Re. Apology Letter for Breach of Contract
Dear [Name], I am [Name], the executive business development officer from the [Name of the Company]. I received an email from your Company’s project manager asking for an explanation and the cause behind the breach of contract. Hence, I am writing this letter to explain and show the cause behind this predicament.
Both companies signed a contract on the construction of [name the building] for the [Name of the Company]. In this project, our Company worked on the advertisement and construction evolvement of the project. The idea was to put forth the marketing by using advertising skills and equipment. Also, it was notified to both parties that the condition of the projects should be kept confidential.
However, our marketing team advertised the project on social media, which was part of the campaign. The marketing team should have realized the displaying of the conditions mentioned in the contract along with the original project advertisement. This led to a controversy between two parties, and your team expressed anger and distrust.
Although I realize that the communication of distrust and disappointment was justified, I take this moment to explain the reason behind this publication. Our marketing team works independently, and unfortunately, there remained a gap in communication between the teams of project management and marketing management. Hence, displaying confidential information was totally unintentional and an act of misinformation.
I have discussed the matter with both of the teams, and they promise to work in strong coordination. We have updated our policy of team coordination in which it has been mentioned clearly that any predicament resulting from poor teamwork shall be liable to both teams’ heads.
We apologize for the breach of contract, as it was unintentional. Please accept our deepest apologies and let us know how this act can be retrieved so that project work can be resumed and completed by the given deadline.
I am looking forward to meeting with you. Please schedule a meeting at your earliest convenience.
Thank you.

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Subject: Apology Letter for Breach of Agreement Signed on [Date], Contract No. [##]
Dear [Manager],
I am [Name], the [designation], from the [Name of the department]. With reference to contract no. [#], I am regretful to say that the Company could not dispatch the ordered products on time. According to the agreement, it was promised that the products would be delivered to you before the deadline, but unfortunately, our team could not deliver the products even after five days from the deadline.
I apologize for the delay, as it was caused by unavoidable circumstances created by the Federal Taxation Documents and PADs submission. Due to diverted focus and the high priority of the task, we had to submit the said documents before [date]. Moreover, three of our team members went to [Name of the country] for essential IT training conducted by the Federal Government’s Employees’ Annual Training Program (EATP).
I am sorry for the breach of the signed agreement; however, I have instructed my team to dispatch the ordered items as soon as possible. The products are expected to be delivered to you before [date].
I am sure that you would like the quality of the products. I will be grateful if you show more patience by waiting for the next date. Please accept my deepest apologies for the unpleasant incident and the inconvenience caused to you. Thank you.

File: MS Word 2007/+ Size 56 KB
See also:
- Ramadan Schedule Notification for Staff
- One Day Absent Note to Boss
- Request Letter to Staff for Voluntary Deduction from Salary
- Holiday Closing Messages
- Letter Requesting Transfer to another Department
- Letter Requesting Promotion Consideration
- Umrah Leave Request Letter to Boss
- Ramadan Office Schedule Announcement Letters/Emails
- Letter to Friend Expressing Support
- Letter to Employer Requesting Mental Health Accommodation
- Letter Requesting Reference Check Information
- Letter Requesting Salary Certificate
- Letter Requesting Recommendation from Previous Employer
- One Hour Off Permission Letter to HR
- Payroll Apology Letter to Employee