Everyone in the company needs an ID card because it serves the purpose of instant identification. Companies also use ID cards to restrict the entry of people who are not allowed to enter. It should be kept in mind that the ID cards are not used just for identification or the protection of the staff members. Instead, they are used to ensure that the company’s sensitive information remains protected. Some companies have also started using the cards for attendance purposes.
What is circular about the use of ID cards?
The policy of using ID cards is implemented in almost every organization. However, some employees don’t take it seriously. The company can let off the employees who don’t use ID cards occasionally. However, when employees make it a habit, then the company should remind them again by sending a circular to them.
The circular is a message conveyed to every employee of the company. It revolves around the company, so every employee reads it. To ensure that every employee has gone through the circular, the names of employees are mentioned in front of which they have to affix their signatures.
What does a circular include?
An employer writes the circular to let the employees know how important it is for them to wear ID cards. Here are the details that are added to the circular on the use of ID cards.
- Subject
Every circular written for staff includes the subject on which it will be communicated to the staff members. The subject tells everyone what the circular is about.
- Details
Give the details about the circular. Tell the staff that they must wear ID cards or keep them with them. Also, mention the date on which the staff will have to wear the ID cards. Mention the date of issuing the circular and the penalty for those who don’t follow the rules.
- Signatures
The company owner must sign at the end to indicate that official sources have published the circular.
Circular -1
Hello Everyone!
I hope all of you will be doing well these days. You know that a workplace is always associated with some rules and regulations. These are to be followed by all means. The cooperation of both management and employees makes any workplace environment friendly. During my surprise visit on 10-04-20XX, I found discrepancies between my expectations and your acts.
I noticed that most employees were not wearing the company-issued ID card. Although some of you were wearing, their proportion was minute. This is a clear-cut violation of our rules and regulations.
In our last meeting, you were directed to wear the company ID card to make it easy for the security guards to recognize you. We also have a fully equipped cafeteria, in-house gym, car parking, and other amenities meant solely for our employees. So, how would we know whether the person inside our four walls is our employee or not?
Through this circular, you are all bound to wear your ID cards issued by the company during working hours. Anybody found without it will be liable to a severe penalty.
Yours sincerely,
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Circular -2
Dear Employees,
I hope you all enjoy your working days in the office and have a happy weekend. We strive hard to create a friendly and relaxed working environment for our employees. Yesterday, I received a letter from the manager, and I was happy to know that all office routines were being followed as per the instructions delivered to all of you. At the same time, I was a bit disappointed after learning that some of you were not wearing your office ID cards despite being given many warnings.
We know that nobody always wants to carry an ID card with him or her. We only want you to carry it during working hours. It helps you look professional and decent, and by carrying it, you will be able to maintain your individual identity in the office.
This circular informs you all that you must wear the company-issued ID card during your stay in the office. The CEO is also expected to visit the office next week. If any employee is found not carrying his/her ID card, strict disciplinary action will be taken against him/her.
I am sure you will comply with the instructions.
Yours sincerely,
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