Many people feel the need to get authorization when they want to perform a particular action that needs permission. Authorization letters are written when you have to authorize someone to do something. For example, the doctor needs an authorization letter from the patient in order to get the authority to disclose the information of the patient to a third party.
What is the purpose of an authorization letter?
In general, the authorization letter is given permission to the person to act on behalf of someone in a particular matter mentioned in the authorization letter. When a person is not able to represent himself, he can write an authorization letter.
When to write the authorization letter?
We all come across many situations where we have to write an authorization letter. Some of those situations are:
- Many parents give authorization to the caretaker of their child who can make decisions regarding giving medical treatments to the child. This authorization letter enables him to act on behalf of the parents of the child.
- When a child has to go on a trip, the adults accompanying him need authorization to take the child with them.
- The doctors also need an authorization letter before they release the personal medical history of the patient.
Tips for writing the authorization letter:
- An authorization letter in some cases is a vital document that can be used as evidence. It is, therefore, recommended that you type the authorization letter instead of writing it by hand. A handwritten letter may not be as professional as a typed letter. Moreover, the handwriting of many people is not easy to understand. Whenever there is a need to use the authorization letter in a court of law, the authorization letter in type form can be represented before the judge.
- Include all the necessary details in the authorization letter needed by the recipient. Adding all the details makes the process of authorization simpler. Moreover, it also clears everything between all the parties involved in the process of authorization.
- The letter should be written in accordance with the format of professional-looking letters.
Sample Letters
Financial Authorization
I am writing this letter to authorize my son, XYZ to handle my account number [X] on my behalf from 12th July to 20th August 20XX. I shall be abroad on a business trip during this period. Therefore, I request the bank to grant financial authorization for my account to my son.
I shall be grateful for your cooperation.
Authorization letter for bank withdrawal
This letter is with reference to the account number [X] at the XYZ branch of your bank. Owing to my poor health condition, I am unable to visit the bank for money withdrawals. I, therefore, authorize my wife, [NAME], to make the withdrawals on my behalf.
I would be obliged if the bank accepts my request. I have attached copies of important documents including ID cards. Kindly contact me at the provided phone number if you wish to make further verifications.
Authorization letter for bank transactions
I, [NAME], am writing this letter with reference to my account number [X] in your bank. On account of a business-related job, I shall be abroad for a period of two months. Kindly authorize my son, [NAME] to handle all transactions for my bank account during this period.
I shall be leaving on the 29th of July. Kindly let me know what formalities I need to fulfill before I leave to officially authorize my son for handling my financial transactions.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Authorization letter to acting on behalf
This is to inform the bank that I have appointed my daughter, [NAME], to act on my behalf for handling my account number [X] at your bank. I will be unable to look after the financial matters myself since I will be on bed rest for three months after my knee surgery this week.
I have filled out the request form and have also attached the necessary documents with it. I appreciate your cooperation.

Sample Letter File 98 Kb
- Ramadan Schedule Notification for Staff
- One Day Absent Note to Boss
- Request Letter to Staff for Voluntary Deduction from Salary
- Holiday Closing Messages
- Letter Requesting Transfer to another Department
- Letter Requesting Promotion Consideration
- Umrah Leave Request Letter to Boss
- Ramadan Office Schedule Announcement Letters/Emails
- Letter to Friend Expressing Support
- Letter to Employer Requesting Mental Health Accommodation
- Letter Requesting Reference Check Information
- Letter Requesting Salary Certificate
- Letter Requesting Recommendation from Previous Employer
- One Hour Off Permission Letter to HR
- Payroll Apology Letter to Employee