A suspension letter is a letter that prohibits an employee from the continuation of his/her job due to unprofessional conduct that has been highlighted in a disciplinary investigation. The suspension letter aims to highlight the specific misconduct by the employee, the action being taken by the employers, and the rights and obligations of the employee according to the company’s policy.
A suspension letter has various types depending upon the type of misconduct and the type of action such as warning, suspension with or without pay, or suspension for the investigation period only.
The scenario when one misrepresents one’s qualification
It has been analyzed by experts and psychologists that misinterpretation of qualification is usually practiced by people who are desperate to get a job or have been unemployed for a long period.
The basic scenario of qualification misinterpretation is rooted in desperation and is very common in the public and private sectors. The usual misinterpretations include falsification of certifications, ambiguity in completion dates or grades, and also indicating completion of qualification when it is in progress at the time.
Another objective behind the motive of misinterpretation of qualifications can be linked to professional jealousy or incompetency when people try to gain an appointment advantage over their peers who have those qualifications. Another reason is to desperately land a dream job. Most importantly, this practice is done by fresh graduates lacking the appropriate experience demanded by the job.
What should be added to the suspension letter?
As mentioned earlier, there are various types of suspension letters, but all of them should include the basic details listed below:
- Employee name
- Company name
- Manager credentials supervising the case
- Date of letter
- Date of suspension
- Reason for suspension
- List of verbal and written warnings
- List of items to be handed in before leaving (with receipt).
- Details about the final accounts to be cleared.
A sample suspension letter concerned with the misinterpretation of qualification has been given on the page after.
Sample Letter
Employee Name
Job Title
Supervisor Name
Job Title
06 June, 20XX
Subject: Warning for Misinterpreting Qualification
This letter serves as a formal admonition for your unethical conduct with the [COMPANY NAME].
You were asked by your qualification at the time of hiring, in the registration procedure, and in your curriculum vitae as well. Unfortunately, after gathering references it has come to our notice that you misinterpreted that information, which is highly unacceptable.
A cross-examination was held on (date) to inquire about your qualification, specifically about (qualification name and institution), but you failed to provide authentic information and misinterpreted your qualification in that cross-examination as well.
The repeated violation of ethical behavior and professional communication along with misinterpretation of information has dug the final nail in the coffin. We highly discourage these practices and do not believe in hiring people based on misinterpreted facts as it hurts the company. Moreover, it will also lead to a show of killing of merit by the company.
It is stated that you have been dismissed from the company effective immediately. Your pending dues shall be cleared by the accounts and audit department. You shall not receive any reference letter from the company due to misconduct.
Yours sincerely,
[Supervisor name]
[Supervisor position]
I acknowledge that I have been allowed to review and sign the correspondence before being placed in my file.
_______________ __________ ________
Name of Employee Date Signature

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