I am writing this message to inform you that I am suffering from flu and fever for the last five days and now it is getting worse. It is becoming difficult for me to pay full attention to work and doctors have suggested rest for seven days and recommended tests. So, for this reason, I cannot come to the office. I will resume my work once I get better. I want to leave from 15-07-20XX to 21-07-20XX. In case I don’t get better and want further leaves, I will inform you. For your convenience, I have attached my doctor’s prescription along with this letter. If you want more information, then you can contact me on my phone number. Thank you.
Hope this message finds you in good health. I am Lipkin that has been given my services to [X] organization for the past three years. The purpose of writing this message is to seek your permission for ten days’ leave from 12-06-20XX to 21-06-20XX.
Today, I was getting ready for the office, and on my way to the office, I met with an accident. My car stuck in the signboard that was lying in the middle of the road and I couldn’t see it on time. As a result, my right leg got fractured and I have some minor injuries on the head and other parts of my body.
I am in hospital now and will get back to you once I get better. The doctors have prescribed me complete bed rest for seven days. Therefore, I request you that after going through the above-mentioned incident described, grant me leave for ten days. I shall be highly obliged to you for this favor.
Hope everything is going well and you are doing alright. I am penning down this message to ask for a short leave of three days. I am working on the post of manager executive in your organization. Last night, I was at a party with my school friends and the food that we had ordered was poisonous. After eating poisonous food, I started vomiting and I got food poisoning.
I went to the doctor and he has prescribed me to not take the junk and fast food for a week. So, for this reason, I want you to grant me leave for three days. As my condition gets better, I will be back to work. If you want to ask anything about it then you can contact me by email, I will remain available there.
I am Joseph Luther and have been in your organization for a long time. I am a punctual and efficient worker and did not take any untaught leave. The purpose of writing this message is to take five days’ leave. Yesterday, I fell down the stairs at the home and my back got injured. I cannot sit now properly for continuous hours.
Therefore, I request you grant me leave for at least five days. My leave will start on 23-06-20XX and will end on 29-06-20XX. I will be back to my work on the 30th of this month. I can work from home for a week and work quality will not be affected. I was working on the project with my five other team members and I don’t want to delay it.
Therefore, you can ask anything about the project via email and phone call, I will remain available there all the time. I would be highly obliged to you for granting me the favor of seven days’ leave. Thank you.
Sir, I am Alexander Martin and this message is to bring to your notice that I am not able to come to work from tomorrow for a few days. I excuse myself for creating inconvenience and hustle in the office because of my absence. I was not feeling well since this Monday and yesterday I went through some tests and today my tests have come positive. I have been diagnosed with jaundice.
The doctor has strictly prescribed the rest for two weeks so I will be unable to come to the office. I have affixed the test reports along with this message so may you have look at them.
I am sorry for the disturbance and workload in my absence. If you want me to hand over my project to some other employee, I can handover it over to Mr. Pip because he is a member of my project team. I hope that you will understand my situation well and will me sick leave for two weeks.
This message is to bring to your notice that I will be on leave for three days because I am suffering from a fever and feeling weak. Therefore, I seek your permission to grant me leave of three days. I will be obliged to you for this favor.

- Ramadan Schedule Notification for Staff
- One Day Absent Note to Boss
- Request Letter to Staff for Voluntary Deduction from Salary
- Holiday Closing Messages
- Letter Requesting Transfer to another Department
- Letter Requesting Promotion Consideration
- Umrah Leave Request Letter to Boss
- Ramadan Office Schedule Announcement Letters/Emails
- Letter to Friend Expressing Support
- Letter to Employer Requesting Mental Health Accommodation
- Letter Requesting Reference Check Information
- Letter Requesting Salary Certificate
- Letter Requesting Recommendation from Previous Employer
- One Hour Off Permission Letter to HR
- Payroll Apology Letter to Employee