A complaint letter to a supervisor, as the name states, is written by an employee to his manager or supervisor in which the employee makes a formal complaint about the prevalent issue. When working at a workplace, especially in such a fast-paced world with continuously changing working environments, various issues can arise for which the employee seeks resolution through his supervisor.
Sometimes, the employees orally communicate the issue to their supervisor before writing a formal letter or email, while other times they may directly write a formal letter so that the communication and handling of the issue can be kept in the records. Some of the issues could be:
- Discrimination practices
- Salary issues
- Promotion issues and career growth
- Harassments
- Unprofessional colleagues
- Short deadlines
- Ineffective team coordination and cooperation
When this letter is being written, an employee chooses the complaint letter format being used in his company. However, the general format of the letter is:
- Date
- Details of the employee
- Details of the supervisor or manager
- Details of the issue
- Inform how it is affecting you both personally and professionally
- Request for addressing the issue
- Provide possible solutions for its resolution, if possible
When writing this letter, an employee should sound professional and firm about his complaint, but as this letter is being written to a senior, the employee needs to maintain politeness and should not appear rude or condescending.
Letter sample -1
Complaint letter for bad language use
This is to bring to your attention that Mr. James’ continuous lame jokes about me are creating hindrances in my work performance. I had earlier tried to resolve the matter in peaceful terms, but unfortunately, things did not end well. Moreover, he has started using abusive language as well. This has made me upset a lot. I request that you please intervene in the matter and devise a solution to my problem. Thanking in anticipation.
Letter sample -2
Complaint letter for ignoring necessary action
This is to inform you that the machine installed at passage D1 is not working properly. The material gets stuck, and with continuous effort to resume production, we end up with breakage. I had earlier contacted the technical department for this, but they had paid no heed to the issue. I request that you please investigate this problem and help devise a solution so that we may be able to resume production.
Letter sample -3
Complaint against coworker
I had earlier talked to you in this regard about how my co-worker does not show up on time at the office. You are aware that these days we are working on a project whose deadline is approaching, but his continuous lateness is affecting our work. I am afraid that we will not be able to complete the desired task. I had even tried talking to him personally, but it has done no good. So, with great hope, I am writing to you to please investigate the matter on your own and resolve the issue in a peaceful manner.
Complaint letter about the air conditioner not working in an office
Providing a healthy and safe work environment is the right of every employee. Every workplace has dedicated departments to solve the issues their employees are facing. The administration department is the best place to send a complaint about faulty items at work, such as the air conditioner.
Heating and cooling are tools to maintain a good temperature at work. Employees who like their workplaces are more productive and happier about their work. Complaints from employees should not be treated as threats but rather as an opportunity to improve. The best way to make a complaint is to write a letter. The letter should be polite and brief. Explain the problem and the solutions you can suggest. The tone of the letter should be very polite, as you are looking forward to a resolution and are still working in that same workplace.
Sample letter
Dear Sir,
I have been writing to the management regarding the air conditioner not working properly. The temperature is getting warmer, and it is very hard to work in such conditions. One of our fellow colleagues is sick due to this reason.
The floor gets really suffocated once all the staff joins and starts using their systems. The electrician visited two weeks ago and repaired all the air conditioners. But it seems like he missed fixing the air conditioner in our floor area. All our paperwork and files are also getting damaged due to the dampness in the environment. I would like to request that you arrange a new air conditioner for us as soon as possible.
I have contacted a few service providers, and I have attached their list for you. Please let me know if I can help further.

- Ramadan Schedule Notification for Staff
- One Day Absent Note to Boss
- Request Letter to Staff for Voluntary Deduction from Salary
- Holiday Closing Messages
- Letter Requesting Transfer to another Department
- Letter Requesting Promotion Consideration
- Umrah Leave Request Letter to Boss
- Ramadan Office Schedule Announcement Letters/Emails
- Letter to Friend Expressing Support
- Letter to Employer Requesting Mental Health Accommodation
- Letter Requesting Reference Check Information
- Letter Requesting Salary Certificate
- Letter Requesting Recommendation from Previous Employer
- One Hour Off Permission Letter to HR
- Payroll Apology Letter to Employee