Students’ attendance in the classroom is very important for effective learning. In order to ensure effective learning, educational institutes often have strict policies. For most institutes, short attendance is like a curse and according to them, it is their obligation to fight against it. Therefore, they keep taking action against those students who don’t show full attendance such as expelling them from the school.
Before a student is expelled from a school, the school authorities write a letter or email to the parents of the student. In this email, they inform parents that their child’s attendance is short, and this can have perilous effects on the education and future of their child.
It is important to write this email because sometimes, the parents are not aware of their child’s condition, and they remain unaware unless they receive the email. After receiving it, they can take necessary actions to make their son/daughter correct their actions.
How to write?
In this email, the parents should be informed about the short attendance and current attendance percentage of the student. The email should be short, and parents should not be blamed for anything. Rather, they should be requested to pay attention to the student’s activities so that he can attend his lectures regularly. Generally, parents have good control over their child, and they can correct his behavior in a better way than the school.
Sample Email:
Subject: An email regarding short attendance
Respected Sir,
We are regretfully informing you that your son (mention the name) enrolled in (grade name) with the roll number 2423 in our school is not coming to attend his classes regularly. It is being brought to your notice that the education of your son is being affected due to poor attendance. He is going to appear in the annual exam this year with below-average attendance.
Teachers of all subjects of your son have warned him of his irregular appearance in class but he does not seem to change his mind and pay attention to his studies. He sits in the company of some students who have a bad reputation. Their attendance is also short. We have notified him many times about his situation. But he has never paid attention to what he is told.
We are compelled to write this email to you because we are left with no other option. We hope that after reading this email, you will take strict action against your son’s short attendance. If you want to see him prosper in the future and get good grades, please help me become regular.
Sample Email 2:
Subject: Short attendance of [ABC] for [XYZ]
Respected Sir,
I hope this email finds you in good health. The purpose of writing this email is to draw your attention to a crucial issue regarding your son. The attendance of your son (mention name) with Roll Number 12424 in school is just 20%. Students are required to maintain their attendance by up to 60% to be able to take the exam. The performance of your son in the class was exceptional. He used to get A grades in all subjects.
However, now his condition is so poor. In addition to it, he is also having some behavior issues. Whenever he attends his classes, he is not attentive and disturbs his mates. He has also been expelled from the class several times because of misbehaving with the teacher.
Considering all these factors, we have concluded that he has some issues at home, or his parents are not paying attention to him. Therefore, we have decided to reach you.
Please look into your child’s condition so that you can save him from getting into a worse condition. The school is ready to cooperate with you at all levels. We are looking forward to strict actions taken by you for the betterment of your son. If you want to know more about him, feel free to contact us. We will be happy to support you as the education of every child means a lot to our institute.

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