Using inappropriate language in the workplace is not justified at any cost. Inappropriate language in the workplace does not always include hurling abuse at each other. Rather, swearing and cussing also become part of inappropriate language based on the context in which they are used.
There are many companies in which we can see that the use of swearing words by employees is widespread. The need to use swearing words arises when an employee of the company finds himself in a stressful situation. At the same time, there are also many workplaces where the use of these words is considered to be extremely offensive, and it is likely to enrage people when they hear such words.
Considering the offense of swearing, certain policies and laws enacted by different organizations preclude workers from using such language. When these rules are applied, the company becomes liable to take disciplinary actions against those who don’t abide by them.
What is a disciplinary action letter?
Disciplinary action is taken when an employer finds out that the employee has engaged in a serious offensive and does not seem to improve despite a multitude of warnings.
What is the purpose of writing the disciplinary action letter for swearing and cursing?
The basic objective behind writing this letter is to let the employee know that the company has decided to take action against the offense he has perpetrated despite having been told that this offense is not acceptable by the company.
Companies usually take disciplinary actions when they realize that the employee will not correct himself unless he is punished with any disciplinary action. This action can be in the form of a deduction from the salary or anything else. In the worst scenarios, the company can terminate the employee from a job.
Importance of writing disciplinary action
Most organizations implement a ‘no swearing’ policy. If a company has such a policy, it should be reinforced. No matter which policy or rule is enacted in the company, it is incumbent upon every individual to abide by it. Furthermore, a company must make sure that everyone working there understands the importance of following rules.
Sometimes, not cussing at the workplace is not even a policy. However, the employee feels the need to cultivate a workplace culture in which everyone knows that swearing is not allowed. By writing the disciplinary action letter, the employer achieves what he wants to achieve.
Swearing words are usually very offensive, and the employer does not like them. This letter expresses that the employee’s action was offensive and that he needs to avoid such things in the future.
What are the effects of disciplinary action?
A letter written to inform about the disciplinary action usually has many positive effects on the employee. Those who don’t seem to correct themselves often do so when they receive disciplinary action letters. In this way, they are likely to wean off the habit of using cussing words at the workplace.
Those who don’t receive this letter see others getting it, and then they also take corrective measures to avoid getting it, as attaching this letter to the employee’s personal file puts a negative impression on the employee’s profile.
Many such employees don’t take company policies seriously until they receive a disciplinary action letter. Next time, the employee will remember how to act in the workplace and how to use appropriate language.
Sample letter:
To: Mr. XYZ
Date: ——————
RE: Subject of the letter
Dear (name of the employee),
This is an official letter regarding your use of swearing words at the workplace. As per the company’s policy, swearing and cussing words are prohibited. Using swearing and cussing words despite knowing that they are prohibited is a serious offense and a complete violation of the company’s rules.
As reported by one of your co-workers, you have received many verbal warnings about using inappropriate words at the workplace. With this letter of disciplinary action, I am informing you that the company has decided to deduct 10% of your salary for this month.
I am reminding you through this letter that since you are a part of this organization, you are expected to abide by the rules the company has enacted. It is also reminded that being in your position, you are required to be more diligent in your work in the future.
A copy of this disciplinary action will be attached to your file.
Your name
Your signatures
Your designation in the company
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