Face Mask Warning Memo to Employees

A memo or memorandum is an official piece of business writing which is purposed to be written to convey or notify a group of people to communicate an announcement. They can also be sent as an email or sometimes they can be sent to the employees’ tables too.

Due to the present scenario of Covid-19, wearing masks has become an integral costume to go to the offices, schools, markets, or anywhere you go outside your home. Wearing facemasks is recommended at the workplace and it may pour out to be a serious situation as contamination to the virus is more at risk while not wearing masks.

Wearing facemask has become one of the most significant and integral to-dos while covering the SOPs which also include maintaining a six feet distance, and not coming closer to each other maintaining the said distance. It has been done for the safety measures of the employees so that the working environment could be made harmless and free of exposure to the pandemic.

If employees do not act upon the required safety measures, then it is the duty of the employer to warn them through writing. The warning can be communicated by the employer to the employees by writing a memorandum that addresses the folks as a whole and notifies them about the compulsion of doing what is being asked.

While writing a warning memo, keep in mind to not go too harsh and address professionally. Stick to the point, address the issue, highlight the gaps, and warn them with any kind of penalties that may be faced by the employees if they do not wear a face mask as a protection strategy.

Two memo samples are given below and can be used accordingly:


To: The Staff Members, AK Oil Refinery

From: The Managing Director, AK Oil Refinery

Date: 20th July 20XX

Subject: Warning for not Wearing Facemasks in the Office.

Dear all,

It has been seen that the office workers and all the employees, including very senior officers, are not taking serious note of indicated SOPs to be followed strictly in the premises of the office. During an inspecting visit to the office on 19th July, it was seen that almost every employee was working without having facemasks on their faces. In fact, it was very pathetic to note that the facemasks were lying on the working desks as an unnecessary tool or a piece to decorate the table. Some had put the facemasks on their faces but had slid them to the chin which ultimately was of no use.

The situation of pandemic Covid-19 is worsening day by day not only in the country but in the world as a whole. Every nation has been making serious and exemplary measures to curb the situation and lower the number of ever-rising cases of coronavirus. These measures include wearing facemasks, use of hand sanitizers, washing hands, again and again, avoiding handshakes, and maintaining a minimum distance of six meters.

These SOPs are made to provide the employees with a safe working environment as you are directly linked to your families and it is full of risk on their part as well.

Senior Manager and Assistant Manager have been enquired about the observed nonseriousness but it has been told that the employees are not taking pandemic seriously and have their personal delineated opinions about everything. Some use the facemasks for the early hours of working and then throw them away feeling it as an irritable covering of the face.

I would like all of you to take note of above mentioned non-serious behaviors and mend your ways keeping in view the SOPs to be indicated in the preceding meeting and enlisted on the notice board at the entrance. Not wearing facemasks can hit you with great penalties which includes heavy fines, pay cuts, and even temporary or permanent suspensions of the employees not wearing facemasks.

The situation would be invigilated not only through surprise inspectorate visits but also through the held CCTVs. I hope you will understand the situation and mend your ways according to the list of SOPs also enclosed in this memo.

Thank you



Note: No one would be considered exempt from the above warning note if violated.

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To: The Faculty and Staff Members of all Ranks, Nibal textiles.

From: The Manager, Nibal Textiles.

Date: 20th July 20XX

Subject: Warning Note for Not Following the SOPs

Dear Nibal Family,

It has been observed lately that the staff members of the company are not taking proper care to follow the indicated SOPs especially wearing facemasks within the premises of the company. It has been strictly notified by the Director and the CEO of the company observing the employees not wearing facemasks. It is extremely disappointing watching such a situation of ongoing turmoil of COVID 19 and the triggered risk of life.

The implementation of Standard Operating Procedures has been intensely obstructed by the non-serious behavior of the employees in the shape of not wearing masks within the company. Following SOPs ensures one’s own safety and less exposure to the contamination with the disease.

It is warned to the employees that not wearing face masks in the premises of the company can hit them with the serious penalties along with $500 as fine. It may also hit the employees with deduction in their salaries or temporary suspensions and termination as would be decided by the company authority.

I hope you will follow all the SOPs for working in the office strictly and will leave no loophole to get things to go objectionable. Your health is important for us and a top priority. Take good care of yourself and your family by following the greatly needed precautions to get through this difficult time of the pandemic. It will ensure not only your safety but also others and protecting others with ourselves make us human.

Thank you.



Note: No exemption would be provided to anyone from the above-mentioned criteria

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