End of Project Report Letter

What is the end of the project report letter?

This report is a kind of document that is created and used by project managers when a project they have been working on ends. This report helps them in determining how the project has been completed and how each activity on it was performed. The report letter is the same as a report. However, when a report is written in the form of a letter, it is known as a report letter.

What is the purpose of writing the report letter at the end of the project?

Although it depends on the culture of the organization whether it will create the report letter at the end or not, most of the companies like to make the report. In some cases, the client also asks for the report because he also wants to know how they work on the project that has been performed. There are a number of purposes of writing this letter. A few of them are given below:

To perform documentation:

Documentation is a vital process that is carried out in every organization. Documentation helps everyone know what kind of work has been done on the project. Those who don’t have any clue about the project and activities performed in it can consult the documentation and get the needed information.

To evaluate the quality:

Quality is the main concern of the project manager as well as the client. Therefore, a considerable number of actions are taken to evaluate the quality. With the quality evaluation of the project, the assessment of the team is also done. This way, it is easily ensured that the project is of high quality and the project team has also given its best.

To assess schedule performance and budget:

The report letter is written to help the client and project manager know that how much money has been spent on the project. In general, there are budget constraints. The team is required to work within these constraints and the report tells if this has happened. 

How to write the end of project report letter?

Write in a proper format:

The report letter has a different format which is a bit different from the report. You should know the format to be followed so that you don’t have to go the extra mile to prove that you have considered professionalism. Moreover, this reported letter is passed around different stakeholders and the goal should be to make everyone get the same understanding from the report letter. Therefore, following a format that is followed by everyone and prevalent in the market is essential.

A description of the project:

This report letter should start talking about the project from the very beginning. Therefore, the first information to be included should be about how the project got approval before it was initiated and what business process was used to undertake the product. Such details make the reader know the credibility of the project.

Write a summary:

Your letter must include a summary of how the project has been executed and what objectives the project has met. This report letter must specify whether the project has met the same objectives it was started for.

Give details of budget and timeline:

Tell the reader that how much budget was allocated to the project and how much it has consumed. The timeline of the project can also be mentioned to make everything clear.

Mention other details:

After giving primary information, you can move to some other details that you think are important and must be conveyed. For instance, describe the impact of the project on the business, factors that affected the execution, and much more.

Keep it concise:

The letter at the end of the project report has to be short and to the point. Make sure that letter does not exceed one page. You have to confine to one page and describe everything in that specified limit.

Sample Letter

Subject: End of project report

Dear Anderson,

This letter is intended to give you a quick overview of the status of the project. It is hereby reported that the platinum project which was assigned to Blue Bird Company has come to an end. All the specifications and necessities have been met as per directions and the contractor is pleased to attribute it as a flawless project.

A month ago, the pace of this project was a bit slower due to unexpected weather conditions coupled with a series of heavy rains. As a result, the installation of fiber optics within the campus was affected. Notable thing was that the team members did not take this harsh weather under consideration. They somehow managed and worked extended hours including weekend working. Meeting the deadline of this project was not an easy task because the servers which were provided were not synchronized with the right hardware specifications.

Luckily, the manager was able enough to sort out this problem in time. After a successful meeting with the server provider, the issue was resolved successfully. I believe this project would have got late without a capable manager and his devoted team members who stood by him.

Since the project has ended and its testing phase is starting soon. I request you to visit my office and have a meeting with the project manager. Moreover, a detailed and step-wise report of this project has also been attached with this letter. In case of any change, you may send a reply email within 5 days. After the said period no such request will be entertained, and the projected will deem to have been consented by you.

Lastly, I say thank you for establishing business relations with me. May you launch your project successfully!


Robert Jackson

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