What is a letter of reapplication to your previous job? It is a formal application letter in which the person addresses his former employer and requests him to reconsider him for a vacancy. People apply for different job positions whenever they hear about a vacancy. Similarly, when a person applies to a job position he had already worked on, it is called reapplication. It might be different from the conventional application as it may not require you to go through the entire process of recruitment and a single email or an application letter can be fruitful. Writing the application letter……
Warning Letter to Employee for not Following Procedures
Employers often write letters to reprimand their workers who show any kind of indiscipline. No one wants to receive a warning letter. However, organizations never compromise their integrity and discipline. Due to this, some integral procedures are communicated to each and every staff member. A company holds the right to admonish the employee when he doesn’t show complaints about the mandatory procedures of the company. It is important to note that a company is allowed to write this warning letter only when it has communicated the course of action to be strictly followed by everyone. What is the purpose of…
Notice of No Phone Use at Workplace
Notice of no phone use at the workplace is an important notice that can be seen in many workplaces. It is necessary to have this in place so that employees do not get distracted from their work. The notice will be a formal way of informing them of this. You will write the notice carefully making sure that there are no spelling and grammar mistakes in it. The reader must take you seriously and follow the rules that are given. The notice must be easy to read and understand by all the staff members including the sweeper as well. The…
Letter of Temporary Suspension of Church Service
It is a letter that the management of the church writes to the person who provides service to the church. The purpose of this letter is to let the recipient know that he has been suspended temporarily from serving the church. People provide paid or unpaid church services. There are certain circumstances when there is a need to suspend the service provider. For instance, if someone has breached the rules of the church, he can be suspended temporarily so that he can understand the consequences of not taking the rules of the church seriously. What is the purpose of a…
Proposal Letter for Fence
A fence is an important part of a home or office. These can be employed for different reasons such as marking some areas, around a pool for safety purposes, etc. When you want to get a fence, it is necessary to look for some good company that will provide this to you. A proposal letter for a fence is the proposal that the fencing company provides a client with. It tells the cost as well as details of the particular project that needs to be carried out. A proposal letter for a fence is important because it allows a fencing…
Proposal Acceptance Letter Sample
It is important to properly navigate any relationship with some other business as this can help your organization out. Important communications, like proposal acceptance letters, may help develop good working relationships with other businesses. When a company may enter some contract with another vendor, it is helpful to know how to make a proposal acceptance letter. A proposal acceptance letter tends to be a formal written communication that one organization gives to another. It confirms interest in the contracting services. The letter is positive in tone. A proposal acceptance letter tends to be important as it protects an organization and…
Insubordination Charge Letter to Employee
What is an insubordination charge letter? Every person who is hired by the company is responsible to be obedient and compliant. Even if the employer does not address this requirement, it is very common for people to understand this. However, some people don’t behave well, and therefore, strict action is taken against them. An insubordination charge letter is a type of formal letter that a supervisor writes to his/her employee to let him know that his non-compliance with the policies of the company is offensive and therefore, he is being charged with the penalty. What should a defiance charge letter…
Letter to Employee regarding Misconduct
By misconduct, we mean misbehavior that many people demonstrate at the workplace. This happens due to many reasons. Some people are rude and unruly by nature while some like to play with the rules and regulations of the office. However, nothing allows them to be the cause of agitation in the workplace. Employers know how to deal with employees of different types. They often warn them so that they can improve themselves. One of the common ways to deal with such employees is to write them a letter regarding their misconduct. What is a letter regarding misconduct? Employers write this…
Tender Submission Covering Letter
We submit tenders to those organizations that are in search of contractors or service providers. The tenders submitted by contractors let them know how much they are ready to charge and under what conditions they are willing to work. Tender submission is a crucial process everyone has to go through to whoever wants to be in a new business agreement. These days, in addition to working on tenders, contractors are putting effort into writing covering letters also. What is a tender submission cover letter? It is a basic introductory letter that acts as a cover letter. The purpose of this…
Resignation Letter due to Delay in Salary
Every individual desires to get a job that is stable and reliable. Employees can never trust their job. When you get your salary on time, you can pay your will within the due date without paying a fine and get away with lots of problems that may occur due to delays in the payment. What is a resignation letter due to a delay in salary? It is a formal letter in which an employee communicates his decision to leave the job because of not getting his salary on time. Employees have a right to take this decision when they have…
Partnership Bank Account Closing Letter
A bank account that is held by two parties or individuals at the same time is known as a partnership bank account. The purpose of this type of bank account is to hold both partners equally liable to pay the interest, return, take profit, etc. Some people also open joint accounts because they want to be financially secure. What is a partnership bank account closing letter? It is a request letter that an account holder of a joint account writes to the manager of the bank and requests him to close the joint account. The purpose of writing this letter…
General Warning Letter about Disrespect
Getting respect is a basic right of every individual. It is never based on how good a person is. Rather, you are required to give respect to every one according to how kind and nice as a human being you are. So, no matter in which walk of life you are, you must always remember that people around you deserve your regard from you. To teach how to give respect to others, different organizations come up with different strategies. One of the most successful strategies is to write a warning letter to the person who shows disrespect towards others. What…
Employee Expense Reimbursement Letter
What is an employee expense reimbursement letter? It is a formal letter that a person working in a particular company writes to his/her employee and requests the payment of the money that he or she has paid out-out-pocket. When to write? There are some specific situations in which the employee is entitled to receive the payment back. For instance, whenever a worker pays the money to achieve some goals that are related to the company, he can ask for a reimbursement. The goals of the company that are being fulfilled by making payments should be meaningful. It is important to…
Complaint Letter against Supervisor
It is very common to have issues with your manager when you are working as a subordinate in an organisation. You deserve to be treated with respect and exercise your rights conveniently. When you feel that your supervisor is not cooperating with you in any way, you can lodge a complaint against him. What is a complaint letter against a supervisor? The letter in which the subordinate shows grievance over the inappropriate and unprofessional behaviour of his supervisor is known as a complaint letter. The content of this letter depends on the situation. In general, this letter is intended to…
Termination Letter for Unsuccessful Probation after Performance Review
Many companies have a probationary period prior to hiring someone as a permanent employee. During this period, companies monitor the performance of the employee, and then on the basis of the review, they decide whether to dismiss the employee or hire him. This strategy is useful because it enables a company to decide whether a person it is going to hire has the potential to meet the goals of the company On the basis of performance reviews done during the probation period, lots of decisions are made. If this period is unsuccessful, the employee is informed that the company no…
Letter to Manager for Supervisor’s Unprofessional Behaviour
People who are new to the organisation have to work under the supervision of someone more experienced and knowledgeable than them. The person who supervises the team and steers in the right direction is known as the supervisor. The supervisor has lots of responsibilities to fulfil and just like any other employee in the company, it is his responsibility to act professionally. If you feel that your supervisor is not acting professionally and upsetting you with his bad behaviour, you can write a letter to the manager to report his bad behaviour. What is the letter regarding the supervisor’s unprofessional…
Staff Back to Work Letter
When the holiday season is on, it is very common for the staff to take a break. In some cases, the staff also takes a leave from work due to unprecedented circumstances such as lockdown due to a pandemic. Returning to work after a break is good news for everyone. Therefore, employers choose to write a welcome letter to their staff. What is the staff back to work letter? It is a formal letter in which the employer or manager of the company writes a welcome letter to the staff. With the help of this letter, the employer manages to…
Payment Delay Apology Letter
In the business world, writing an apology letter in a number of situations is totally normal. People do it when they realize that they have done something wrong intentionally or unintentionally. The apology letter can have lots of benefits and they are best whenever fixing a situation is a priority. However, if the letter has not been written appropriately, the person writing the apology will not be able to reap any fruitful results. What is a payment delay apology letter? A company or an individual writes a sorry letter on late payment when they don’t pay on time. This is…
Letter with Pay Order Details
What is a pay order letter? The pay order letter is a formal letter that a company, particularly a bank issues to its clients. These details are generally issued upon the request of the client. This letter is considered important because it tells the recipient how much amount he is required to pay. It is a type of order that is given by a bank to someone who needs to make a payment to someone. This letter is a clear message to the recipient that he is entitled to pay a specific amount mentioned in the letter. It is not…
Error in Payment Letter
Error in payment can give rise to lots of problems and errors. Therefore, as soon as you find that there is an error, write a letter and address it. What is an error in the payment letter? If you have received a payment from your customers or clients and you learned that there was an error in the payment received, you can immediately write a letter to the sender and inform them about the mistake. Remember that the sooner you report the error, the sooner they will be able to correct the error. Why it is important to write the…
Letter of Suspension from Work
To correct the behavior of people, punishing them is a common practice. Not everyone is punished since some people tend to learn from their experience while other people have to be punished for their wrongdoing. The punishment in the professional world is regarded as disciplinary action against those people who don’t seem to correct themselves otherwise. One of the most common disciplinary actions is suspending an employee from a job for a specific period. What is a letter of suspension from work? A letter of suspension is a major part of a disciplinary action that states that the recipient of…