In many regions, societies are formed to perform particular activities. Generally, they work for the betterment of people and provide them with facilities. The society responsible for ensuring cleanliness in the area recruits different service providers and sweepers to clean the area. However, sometimes, these recruited people don’t perform well.
What is a complaint letter to society for cleanliness?
A complaint letter is written to the society when it is seen that the area under the society’s supervision is not being considered for providing cleaning services. People’s negligence is generally evident in such situations, and the complaint letter informs the concerned authorities about it.
Who should write this complaint letter?
Anyone suffering from poor cleaning and hygiene can write a complaint to criticize society’s performance in their area. People who belong to society are usually expected to write a complaint letter to the concerned authorities.
Who should be sent the complaint about cleanliness?
The heads of the society that run the society have the authority to issue the orders to clean the area and admonish those who have been so negligent towards their duties. People who write to criticize the cleanliness services should know who they should write to because they can reap fruitful results only if they manage to write the letter to concerned people.
What should be addressed in the letter to complain?
The complaint letter is always written to address the issues and then get those issues resolved. Some people don’t provide details thoroughly, and some don’t address all the problems, so their issues are never resolved even after writing the complaint. Below are a few points to be considered well before writing it:
Discuss the condition of the society:
Don’t forget to mention in the letter that you have found the society to be filthy and soil. Then, describe the condition to elaborate on what you mean when you say cleanliness is not being adopted. For instance, if you have found heaps of trash in various places, mention it in the letter to prove that society needs immediate attention.
Tell what you want to be done:
Every person writing this complaint letter needs to clean the area first. So, ask the reader to arrange to clean the region and reprimand those who don’t perform their duties well.
A sample complaint letter to society for cleanliness:
Subject: Cleanliness complaint letter
Respected Sir/Madam,
I am writing this letter on behalf of society to register a complaint about the society’s poor cleaning facility.
Bad cleaning has affected all of us badly. We have complained about this issue many times, but no one has listened to us. The management committee responsible for providing cleaning services is not performing well, and their negligence has made the streets and roads of society filthy.
Management’s behavior toward society members is also not good. There are heaps of garbage at every corner of the streets. Society members pay monthly to eliminate waste, but the trash is not being disposed of. All the members of society and I hope you can find a permanent solution to our cleanliness problems.
Without proper cleaning, there are chances of many breakouts in society that put lives and the health of people at risk. Therefore, the cleanliness of our area needs proper and immediate attention. We request that you expel all those workers from their jobs who don’t fulfill their duties honestly. Furthermore, more sweepers should be hired to clean the entire society daily.
I politely request that you take immediate steps to clean society so we can breathe in a fresh and clean environment. You can contact me at (mention your phone number) if you want to know more.
Name of the sender

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See also:
- Ramadan Schedule Notification for Staff
- One Day Absent Note to Boss
- Request Letter to Staff for Voluntary Deduction from Salary
- Holiday Closing Messages
- Letter Requesting Transfer to another Department
- Letter Requesting Promotion Consideration
- Umrah Leave Request Letter to Boss
- Ramadan Office Schedule Announcement Letters/Emails
- Letter to Friend Expressing Support
- Letter to Employer Requesting Mental Health Accommodation
- Letter Requesting Reference Check Information
- Letter Requesting Salary Certificate
- Letter Requesting Recommendation from Previous Employer
- One Hour Off Permission Letter to HR
- Payroll Apology Letter to Employee