Every organization working in the professional world has a letterhead. People in these organizations having a special authority write important notifications and letters on these letterheads. Any document written on the letterhead is given more importance because everyone knows that only important documents are printed on a letterhead.
Just like professional companies, professional people also use letterheads. Doctors have their letterheads on which they prescribe their medicine. Doctors must use the letterhead because it gives a message that the prescription given on the letterhead of the doctor or hospital should be attributed to the relevant person.

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If a patient dies due to the wrong medicine prescribed, the letterhead becomes evidence of who prescribed that medicine and who committed the crime. Similarly, if the doctor is accused of committing a crime that he has not done, he can prove himself by using the letterhead. In this way, the hospitals use their letterheads to deal with legal issues.
Designing the hospital letterhead
Every hospital wants to use the letterhead which is attractive and eye-catching. For this purpose, it tries to use the best letterhead design. Designing the letterhead includes choosing the most appropriate graphics that are good looking at the same time, choosing the attractive font for the letterhead, placing the hospital logo in the right place, and much more.
Hospitals are generally recommended to use MS Word letterheads. Using Word enables them to add the header and footer in the letterhead interactive images and much more.
Choosing the right colors is another part of designing the letterhead. The letterhead for the hospital usually has subtle colors added discreetly to the letterhead to maintain the decency and the look the hospital tries to impart.
What are the benefits of the hospital letterhead?
- It does branding of the hospital
The letterhead becomes a promotional tool when the doctor’s name, qualification, and some other details are added. With this, people come to know what a hospital offers. For example, some hospitals have a laboratory that they mention on their letterhead to promote it.
- It makes it easy for people to contact the doctor
The letterhead tells about the doctors available in the hospital and their timings. This information is useful for patients. Patients get the contact details of the doctor and then they can contact the doctor by taking the number mentioned on the letterhead.
- It makes the hospital stand out
Every hospital has a unique letterhead which is usually used to keep itself stand out. Due to this, the design of the letterhead is given so much importance and it is ensured that it is different from any hospital’s letterhead.
The letterhead for the hospital created in Word is the most interactive. The user can customize it to get the design of the letterhead modified according to his own needs and preferences.

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