There are many situations in business when you have to cancel or postpone an event. It is always advisable to communicate with other people to let them know about your decision to reschedule an event.
You should provide new dates and times for the event after rescheduling. The ticket sales for the event should also be updated so that the tickets purchased by people remain effective and valid for the rescheduled event. When an employer decides to reschedule an event, he has many ways to communicate his decision to his employees. Writing an email is the most effective and fastest way to use it.
Before you write an email to reschedule the event, you should see the company’s policy about rescheduling so that your email complies with it. Moreover, the new date should be decided 30 days before the commencement of the event.
What should be included in the email?
The email should clearly tell the employees that the company has decided to reschedule the event. Make sure that you provide both the ending and starting dates of the event. You can also write the reason for rescheduling the event.
The subject should be added to the email. In the email, you should apologize for the inconvenience the employees may face due to rescheduling. End the email with a thank-you statement.
Tips for writing the email:
- The email should not be too long. Keep it to the point and relevant to the subject.
- Although it is not important, give the reason for rescheduling.
- Always be specific while writing the email. You should know that nobody has enough time to read long emails. Try to come to the main point as soon as possible.
- Be clear about what you are saying. The email should be written in such a way that it can answer the questions of every employee.
- Maintain a professional tone in the email. Keep your tone polite.
If you don’t know how to draft a professional-looking email, you can get help from the templates. The templates have a pre-designed email that you can edit by adding your details and then send it to be concerned people.
Sample Email -1
This message is to inform you that due to poor weather conditions on our originally scheduled date (Monday, August 6, 20XX), we, unfortunately, have to reschedule this year’s event.
We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and look forward to greeting you, and your friends, on the new date: Tuesday, September 17, 20XX.
If you are unable to attend, please reply to this email, submit a refund request through [TEXT], or contact us directly (our phone and email contact information can be found here: details) by Monday, August 20, 20XX. No refunds will be issued after the date mentioned above.
Sample Email -2
I am writing to let you know that unfortunately, I must reschedule the event that we had for Tuesday, August 7th at 10 A.M. An unexpected scheduling conflict has arisen and has caused me to make the changes.
I am looking forward to meeting with you, however, would like to find a mutually agreed time so that we can hold a rescheduled event.
Would Thursday, August 9th at 11 a.m. suit you? Please call or email me to let me know.
I apologize for rescheduling the event and for any inconvenience caused. I am looking forward to seeing you soon.
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- One Day Absent Note to Boss
- Request Letter to Staff for Voluntary Deduction from Salary
- Holiday Closing Messages
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- Ramadan Office Schedule Announcement Letters/Emails
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