I am writing this letter to officially request that you issue my ID card. I joined XYZ Company about two months ago but haven’t received it yet.
At the office, identification cards are required for many reasons. Some of the reasons are given below:
- I am unable to make an entrance at the office or any other official building because my identification is required.
- At official meetings, I am not allowed to present my work because I do not own official documentation.
- Marking attendance is a hassle each day, and a call from HR eases this process.
- I am not entitled to any project of my own unless I acquire my official identification.
I understand that management is burdened due to work overload, but I hope you will take the time to provide data to HR for issuing my official identification card. I will be highly grateful to you.
I am writing this letter to request you to reissue me an identification card because I lost my ID card in the metro and have been unable to make things work officially.
I understand that it is my mistake that I did not take care of it properly but it all happened because of extreme overload in the metro which not only resulted in the loss of my ID but also my wallet and other credit cards. I have been trying everywhere for the issuance of my documents but it will take time. I hope that you will consider my request at your earliest and give notice for the issuance of an ID card.
I deeply regret my negligence but it all happened in the spur of the moment. I hope that my request for re-issuance will not burden the team and this process will be speedy. Thank you in anticipation.
I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing this to request you for the issuance of an updated official ID card. I have been promoted to the rank of manager but I have not received my ID card for this promotion yet.
On my current ID card, my job status shows assistant and it needs to be updated immediately. Based on my promotion, I will be awarded high-value projects but it will only be possible after I have acquired my official identity. I am rushing this process because I waited patiently for two months but it did not happen smoothly. Therefore, I had to take this official way of request form. It will help me greatly in the following matters,
- Access to major projects that are handed over to managers only.
- Opportunity to become a team leader for several projects.
- Raise in salary and other incentives that are awarded to all managers.
- Assigned a few employees for the completion of projects.
- Easier attendance and car parking during the entrance.
- 15 days of annual leave to a foreign country.
I would be highly obliged if the process of identification card issuance is sped up. It will ease many avenues for me. Kindly understand my situation and fulfill my requirements. I will be immensely grateful for your help in the following matter.
I hope you are enjoying good health. I am writing this letter to state a formal request for the issuance of an updated identification card. I joined this company as a bachelor and recently I got married therefore, I submitted my marital documents at the HR but I have not received an updated ID card.
An update of marital status is a necessity at our company because you are awarded with the following,
- Increased salary due to the start of family life.
- Medical allowance for spouse and family are covered by the company.
- An extension in annual vacation.
- Offer to enjoy various services at designated places at the expense of the company.
Thus, it is important for me to get my official identification card as early as possible. I hope that this letter will speed up the process and provide me with the desired documents at the earliest. If HR requires any other documents for the issuance of an ID card, I am happy to provide them. I will be grateful for your cooperation in the following matter.
Request letter to HR for issuing an employee ID card
I have recently joined ABC Company as (job title). I would like to request that you issue my employee ID card.
My official joining date is October 10, 20XX. I have enclosed a copy of my joining letter along with my particulars. Kindly let me know if you require any other documents for the requested ID card.
Your immediate action on my request would be appreciated.
Request letter for new ID card
I am Meezo, and I have been working in the Sales department at XYZ since April 2025. I have just been promoted to Sales Manager and will be assuming my new responsibilities in November. I, therefore, require a new Employee ID card bearing the updated information about my new job post.
Kindly let me know if you need any documents or information for the process. I await your response.
ID card request Email
I am writing this email to request the Employee’s Club ID card. My Employee Number is [X]. I have enclosed the required photographs and a copy of my particulars.
I thank you in anticipation.
Request letter for renewal of ID card
This is to request the renewal of my Employee ID card. My working contract with the company has just been updated and renewed for the next 3 years. I, therefore, require an updated ID card since my current one expires on the 15th of November.
Please find enclosed a copy of my new contract and other required documents.
Request letter for new student ID card
I am John Doe, a student in my second year at ABC College of Medicine. I have recently taken a transfer from the Maryland campus to Astoni. Accordingly, I require a new student ID card from the Astoni administration.
I have enclosed my details. Kindly issue my new ID card as requested.
Application letter for school ID card
I would like to request that the school administration issue my student ID card. I have enclosed my photographs and the required information about myself.
Kindly let me know when I can collect my card from the admin office. I hope to be ready before the orientation week is over.
I would like to thank you in anticipation.

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