Job Leave/Exit Interview Form

Organizations need to know how employees feel about working for them. Some organizations want to get information from employees when they decide to leave the company. This information is related to the employee and their work activities for the company.

The details give the organization important information which can let them carry out improvements for employees so that they can work more productively helping the company. This is where a job exit interview form comes in.

What is a job exit interview form?

This is a document that employers use to ask employees to leave their company details about their work with them. This includes what they preferred and what they did not like about the job. The reasons that they have decided to leave as well as other questions concerning their departure can be stated here.

Job Exit Interview Form

What does a job exit interview form do?

The details obtained from the questions answered on the form can help an employer find out if there are patterns that are resulting in employees deciding to leave the company. The form can be used to see if there are potential issues in the company that the employer can improve on so that employees will want to stay. This is because the form lets the employer know what resulted in the employee leaving the company.

How to create a job exit interview form:

The form must be made carefully so that it is easy for the employee to fill in and so that the employer can get the details they need. The following points can be kept in mind when making the form:

Details about the employee:

The full name of the employee needs to be given along with their job title. The date that the employee started working and the date that they are leaving should be given. An area for the total length of their service can be present.

Reasons for leaving:

The form should include an area that lets the employee write why they have decided to leave the company. There should be sufficient area present here so that they can explain this clearly. You can ask the employee questions like

  • Whether they have accepted some other job
  • What made them look for another job
  • When they started the procedure for searching for some other job
  • Why are they choosing to work somewhere else; etc.

Think about what questions will aid you in better knowing why the employee has decided to leave the job and ask these.

What they preferred about the job

You can ask the employee what they liked about the job they had with your company. You may even ask them about ways that the company can improve the work environment for the employees. The employee can give suggestions here and general feedback on enhancing the company. An employer can even ask the employee whether their pay was enough.

Job satisfaction:

You can have an area where the employee can state whether they were satisfied with different areas of the job. This can include job responsibilities, work environment, pay, etc. They can choose from a scale of 1 to 5 here.


The date the form has been submitted can be given and the signature of the employee as well so that the form can be valid.

Importance of a job exit interview form

This form is important for a company as it can get to know why employees are leaving. The questions asked in the form and the details provided by the employee will help the employer in knowing whether the company is providing employees with a good working environment. Employee turnover can be reduced and the company can keep a productive workforce when action is taken to address issues that are being faced by employees.

The employer will get an idea of which employees are leaving and those who are deciding to stay and work with the company. The employer can therefore know when they need to hire new staff. They can know which posts are empty in their company and which ones are not. An employer needs to ask an employee these questions so that they can know whether the employee faced any problems that may impact the functioning of the company.