When you write a letter to announce your decision to cancel a business deal or a tender, it brings bad news for the reader. Therefore, you need to be careful when you write this letter as not being able to write a letter in an efficacious way will end up offending the reader which can ruin the situation and your business relationship with the reader.
It is a formal letter that outlines the news that the tender is going to be canceled. This letter brings bad news for the reader as the reader has been awarded the tender earlier which is now being canceled.
Here are a few tips to follow when you announce the cancelation of tender after award:
- Make the right choice of words:
You should write this letter in such a way that you don’t hurt the sentiments of the reader. Make the right choice of words when you are announcing the news of tender cancellation.
- Give details of the tender you are canceling:
Don’t forget to mention the details of the tender so that the reader can know which tender you are referring to. Mention the unique tender number, the date on which it got accepted, and whatnot.
- Give reason:
Mention the reason why you want to cancel the tender. The reason is very important for the reader. If the tender is being canceled due to a baseless reason, the reader will have to be compensated and you will specify in the letter how compensation will be carried out.
Sample letter 1:
Sub: Cancelation of tender after award
Respected Mr. ABC,
It is to inform you that XYZ private limited has decided to cancel the tender for running the canteen of the company. The tender (mention the tender ID) is being canceled due to some internal problems of the company. Please read the official notice of canceling the tender attached to this letter. The company is compelled to cancel the tender after the award due to some very serious reasons. It was not an easy decision for the company.
We are so sorry to make this decision, but we hope that we will be able to do business together in the future. As per the contract, the company will compensate you for all the payments you made from the start till the date the tender was issued to you. You will receive the payment in one month.
Thank you so much for your cooperation with us. If you want to know more about this news, you can contact us through the official numbers of the company. We will be very happy to guide you.

Sub: Cancelation of tender after award
Respected Mr. ABC,
It is to inform you that XYZ enterprises have decided to cancel the tender (mention the tender number) for cleaning services with your company. This was a very difficult decision for XYZ Enterprises since the proposal sent by you was the most persuasive and really liked your offer. However, due to some internal changes, it is no longer feasible for the company to continue getting cleaning services from an external body.
We are so regretful to have canceled the tender with you, but we believe that we will be able to carry on our business relationship in the future. As per the agreement, the cancellation of the tender after the award binds us to compensate for the loss. Therefore, we are ready for this. So, it is a humble request to you to send us a complete breakdown of the expenses you have incurred so that we can pay you promptly.
Thank you so much for your cooperation and support. We look forward to you as our business partner in the future. If you want to know more about this notification of tender cancelation, feel free to contact us.

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