Friendly Welcome Letter to Tenant from Landlord

Discovering and leasing a new residence is both thrilling and complex. There are various considerations to bear in mind. Relating to a new rental property can be daunting, but once you are settled in your new house or apartment, you can establish it as your own. A friendly and approachable landlord can make the tenant feel more at ease and secure during this transition.

The move-in letter can provide important details and instructions to the tenant to ensure a smooth process, ease any concerns, and foster a positive landlord-tenant relationship. It is the landlord’s responsibility to draft a letter to the tenant before the property handover.

What is a friendly welcome letter from the landlord to the tenant?

A Tenant Welcome Letter serves as a formal greeting and is designed to provide helpful information that will aid the tenant in acclimating to their new living situation. This will generally entail details on crucial rules, available resources, and pertinent contact information. Its purpose is to provide the tenant with essential information to help ease their relocation into their new home.

Why is the welcome letter from the landlord written to the tenant?

While some landlords solely depend on the tenancy agreement to communicate the terms and instructions to tenants, the agreement may not cover all aspects necessary for a smooth and hassle-free move-in experience. Therefore, it is also advisable to provide a welcome letter.

The welcome letter addresses potential issues that tenants can encounter after relocating to a new residence. Landlords have concerns and insights that they believe should be communicated to avoid any inconvenience that may arise in the future.

When is the right time to send the welcome letter?

The ideal moment to dispatch a gracious tenant welcome letter is shortly after the lease has been signed but before the tenant is granted access to the rental abode. A prudent timeframe for this would be approximately one to two weeks before the scheduled move-in date, allowing ample time for the tenant to acclimate to their unfamiliar surroundings before the commencement of their lease.

Furthermore, this timeframe provides an opportunity for you to survey the rental property and arrange any necessary repairs before your new tenant arrives.

What is the best method to send the welcome letter?

When dispatching a new tenant welcome letter, email has proven to be the swiftest and most reliable option. Not only can the tenant easily access and refer to the letter at their convenience, but they can also respond promptly if further inquiries arise. Email also allows you to include links to invaluable resources such as local utility companies and amenities, facilitating an effortless tenant shift.

It is recommended that a secondary method of conveying the letter be offered as a gesture of exceptional service. A printed copy of the welcome letter can be thoughtfully placed in an obvious location to help the tenant feel at ease and at home as soon as they arrive.

Easy way to write it

Depending on the policies and nature of your property, a new tenant welcome letter ought to encompass the following:

Maintain cordial tone

Crafting a warm and genial tenant welcome letter is necessary. It should impart essential information to the tenant, ensuring that they have a comprehensive grasp of their duties and responsibilities. While the letter should be concise and to the point, it should not compromise on its friendly tone.

Only add essential information:

Limiting the letter’s contents to the most pertinent information is advisable to avoid overwhelming the tenant with a lengthy missive. This approach can ensure that the tenant can quickly absorb and appreciate the letter’s content, thereby fostering a positive and reassuring impression.

Mention vital instructions:

A well-written tenant welcome letter must provide specific details regarding the rental property’s guidelines, regulations, and relevant instructions that are essential for the tenant, like setting up utilities, parking procedures, trash guidelines, access to laundry room facilities, and handling maintenance issues.

Additionally, the letter should provide detailed guidance on the property’s rules and regulations while indicating the time and location for key collection. Including information on the surrounding neighborhood and local resources can further enhance the tenant’s overall welcome experience.

Avoiding redundancy

It is pivotal to note that much of this information is typically included in the lease agreement, and it is necessary to avoid duplicating the content in the letter.

Sample Letters


Hello Ifra, I hope you are smiling and rejoicing. Welcome to J108 for your residency with family. I wish you a great stay and a happy time for the agreement term.

Let me help you get through a few things that will help you settle easily.

  • Your residency address is [ADDRESS]. You will need it for your courier requirements.
  • Mr. Peanut is the property manager. Please contact him if you need help fixing or replacing anything. His contact information is [CONTACT].
  • In case of an emergency, please call the [X} service.
  • I have confirmed that all the utility services are in good working condition, and you will start paying as per the agreement [X].
  • You have a free parking slot available for one car at [XYZ].

I hope we will get along nicely by following all the terms in the agreement.


Miko Do.

#2 (Short)

Dear (Name of tenant),

I want to welcome you to your new home and am pleased that you selected (rental address) as your new home. You can collect the keys to the place between (state the time) and (tell the date). If this time is not convenient, you can arrange a different time and date by contacting me at (give contact details).

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.


Friendly Welcome Letter to Tenant from Landlord