A rental agreement is a formal contract between the tenant and the landlord that is used to protect the rights of all the parties involved in the agreement. There needs to be a healthy relationship between the tenant and the landlord that leads to a perfect agreement completion. The agreement works for both residential and commercial properties. If there is a healthy relationship between the tenant and the landlord, both parties can consider extending the duration of the agreement.
What is an email for not increasing the rental agreement?
It is a type of correspondence between the tenant and the owner of the property in which the owner of the project tells the tenant that the rental agreement will not be extended. There might be any reason to not extend the contract. The landlord should share that reason with his decision.
How to write it professionally?
It is a basic requirement for a landlord to be kind and courteous even when he is trying to communicate with the tenant that he will not extend the agreement. Here are some basic tips to follow:
Add the right subject:
Some people share the news of not extending the duration of the agreement on the subject which sounds very rude. Even if you want to do this, be careful with the selection of your words. Make sure that the subject clearly states the nature of the email.
Inform the client about your decision:
As soon as you start the email, let the tenant know that you have decided to not extend the agreement of tenancy. Mention the date on which the current agreement is supposed to end. After that, mention that you don’t have any plans to extend the agreement of tenancy.
Give reason:
It is the right of the tenant to know the underlying reason that made you decide to not extend the agreement. State the reason and also refer to the agreement according to which, your decision is legal.
Show thankfulness:
Your tenant is not your enemy. Even if you have decided to let the contract of tenancy end because you were not happy with the behavior of the tenant, you need to remain kind and courteous with him. Say, thank you to the tenant for choosing your property for residency or business. This will let him know that you value him and you are dedicated to showing a positive attitude toward people who are linked with you.
Give final notice:
Since you are not increasing the duration of the agreement of tenancy, you should inform the tenant to vacate the property. You can give the deadline for vacating the property and let the tenant know that you are ready to show cooperation of every sort.
Read the sample email given below to know how you can write an email with the decision to let the agreement ends:
Sample email
Dear tenant Mr. ABC,
I am writing this email to inform you that your agreement of tenancy is about to end on 1st March 2023. I have decided to not extend the agreement of the tenancy since I hold the right to decide whether to increase the duration or not increase the duration of the contract.
I am compelled to take this decision because I have decided to shift to the house with my family where you are currently residing. We have decided this about the current financial problems that we are going through.
The agreement of tenancy will end on 1st March 2023. I am giving you a period of two months after the expiry of the agreement to find an appropriate place for you before you vacate the building. Thank you so much for choosing us for being in this agreement with you. We have spent valuable and high-quality time with each other. I hope that you will find a perfect house for you.
Thank you so much for understanding and for showing cooperation. Feel free to contact me in case you want to know anything regarding this letter.
Name of the sender
Designation of the sender

Sample Email File 45 Kb
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