December Holidays Announcement Letter


Hello. This is Alexander Morph, the CEO of Addison Organization. The purpose of writing this letter is to make you feel happy with the news of the holidays. I know that you all wait a whole year for these holidays, not only you, but I am also very excited to disclose this news to you.

First, this is mandatory to state that I am heartedly thankful to all of you for being so cooperative and available to me during pandemic days. While all other companies were suffering economic downfall, our company was one of those companies whose economic situation was not affected at all, and the credit for all this goes to you. I am very proud to have all of you as employees.

Addison organization truly fosters its employees and here I am announcing about upcoming holidays. Addison company shall remain closed from 12th December 20XX to 5th January 20XX for 24 days. You all will be surprised now that you have been awarded so many holidays, and the reason is that you people worked every single minute during the pandemic. You all are therefore advised to resume your work on 6th January 20XX.

You will also be given a Christmas gift tomorrow from my side as my token of love for you. You will also be provided a hard copy of this notice tomorrow.

Please keep in mind that the virus has not gone fully, so you have to adopt precautionary measures. Avoid going to rush places and gatherings. By following this, not only you but others will also be protected. Take care of your loved ones and enjoy these holidays with your family. Addison Company, from the core of its heart, wishes a Merry Christmas to all of you in advance. May God be with you always.


Alexander Morph

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Dear all,

Hope you guys have been doing a fantastic job and everything is going well around you. I am John Steward, the manager of XYZ Company and writing this letter to notify all of you about the company’s schedule for the upcoming holidays. Convivial and merry-making days are coming, as well as Christmas, so everyone wants to spend this time with his loved ones. We also care for our employees; therefore, we have decided that from the 18th of this month till the 5th of January 20XX, the company will remain closed.

This notification is signed by Miss Hutcheon, the head of XYZ Company and this is the final decision. No changes can be made against it as it has been scheduled keeping in view your priorities. During these holidays, you will not be assigned any kind of project and will not be asked regarding working from home. You all are requested to compile all the necessary work within the next three days. Moreover, there will be no indoor and outdoor activities and the company will remain closed totally.

Spread happiness and remember everyone in your precious prayers. Make this Christmas a memorable one. Moreover, a surprising dinner will be given to you within this week, so all of you will be prepared well.

You all have been awarded a bonus along with your salary for this month. The most important thing is that you have to take full care of your family and yourself during these holidays. We are still in the shadow of COVID-19, and its cases are increasing day by day. So, wear your masks wherever you go and be safe. In case of any queries, you are all welcome to ask anything from me. Thank you, and Merry Christmas to all of you.


Jon Stewart

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