A letter of absence is a formal document that is used by the students and everyone who wants to get permission for going to leave for any reason.
When you want to go on vacation and you have to be absent from your school for a longer period, you are required to write a letter of absence. It is the rule of any school that the student will have to ask for permission in order to get time off.
In the case of vacation, the absence of a student is already known. The student is required to get permission from the teacher and the principal of the school prior to the vacation.
Tips to write the letter of absence:
- Include all the dates on which you want to take off.
- If you are going to ask for leave for vacation, do mention this reason in the letter. Being truthful is very important as your teacher may ask you to provide some evidence to support your letter of absence.
- The reason should be stated clearly in the letter.
- Tell your teacher how you will compensate for the loss of studies that you will face during this period.
- Keep the tone of the letter polite and humble. While writing this letter sit should be kept in mind that your teacher has a right to deny your request.
- End the letter with a few words of gratitude to make the reader feel good about you.
Sample letters
I am writing this message in letting you know the reason for my absence from school due to a family trip. I am penitent to not apprise you about it timely. I understand that continuous absence makes the performance poor. I have devised a plan to cover up all the missed lessons and have required the help of my classmate. I will cover the syllabus within a week by working hard. I need your support in this regard to help me in understanding difficult concepts.
Please be informed that I need two weeks’ leave to travel abroad with my parents. My father is a business and he often goes on business trips to different countries. On [mention date] he is leaving for Africa and my mother is also accompanying him. My parents cannot afford to leave me alone at home for two weeks and they have also confirmed my tickets. Hopefully, we will return on [mention date]. I cannot attend school because of this and request you to accept my leave request. You cannot confirm it by asking my father. Thanking in anticipation.
I have the privilege to be your student in 9th grade. With this message, I want to inform you that due to a planned trip, I cannot come to school for two weeks. My family has decided to visit Australia as my maternal family lives there. My siblings live in Manchester and Luxemburg and it is after three years that we are gathering in Canada.
I am very excited about this trip as it will leave an everlasting impact on my life. I know that a long absence can disrupt my studies badly and I will find it difficult to resume my studies after the vacation. Samuel, my classmate, is agreed to send me the class notes daily and I will make time to go through them.
I hope you have been doing well. I am writing this to you to enlighten you I cannot attend school for ten days. It is because of a planned visit to my aunt who lives in New York. Her daughter’s wedding is on [mention date] and we all are going there. I know our exams are at the start of next month and you have arranged mock sessions this week.
I am fully prepared for the exams as I started preparing for them in July. I have also completed the assignments and before leaving for New York I will get it submitted. I hope you will collaborate on land and grant me leave permission.
With humble submission, this message aims to let you know of my absence from [mention date] to [mention date]. I have to visit my family who lives in Canada. I have booked the flight and I will come back on [mention date]. You know that I live here in the hostel and I have become homesick. For the past few days, I am stressed and mentally disturbed. I am hopeful that after visiting my family I will feel relieved. Kindly consider my request and allow me six days leave.
Student’s name: _______________
Date: _________________
To: ________________
Subject: ____________
Dear Sir/Madam,
I want to request you grant me a leave of absence for 15 days scheduled [DATE] to [DATE]. My family has planned to go to Chicago for a visit. There will be no one at home whom I can stay with. I have been working very hard for the last few days. I also want to go with my family because I want to refresh myself by visiting different areas. I hope that you will understand my condition. Thank you so much for your consideration.
Yours sincerely,
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