writing the request letter Asking for…

One Day Request Letter to Work from Home

Working from home is beneficial for both employer and employee in many situations. However, when the employee wants to work from home, he will have to get the employer’s approval. For this purpose, he writes a request letter. In this letter, the employee is required to communicate the reason that has compelled him to make this request. Many people find it convenient to work from home when they have important deadlines to meet and want to work in peace and quiet to stay focused on their work. Additionally, some employees also work from home when they are unable to show…

Landlord Letter to Tenant Refused to decrease the Rent

Sometimes, it becomes difficult for the tenant to pay the rent because of different economic crises. For example, due to the current outbreak of Coronavirus, many people have become jobless, making it difficult to pay the rent. Then, he writes a letter to the landlord requesting him to lower the rent. If the landlord is also going through a crisis, he will not be able to decrease the rent. Therefore, he writes a letter to his tenant to refuse the decrease in rent. Since the letter is being written to the tenant to turn down his request, it is important…

Employee Absence Excuse Letter due to Stress

Occupational stress is considered a serious health issue. It can lead to poor performance at work, less happiness and diverse mental health problems. Stress is one of the common reasons for taking a leave of absence from work. An excuse letter can be written to the employer for absence due to stress if an employee wants to take some time off work or work remotely for a while. This excuse letter is usually submitted as a formal letter to the boss, supervisor, or human resource department, depending on the company’s requirements. More than 70% of adults in the United States…

Work from Home Request Letter

Work from home is formally known as “Remote Work,” whereby employees aren’t required to commute to their workplaces and are allowed to work from wherever they reside. Many offices follow the in-house work policy and thus won’t allow their employees to work from home. In such a scenario, the employee should make a formal letter request to the management asking them to grant permission for remote work.  Circumstances that lead towards remote work: An employee may address this issue in a formal email or letter. A verbal or telephone conversation isn’t appropriate for legal action. An employee may always state…

Doctor’s Note for Work Absence

When an employee has an illness, injury or health problem, a doctor’s note is required if there is a need to be absent from the workplace. A doctor’s note is a document that contains the clarification and proof of an employee being unwell. It shows that the employee has visited the doctor and certified an appointment. Doctor’s notes are used by employees, students, parents and healthcare providers. Many corporations are strict about their employees’ absences from work, but the policy regarding the doctor’s note regarding a health condition varies from company to company. If the employee is to miss multiple…