Although modern technology has replaced the old technologies to a large extent, some old modes of communication are still in use. One of the most frequently used ways of communication is by fax. According to a survey, in the US, 17 billion faxes are sent and received annually. In different organizations, people still feel the need to send and receive the fax.
What is a fax cover sheet?
A fax cover sheet is a document that is sent along with the fax. It generally provides the details about the fax. This page is positioned in such a way that it is the first document to be seen in the fax. It contains the date on which the fax was sent, and the names of the sender and recipient. You can also add more details according to your choice.
Although it is not necessary to use the fax cover page, it is always recommended to be used when you want to ensure that your fax is misdirected. No matter which type of document is being faxed, the fax cover sheet can be used indiscriminately.
What is the purpose of using a fax cover sheet?
When the basic details of the fax machine are mentioned on the cover page, it helps the person know where to send the fax and to whom it is being sent. Sometimes, you are required to send confidential documents via fax. In such a situation, maintaining the privacy of the recipient and sender is important. With the use of a fax cover sheet, it is ensured the fax that needs to be sent is in the right hands.
What should be included in a fax cover sheet?
The document attached with the fax to be sent is regarded as the cover sheet. The cover sheet is not only intended to cover the fax but to provide all the basic details regarding the fax to be sent.
The fax cover sheet includes the description of the fax it covers. It also describes the number of pages the enclosed fax contains. Other types of relevant details are also the main part of the fax cover sheet.
If the fax covered by the fax cover sheet contains sensitive information and you want to let the recipient know that it needs to be handled vigilantly, you can mention it on the cover page. Some companies also include a small message on this cover sheet.
Furthermore, if you want to define the urgency level of the fax, you can write it on the cover sheet.
Fax cover sheets template:
A simple fax cover sheet template is available on various websites in MS Word format. These templates provide the best sample to all those who want to know what a cover sheet of the fax looks like. These templates are available to be used online as well as offline. All you need to do is add the name of your company and logo on the template and it is ready to be used free of cost.

File: Word (.docx) 2007+ and iPad
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