Email Sample -1
Dear [NAME], I hope you find this email in the best of health and high spirits. This email is about project no. (#). The project was contracted on [DATE] and it was to be initiated on [DATE] according to the project agreement meeting held on [DATE]. Later, I received an email from your Project Manager, Mr./Ms. [NAME] expressing the regret on the behalf of the company for not being able to kick off the project due to certain internal problems of the company. According to the email, it was indicated the project shall be initiated on [DATE] and the deadline that was set by the mutual agreement of both companies was [DATE].
Hence the deadline is passed and there are no chances of the project commencement at any coming event. Your project manager has been contacted several times but we are not responded. The project was one of the most important ones as it belongs to the Urban Management of the [CITY] and it is partially agreed with the local government of the [STATE]. The project has been funded by the Urban Policy Management Site (UPMS) of the government of the [STATE].
With this commitment gap, we shall never be able to continue working together as project completion has to be one of the prime responsibilities of a company. A company should avoid signing major multiple projects if it gets overloaded for them. As we are working with the state government, we are afraid of getting charged for the project delay.
Therefore, we request you to notify us about the present development of the project and frame out another timeline for the project which would not be breached on any account. We have always enjoyed working with you but it is realized that the current project is otherwise.
Thank you.
[Company Name]

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Email Sample -2
Re. Delay in the Completion of the Project [NAME] and the Imperatives
Dear [NAME],
I hope you find this email in good health. I am [NAME], the [DESIGNATION] from the [COMPANY]. This email is about the unwanted delay in the completion of the project [NAME OF THE PROJECT]. Your company signed a project with us on [DATE] which was to be completed as soon as before [DATE]. Thereafter, we gave another date as a deadline on the requested email from the Team Leader [TL] of your company.
According to the TL of your company, the project was in progress and it needs ten more days to get completed and in the final suit. On the second deadline which was [DATE] i.e., yesterday, we were not reported on the project completion by any of your team members.
The project deals with educational supplies and we were to supply all the supplies before the vacation ended. As the vacation is already ended, we still are in the delay of the supply and delivery. We had signed contracts with different school suppliers. As we have failed to supply the products in time, we are being critically taken into hands by the suppliers and our clients. This delay has impacted our professional image badly.
Therefore, this email has been penned down to give out a green framework and inform us about the deadline of the project from which it would not be delayed any further.
If your company fails to meet the next deadline, we would be compelled to take legal actions against your team and the company. Please, respond to us as soon as possible to avoid any kind of unfavorable outcome. Thank you.
[Company Name]

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