What is an experience certificate letter?
It is an official document that certifies that the person who has earned this certificate has completed his employment with the company. This certificate tells that the employee of the company is an experienced person who has experience of working on the post of clerk.
Companies with a professional approach often issue their candidates the experience certificate without having been asked. This is one of the most important documents for a clerk in his career that adds so much value to his resume and helps him get a job.
Why it is important to have an experience certificate for a clerk?
In today’s world of highly competitive people, it takes a lot of effort and hard work to survive. A person is deemed lucky if he gets the opportunity to work in a company and gain experience. This experience is very useful for him in the long run. When an applicant has to apply somewhere for a job that requires a candidate to be experienced and he qualifies for it based on his experience, he will have to prove his experience of working as a clerk. In this situation, he will have to ask his company for the experience certificate.
How to create a clerk experience certificate letter?
The correct format and professional-looking content make the experience certificate a valuable piece of document. Below are some useful tips to follow whenever there is a need to create a certificate of job experience for someone working on the post of clerk:
Use the letterhead of the company:
Although the experience certificate belongs to the clerk, it is a document that comes straight from the company and represents the company. Therefore, the letterhead must be used. The use of letterhead shows that information provided has come from legitimate sources. The letterhead includes the logo and other details that can help a person determine if it is fake or real.
Mention the details of the employee:
Some companies make the mistake of not giving enough details about the employee and they just focus on the experience. It is important to mention the employee’s information such as name, employee ID, date of joining, and much more. This information is useful for people who want to verify the information given in the experience certificate.
Mention duration of job:
The length of the experience also matters a lot as many job descriptions specify the length of experience they require. While creating the certificate of experience, you should keep the record of the employee in front of you so that you can mention the accurate dates of joining and leaving the company. If the person has not left the company yet, you can skip the date of leaving and write ‘’to date’’ instead.
Describe job responsibilities:
Apart from job experience, sometimes the kind of job roles a person has been handling also matters a lot. So, employers are expected to add the list of responsibilities a person on the post of clerk was tasked with. In addition to it, the company can also mention that his work in the company was satisfactory.
Sample clerk experience certificate letter:
Name of the clerk: ________________
Address of the clerk: _________________
To whom it may concern
This is to certify that Mr. ABC has worked for XYZ Company as a clerk for 8 years. His employment period is from 8th June 2013 to 7th August 2021. During this whole period, the company has found his services to be satisfactory. The job roles he was assigned in the company were:
- To keep a record of all the business transactions carried out in the name of the business
- To sort and compile the data related to the transactions
- To compute and proofread the data before it is forwarded for further analytics
- To deliver messages to clients and customers
- To review documents and files before they are sent
- To monitor the data processing in the company
- To issue receipts and other documents to clients and customers.
We wish him the best of luck in his future
Name of the employer
Signatures of the employer _________________-
Date of issuance:

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