The scheduling of working hours for employees is done by employers. The main purpose of the schedule is to ensure that everything in the company runs smoothly.
A company has the right to make changes to the employee’s duty roster. The notification to an employee for a shift change is sent by the employer when he decides to change the current shift. Sometimes, the notification is sent after changing shifts.
This notification mentions the date on which the employee will have to follow the new schedule for the shift. It notifies the employee about the change in shift.
It is very important for the company to write the notification in clear words so that the employee can easily understand it. The changing hours should also be described in a simple way.
Professionally designed notifications have a lot of significance in any business since they are commonly and frequently used.
Tips to write the notification?
Here are a few tips that can help you write a professional notification:
- Write the date in the notification on which the notice is being issued. This is very useful for record-keeping. The name of the company, as well as its logo, should be mentioned. It is advisable to type the notice on the letterhead of the company.
- The name of the employee, his designation in the company, and the exact date on which he is being instructed to follow the new schedule should be written in the notice.
- The starting and ending times of the shift as well as the name of the shift, such as morning shift, evening shift, etc., should also be mentioned. The tone of the employer in this notice should be polite and professional. The details should be given in clear and simple words.
The main purpose of changing the shift is to switch the staff to different shifts. Sometimes the shifting is done to allocate more experienced and talented staff to the shift when needed. This enables the business owner to handle the business more effectively.
Letter 1
Dear [employee name]:
This is to inform you that, as per the monthly shift changes, your duty schedule for the month of October is attached below. The new schedule will be effective October 1, 20XX.
Name of issuing authority.
Duty Scheduler
Letter 2
Dear [employee name]:
This is to inform you that your shift will be changed. Your exemplary sales performance in the past two months has been noticed and appreciated. The department has therefore decided to move your working hours to the [morning] when more customer service is required. This will also be an opportunity for you to increase your monthly commissions. Starting next month, you will be working the morning shift instead of the evening shift.
Name of issuing authority
Duty Scheduler
More Samples
Subject: Notification for change of shift
This is to inform you that, as per the quarterly rotation schedule, your shift has been changed. Starting next Monday [enter date], you will be working from 9 p.m. to 7 a.m. for the next quarter.
Name of authorized personnel
HR Department
Subject: Notification for change of shift
This is to inform you that there has been a change in your shift. Your customer evaluation has been strongly positive. Given your good performance at handling customer service, you will now be working from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. This shift is crucial, as more than 60% of the customers call between these times. We hope you will display the same tactfulness that you have shown in the previous months.
Name of authorized personnel
HR Department
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