Just like any other reference letter, the credit reference letter is also used to help you in different matters of life where responsibly handling your finances is involved. It generally provides a brief description of the payment history of the person. Through this history, it can be easily judged whether a person has been responsible in terms of bill payment or not.
What information does a credit reference letter provide?
The person who writes this letter has to make sure that he provides the following details in the credit reference letter:
Description of your relationship with the subject:
In this letter, you should tell what kind of relationship you have with the person you are writing the reference letter for. You cannot write a reference letter for your blood relation. In addition, there should be a solid relationship where terms and conditions of regular credit were applied.
Payment history:
Here the sender describes the total amount on credit, payment mode, whether the payment was made in installments or one whole payment, and much more. Since the purpose of that is to help the subject in getting the approval for the credit, you can describe how punctual the subject was in terms of making payments and fulfilling commitments.
A statement of reference:
In this letter, make it clear that you are writing the reference letter or letter of recommendation for the subject of the letter so that we can get approval for the loan in the future.
Read the two sample letters given below:
Sample letter 1:
To Whom It May Concern
Respected sir/madam,
This letter is being written to confirm that Mr. ABC with id number 1A6 has been banking with our organization for the last 3 years. During this time, Mr. ABC has always been in good credit standing. He has always paid his dues on time.
As a member of the bank, I would like to say that Mr. ABC has always been very much responsible because he has always fulfilled his obligations and abided by the rules and policies of the company whatever he agreed with and therefore, I am convinced that he qualifies for the loan he is applying for.
Due to the good reputation of Mr. ABC, I am confident that he is capable of fulfilling all the financial obligations. If you want to know more about Mr. ABC, I am ready to provide you with more information. For your satisfaction, a copy of the credit report is attached to this letter.

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Sample letter 2:
To Whom It May Concern
Respected sir/madam,
This reference letter is being written to confirm that Mr. ABC has been a valued customer of our bank for the last 10 years. His customer id is 533 and he has been very honest and truthful whenever it came to dealing with us. He opted for car financing through our bank and I can say that he has always been so punctual in terms of making the payment. The timeliness and punctuality of Mr. ABC have impressed the bank and we wish our all customers would show the same type of sense of commitment.
There has never been any complaint from Mr. ABC regarding the payment of the car installment and his behavior with the bank management let us doubt his intentions. Therefore, we believe that Mr. ABC deserves to be considered trustworthy and honest.
I wholeheartedly recommend Mr. ABC as a trustworthy and reliable customer who will always be responsible for the payment of credit. I am ready to provide more support and information about Mr. ABC as our valued customer. Feel free to contact me at (mention your phone number).
To confirm my reference, I am attaching a copy of the credit report with this letter. Please review the report and make your decision. We look forward to your decision on this matter.
Thanking you.

Format: Word 2003+ Size: 45 KB
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