Letter to Principal about Unhygienic Condition of School

The principal of the school is the head of the institute who has a big responsibility to take care of everything concerning the school. There are lots of factors that can be ignored easily. However, when it comes to hygiene, it becomes a very critical issue, and ignoring it can only worsen the situation and put a question mark on the performance of the principal and the staff.

Therefore, people write a kind of complaint letter and let him know that there is a big problem of hygiene going on with the school that needs to be addressed as soon as possible. 

What is the purpose of writing to the principal to tell him about an untidy school?

The principal of the school is the head of the institute who has the authority as well as the responsibility to manage things properly. Therefore, people contact him whenever they want certain things to be changed or improved. The problem of hygiene is not a small issue. It should be addressed as soon as one sees it.

As a matter of fact, if this problem goes unaddressed for a long period of time, it puts the health of every person in the school at risk. 

When you write this letter, you draw the attention of the head of the school towards the issue of cleanliness which is then expected to be dealt with with care and attention.

Who can write this letter?

Anyone belonging to the school whether it is teachers, parents, students, or other staff members can write this letter. These are the people who are generally the eyewitness of the problem they are communicating. The principal can easily trust their words and take action.

Things to remember:

When you are communicating with the principal to share very sensitive information, you should make sure that you communicate in an efficacious way.  Read below some important points that must always be kept in mind:

Say what is based on true facts:

Make sure that you provide those details to the principal that you think is true and should be communicated. If you are doubtful about something, there is no need to mention it. For instance, if you have not seen the toilets, you can assume that toilets are dirty, and you should discuss them in the letter. 

Don’t exaggerate:

When you are talking about poor hygiene, it is not important to not exaggerate and communicate things as what they look like. Your exaggeration can put the job of a lot of people at risk. 

Follow the template:

It is easy to write a letter to the principal or anyone else if you have a template to follow. The template gives you a clear idea as to which format you should follow and how. The idea regarding the content is also obtained through the use of templates. 

Read the sample letter given below:

Sample letter:


The principal, 

Name of the school, 

Subject: letter about the unhygienic condition of school 

Respected sir, 

I am writing this letter to draw your attention to a very critical issue which is the unhygienic condition of the school. All the classrooms are very untidy and dusty. The furniture is also very dusty. Bathrooms in the schools are very dirty and give off a foul smell. One cannot even pass outside the toilet without having that foul smell felt. 

As far as the canteen of the school is concerned, it is also very untidy. There are no proper arrangements for regular cleaning. The atmosphere of the canteen is so dirty, and one cannot imagine having good quality food cooked neatly considering good hygiene principles. I happened to watch the kitchen of the canteen also that made me feel sick. The food sold at the school canteen is making students sick. 

It is my humble request to you to please pay attention to the disorganized cleaning services at the school. Please hold the sweepers and other cleaners accountable so that they can be aware of their duties and act responsibly.  

I hope that you will take this letter seriously. I am looking forward to hearing from you soon


Name of the sender 



Letter to Principal about Unhygienic Condition of School

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